
Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:50:24 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:50:24 +0100
changeset 7950
parent 7936
child 7969

Updated the change log to reflect exporter additions done by Tobias.

Change Log
Version 21.2:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added support for PyQt6
  -- added support for PySide6
- Debugger
  -- added support for debugging multiprocess scripts using these methods
     --- QProcess.start(), QProcess.startDetached()
     --- subprocess.Popen()
     --- multiprocessing.Process()
     --- os.spawnl...(), os.spawnv...(), os.posix_spawn...(), os.fork(),
     --- _winapi.CreateProcess(), _subprocess.CreateProcess()
  -- added support for debugging code strings (-c, --code) or script modules
     (-m, --module)
  -- added support for the "Continue Until" action execution code until the
     current cursor line (if it is greater than the current line) or until
     returning from the current frame
- Editor
  -- added code to enclose the current selection by entering " or ' characters
  -- extended the exporters to support sub-styles
- User Interface
  -- added capability to show Qt6 documentation (configurable)
- VirtualEnv Manager
  -- improved the handling of virtual environments slightly
- Web-Browser
  -- added an error page for not supported eric: URLs

Version 21.1:
- bug fixes

Version 20.12.1:
- bug fixes

Version 20.12:
- bug fixes

Version 20.11:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- added support for TOML files
- Main Window
  -- added a dialog showing information about the installation process
     (see Help menu)
- Mini Editor
  -- added a status bar languages menu
  -- added a status bar zoom slider
  -- added zoom actions menu and toolbar
- Syntax Checker
  -- added a syntax checker for TOML files
- Web Browser
  -- added a SSL information page to the site info dialog
  -- added a clickable SSL info label to the URL entry
- Various
  -- changed code to not use deprecated 'QRegExp' anymore

Version 20.10:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- added an outline widget showing the structure of the editor source code
     and allowing to navigate in the code
- Python Disassembly Viewer
  -- added a tool to visualize the Python byte code generated from a Python
     source file
  -- added a viewer to visualize the Python byte code generated from a Python
     traceback of an exception as an additional tab of the debug viewer
  -- added capability to show information about a code object
- Third Party packages
  -- updated Pygments to 2.7.0
  -- updated to 5.3.0
  -- removed the no longer needed 'enum' package
- Various
  -- changed the code to not rely on the Qt Resource system anymore
     (no .qrc files and no use of pyrcc5 anymore)

Version 20.9:
- bug fixes
- File Browser
  -- changed it to react upon changed files if their contents is shown
- Tasks
  -- added separate task categories for 'Test' and 'Documentation' tasks
- Mercurial Interface
  -- removed the interface for the deprecated 'fetch' extension
- VCS Interfaces
  -- added a configuration option to disable the VCS toolbars
Version 20.8:
- bug fixes

Version 20.7:
- bug fixes
- General
  - removed support for Python2
  - removed support for Qt4 (PyQt4 and pyside)
- pip Interface
  -- added menu action for pip cache management
- Code Style Checker
  -- changed the dialog to allow the selection of checker categories
  -- added several security related checks (ported from bandit)
  -- extended the dialog to show a list of files still to be checked
  -- updated pycodestyle to version 2.6.0
- Syntax Checker
  -- updated pyflakes to version 2.2.0
- Third Party packages:
  -- updated asttoken to version 2.0.4

Version 20.6:
- bug fixes
- Web Browser:
  -- added a configurable URL entry color to indicate sites with certificate
  -- added code to ask for the title of a new bookmark folder

Version 20.5:
- bug fixes
- MicroPython
  -- added support for Calliope mini
- Third Party packages
  -- updated Pygments to 2.6.1

Version 20.4:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- included a new icon set based on the Breeze icons of KDE

Version 20.3:
- bug fixes
- Debugger
  -- added debugging support for QRunable
- Mercurial Interface
  -- added support for the '--secure' flag of "hg import" as of Mercurial 5.3
- Syntax Checker
  -- updated pyflakes to repository as of 2020-02-03
- Third Party packages
  -- updated to 5.0.3

Version 20.2:
- bug fixes

Version 20.1:
- bug fixes
- MicroPython
  -- added entries to the ESP menu to show the Chip ID, Flash ID and
     MAC Address
  -- added entries to the ESP menu to backup and restore a firmware
- Web Browser
  -- added support for viewing PDF documents inside the web browser
     (requires PyQt/Qt 5.13 or better)

Version 19.12:
- bug fixes
- MicroPython
  -- added a menu entry to show the local and device time side-by-side
  -- added a PyBoard menu entry to flash a new firmware
  -- added a menu entry to open the firmware download page of a device
- Syntax Checker
  -- added a syntax checker for JSON files
  -- added a syntax checker for YAML files
- install script
  -- added the "--yes" flag to allow installation of all missing prerequisites
     with pip without asking

