
Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:48:43 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:48:43 +0100
changeset 7998
parent 7989

- added functionality to insert docstring templates via the context menu (cursor placed on first line of function definition) or after entering the docstring start string (e.g. """ for Python)

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<a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>

Module implementing a dialog to enter the data of a virtual environment.
<h3>Global Attributes</h3>



<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog">VirtualenvAddEditDialog</a></td>
<td>Class implementing a dialog to enter the data of a virtual environment.</td>

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<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog"></a>

    Class implementing a dialog to enter the data of a virtual environment.
<h3>Derived from</h3>
QDialog, Ui_VirtualenvAddEditDialog
<h3>Class Attributes</h3>

<h3>Class Methods</h3>



<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.__init__">VirtualenvAddEditDialog</a></td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.__updateOk">__updateOk</a></td>
<td>Private slot to update the state of the OK button.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.getData">getData</a></td>
<td>Public method to retrieve the entered data.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_anacondaCheckBox_clicked">on_anacondaCheckBox_clicked</a></td>
<td>Private slot handling a user click on this check box.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_globalCheckBox_toggled">on_globalCheckBox_toggled</a></td>
<td>Private slot handling a change of the global check box state.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_nameEdit_textChanged">on_nameEdit_textChanged</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle changes of the logical name.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_pythonExecPicker_textChanged">on_pythonExecPicker_textChanged</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle changes of the virtual environment interpreter.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_remoteCheckBox_toggled">on_remoteCheckBox_toggled</a></td>
<td>Private slot handling a change of the remote check box state.</td>
<td><a href="#VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_targetDirectoryPicker_textChanged">on_targetDirectoryPicker_textChanged</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle changes of the virtual environment directory.</td>
<h3>Static Methods</h3>


<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.__init__" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.__init__"></a>
<h4>VirtualenvAddEditDialog (Constructor)</h4>
<b>VirtualenvAddEditDialog</b>(<i>manager, venvName="", venvDirectory="", venvInterpreter="", isGlobal=False, isConda=False, isRemote=False, execPath="", baseDir="", parent=None</i>)


<dt><i>manager</i> (VirtualenvManager)</dt>
reference to the virtual environment manager
<dt><i>venvName</i> (str)</dt>
logical name of a virtual environment for editing
<dt><i>venvDirectory</i> (str)</dt>
directory of the virtual environment
<dt><i>venvInterpreter</i> (str)</dt>
Python interpreter of the virtual environment
<dt><i>isGlobal</i> (bool)</dt>
flag indicating a global environment
<dt><i>isConda</i> (bool)</dt>
flag indicating an Anaconda virtual environment
<dt><i>isRemote</i> (bool)</dt>
flag indicating a remotely accessed environment
<dt><i>execPath</i> (str)</dt>
search path string to be prepended to the PATH
            environment variable
<dt><i>baseDir</i> (str)</dt>
base directory for the virtual environments
<dt><i>parent</i> (QWidget)</dt>
reference to the parent widget
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.__updateOk" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.__updateOk"></a>

        Private slot to update the state of the OK button.
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.getData" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.getData"></a>

        Public method to retrieve the entered data.
tuple containing the logical name, the directory, the
            interpreter of the virtual environment, a flag indicating a
            global environment, a flag indicating an Anaconda environment,
            a flag indicating a remotely accessed environment and a string
            to be prepended to the PATH environment variable
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
tuple of (str, str, str, bool, bool, bool, str)
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_anacondaCheckBox_clicked" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_anacondaCheckBox_clicked"></a>

        Private slot handling a user click on this check box.

<dt><i>checked</i> (bool)</dt>
state of the check box
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_globalCheckBox_toggled" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_globalCheckBox_toggled"></a>

        Private slot handling a change of the global check box state.

<dt><i>checked</i> (bool)</dt>
state of the check box
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_nameEdit_textChanged" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_nameEdit_textChanged"></a>

        Private slot to handle changes of the logical name.

<dt><i>txt</i> (str)</dt>
current logical name
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_pythonExecPicker_textChanged" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_pythonExecPicker_textChanged"></a>

        Private slot to handle changes of the virtual environment interpreter.

<dt><i>txt</i> (str)</dt>
virtual environment interpreter
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_remoteCheckBox_toggled" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_remoteCheckBox_toggled"></a>

        Private slot handling a change of the remote check box state.

<dt><i>checked</i> (bool)</dt>
state of the check box
<a NAME="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_targetDirectoryPicker_textChanged" ID="VirtualenvAddEditDialog.on_targetDirectoryPicker_textChanged"></a>

        Private slot to handle changes of the virtual environment directory.

<dt><i>txt</i> (str)</dt>
virtual environment directory
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