
Wed, 02 Jan 2013 10:31:48 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Wed, 02 Jan 2013 10:31:48 +0100
changeset 2302
parent 1509
child 2525
child 2712
child 2713

Updated copyright for 2013.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2013 Detlev Offenbach <>

Module implementing the Subversion version control plugin.

import os

from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication

from E5Gui.E5Application import e5App

import Preferences
from Preferences.Shortcuts import readShortcuts

from VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.SvnUtilities import getConfigPath, getServersPath

import Utilities

# Start-Of-Header
name = "Subversion Plugin"
author = "Detlev Offenbach <>"
autoactivate = False
deactivateable = True
version = "5.1.0"
pluginType = "version_control"
pluginTypename = "Subversion"
className = "VcsSubversionPlugin"
packageName = "__core__"
shortDescription = "Implements the Subversion version control interface."
longDescription = """This plugin provides the Subversion version control interface."""
pyqtApi = 2
# End-Of-Header

error = ""

def exeDisplayData():
    Public method to support the display of some executable info.
    @return dictionary containing the data to query the presence of
        the executable
    exe = 'svn'
    if Utilities.isWindowsPlatform():
        exe += '.exe'
    data = {
        "programEntry": True,
        "header": QApplication.translate("VcsSubversionPlugin",
                                "Version Control - Subversion (svn)"),
        "exe": exe,
        "versionCommand": '--version',
        "versionStartsWith": 'svn',
        "versionPosition": 2,
        "version": "",
        "versionCleanup": None,
    return data

def getVcsSystemIndicator():
    Public function to get the indicators for this version control system.
    @return dictionary with indicator as key and a tuple with the vcs name (string)
        and vcs display string (string)
    global pluginTypename
    data = {}
    exe = 'svn'
    if Utilities.isWindowsPlatform():
        exe += '.exe'
    if Utilities.isinpath(exe):
        data[".svn"] = (pluginTypename, displayString())
        data["_svn"] = (pluginTypename, displayString())
    return data

def displayString():
    Public function to get the display string.
    @return display string (string)
    exe = 'svn'
    if Utilities.isWindowsPlatform():
        exe += '.exe'
    if Utilities.isinpath(exe):
        return QApplication.translate('VcsSubversionPlugin', 'Subversion (svn)')
        return ""

subversionCfgPluginObject = None

def createConfigurationPage(configDlg):
    Module function to create the configuration page.
    @return reference to the configuration page
    global subversionCfgPluginObject
    from VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.ConfigurationPage.SubversionPage import SubversionPage
    if subversionCfgPluginObject is None:
        subversionCfgPluginObject = VcsSubversionPlugin(None)
    page = SubversionPage(subversionCfgPluginObject)
    return page

def getConfigData():
    Module function returning data as required by the configuration dialog.
    @return dictionary with key "zzz_subversionPage" containing the relevant data
    return {
        "zzz_subversionPage": \
            [QApplication.translate("VcsSubversionPlugin", "Subversion"),
             os.path.join("VcsPlugins", "vcsSubversion", "icons",
             createConfigurationPage, "vcsPage", None],

def prepareUninstall():
    Module function to prepare for an uninstallation.
    if not e5App().getObject("PluginManager").isPluginLoaded("PluginVcsSubversion"):

class VcsSubversionPlugin(QObject):
    Class implementing the Subversion version control plugin.
    def __init__(self, ui):
        @param ui reference to the user interface object (UI.UserInterface)
        self.__ui = ui
        self.__subversionDefaults = {
            "StopLogOnCopy": True,
            "LogLimit": 100,
            "CommitMessages": 20,
        from VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.ProjectHelper import SvnProjectHelper
        self.__projectHelperObject = SvnProjectHelper(None, None)
            e5App().registerPluginObject(pluginTypename, self.__projectHelperObject,
        except KeyError:
            pass    # ignore duplicate registration
    def getProjectHelper(self):
        Public method to get a reference to the project helper object.
        @return reference to the project helper object
        return self.__projectHelperObject

    def activate(self):
        Public method to activate this plugin.
        @return tuple of reference to instantiated viewmanager and
            activation status (boolean)
        from VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.subversion import Subversion
        self.__object = Subversion(self, self.__ui)
        return self.__object, True
    def deactivate(self):
        Public method to deactivate this plugin.
        self.__object = None
    def getPreferences(self, key):
        Public method to retrieve the various settings.
        @param key the key of the value to get
        @return the requested setting
        if key in ["StopLogOnCopy"]:
            return Preferences.toBool(Preferences.Prefs.settings.value(
                "Subversion/" + key, self.__subversionDefaults[key]))
        elif key in ["LogLimit", "CommitMessages"]:
            return int(Preferences.Prefs.settings.value("Subversion/" + key,
        elif key in ["Commits"]:
            return Preferences.toList(Preferences.Prefs.settings.value(
                "Subversion/" + key))
            return Preferences.Prefs.settings.value("Subversion/" + key)
    def setPreferences(self, key, value):
        Public method to store the various settings.
        @param key the key of the setting to be set
        @param value the value to be set
        Preferences.Prefs.settings.setValue("Subversion/" + key, value)
    def getServersPath(self):
        Public method to get the filename of the servers file.
        @return filename of the servers file (string)
        return getServersPath()
    def getConfigPath(self):
        Public method to get the filename of the config file.
        @return filename of the config file (string)
        return getConfigPath()
    def prepareUninstall(self):
        Public method to prepare for an uninstallation.

eric ide