Version 19.11:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- extended the spell checking functionality for all text files
  -- added a context menu to select spell check language
  -- made the preview refresh timeout configurable
     (see Editor -> File Handling config page)
- Error Message Dialog
  -- added a configurable minimum severity for messages being shown in a dialog
     (see Application config page)
- MicroPython
  -- added support for PyBoard
- Previewers
  -- enhanced the Markdown previewer by using the PyMdown extensions, if
     they are available and have been enabled
  -- enhanced the Markdown previewer to support MathJax, if it has been
  -- enhanced the Markdown previewer to support Mermaid via the md_mermaid
     extension, if it is available and has been enabled

Version 19.10:
- bug fixes
- removed runtime support for Python2 and PyQt4
- changed minimum Qt/PyQt version required to 5.9.0
- Code Style Checker
  -- added more comprehension checks
  -- added checks for insecure use of sys.version and sys.version_info
  -- added a checker class for type annotations
- Editor
  -- added configuration option to set the tab and indentation width for each
     languages separately (as an override to the global ones)
  -- added a typing aid for YAML
- QFileDialog Wizard:
  -- added support for the QFileDialog.get...Url() methods
  -- added support for E5FileDialog
- Third Party packages
  -- updated to 4.5.4

Version 19.9:
- bug fixes
- MicroPython
  -- added widgets to support development for embedded micro controllers with
     MicroPython (ESP8266/ESP32, CircuitPython and BBC micro:bit)
- Main Window
  -- added an action to the Windows menu to activate the current editor
- Mercurial Interface
  -- added an action to commit a merge
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added support for the QWebEnginePage.Notifications as Qt 5.13.0
- API Files
  -- added API files for MicroPython, CircuitPython and BBC micro:bit
     MicroPython and updated the PyQt5 API files
- API Generator
  -- added the -i switch to ignore the existence of builtin modules when
     creating API files

Version 19.8:
- bug fixes
- Third Party packages
  -- upgraded pyflakes to version 2.1.1 plus repository changes to fix some
     issues (until 2019-07-09)

Version 19.7:
- bug fixes
- Code Style Checker
  -- added check for commented code that should be removed
  -- added check for line continuation methods not suggested by PEP-8
  -- added checks for naive uses of datetime classes

Version 19.6:
- bug fixes
- Code Style Checker
  -- added checks for use of 'gettattr' and 'setattr', bas super() calls and
     'assert False' statements
- Editor
  -- Python Typing
     --- added support for 'from ... import (...)'
     --- changed the indentation when the previous line ends with
         '(', '[' or '{'
  -- Ruby Typing
     --- changed the indentation when the previous line ends with
         '(', '[' or '{'
- Mercurial Interface
  -- extended the log browser to start with showing all incoming and the
     first batch of local changesets
  -- show different icons for incoming, outgoing and normal changesets
  -- added capability to search and filter based on the changeset phase
  -- added support for the 'closehead' extension (as of Mercurial 4.8)
  -- added support for the '--keep' flag of the shelve command (as of
     Mercurial 5.0)
- Shell
  -- added capability to place the Shell window in the left or right side
- Wizard
  -- updated the Trove classifiers list
  -- added capability to retrieve the Trove classifiers list from PyPI
- Variables Viewer
  -- reimplemented Variables Viewer using QTreeView with unlimited access to
     big arrays, dicts, etc. because elements are lazy loaded
  -- highlighting of still unloaded (default: yellow background) and last
     changed variable(s) (default: green background)
  -- colors for highlighting are configurable through Debugger->General
  -- expand / collapse variables with children on double click on first column,
     in all other cases display detail window
  -- handling of dict views improved (can be expanded like lists)
  -- show tooltips on all elements which don't fit into current column width
  -- new options in the context menu, e.g. expand / collapse all child nodes
- Third Party packages
  -- updated EditorConfig to 0.12.2

Version 19.5:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added functionality to provide eric6 via PyPI. Installation can be
     accomplished via 'pip install eric-ide'
- Python AST Viewer
  -- added a tool to visualize the AST for a Python source file
- Snapshot Tool
  -- added code to support screenshots on Wayland desktops (KDE and Gnome)

Version 19.04:
- bug fixes
- Code Style Checker
  -- added a checker for advised forms of the return statement
- Editor
  -- added extended regular expression support (C++11) as of QScintilla 2.11.0
  -- added capability to configure the subline indentation for wrapped lines
  -- added capability to frame the line containing the cursor instead of
     coloring it
  -- added support for the "reverse selected lines" command (Meta+Alt+R)
  -- added support for sub-styling (user definable words and their style)
     (see Editor->Highlighters->Styles configuration page)
     (only C++ and Python2/3 lexers support this feature)
  -- extended the support for keyword sets (see Editor->Highlighters->Keywords
     configuration page)
- Email
  -- changed the Google Mail interface to not use obsoleted packages anymore
- Multi Project
  -- added capability to the multi project browser to copy a project
- Unit Test
  -- added the capability to select the virtual environment for the unittest
  -- removed the 'local' selection because it is obsolete
  -- added capability to auto-discover tests
  -- added capability to show auto-discovered tests and select from this list
  -- added capability to stop the test on the first error or failure
  -- added capability to run test with debugger support
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added these search engines to the default list:
     --- MetaGer
     --- StartPage (German)
  -- added support to go one page back by pressing the backspace key

Version 19.03:
- bug fixes
- Conda Interface
  -- added an interface to the conda environment and package management
     (part of the Anaconda Python distribution)
- Editor
  -- suppress auto-completions in various circumstances
- pip Interface
  -- changed the interface from being menu based to a widget in the right
     side toolbox
- VirtualEnv Manager
  -- extended the environment definition by a flag indicating a remotely
     accessed environment
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added a site info widget that is show when the site icon in the URL entry
     is clicked
  -- added code to register custom protocol handlers (upon request of the user
     via the site info widget)
- Third Party packages
  -- updated pycodestyle to 2.5.0
     --- added option to set the documentation line length
  -- upgraded pyflakes to 2.1.0

Version 19.02.1:
- bug fixes
- fixes for some incompatibilities with PyQt 5.12 and QScintilla 2.11.0

Version 19.02:
- bug fixes
- Debugger
  -- show / stop at correct line number if an exception happens in a with
     statement or specific try-except clauses where no breakpoints are set
- Editor
  -- added capability to suppress some markers in the marker map
- Multi Project
  -- added capability to the multi project browser to delete a project
     from disk
- Web Browser (NG):
  -- added support to select a client SSL certificate (as of Qt 5.12)
- Third Party packages
  -- updated to 4.5.2
  -- updated jasy to 1.5-beta6 (latest release available)
  -- updated Pygments to 2.3.1

Version 19.01:
- bug fixes
- pip Interface
  -- added an entry to select the virtual environment of the current project
     if it has one defined
- Project Resources Browser
  -- added support for some resource compiler options
- Web Browser (old):
  -- added single application mode
  -- change logic inside eric to use a remote controlled web browser to show
     help texts
- Web Browser (NG):
  -- added single application mode
  -- change logic inside eric to use a remote controlled web browser to show
     help texts

Version 18.12:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- changed the 'Regexp' search option to use QScintilla's POSIX mode, where
     ( and ) are used for tagging (instead of \( and \))
- LogViewer
  -- added the capability to search for a regular expression (Qt >= 5.3.0
     is required for this)
- Project Forms Browser
  -- added support for the --resource-suffix= and --import-from= options of
     pyuic (the PyQt forms compiler)
- Shell, ShellWindow
  -- added the capability to search for a regular expression with QScintilla's
     POSIX mode
  -- changed the start menu to give a list of defined environments
  -- added capability to start the shell for the environment defined by the
     open project
- Translator
  -- added a button to open the Translator configuration page
- VirtualEnv Manager
  -- extended the environment definition by a flag indicating an Anaconda
     environment and a string to be prepended to the PATH environment variable

Version 18.11:
- bug fixes
  -- added support for some of the "/" commands to the user list context menu
- Translator
  -- changed DeepL support to DeepL Pro
  -- added capability to show some VCS info in the status bar of the main
     window (next to the VCS status LED)

Version 18.10:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- changed the extension of the generated script files for Windows from
     '.bat' to '.cmd'
- Debugger
  -- added code to use the default virtual environment, if none has been
     configured yet
  -- added support for the /query, /notice, /ping, /ignore, /unignore, /away,
     /join, /part and /partall commands
- Tasks
  -- added code to mark a line as not containing a task with '__NO-TASK__'

Version 18.09:
- bug fixes
- Mercurial Interface
  -- added support for Mercurial 4.7 extended commands 'graft', 'rebase' and

Version 18.08:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- made the activation of these internal tools configurable
     * Template-Viewer
     * File-Browser
     * Symbols
     * Code Documentation Viewer
     * Cooperation
     * IRC
     * Numbers
- File-Browser
  -- changed code so file-browser is always a standalone window
- Project Interfaces Browser
  -- added actions to configure some IDL compiler options (-I, -D, -U)
- Shell
  -- changed code so shell is always a standalone window
- Translator
  -- added a translation engine for the IBM Watson Language Translator
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added default search engine definitions for
     * Qwant
     * StartPage

Version 18.07:
- bug fixes
- Checkers
  -- upgraded pyflakes to version 2.0.0
- Debugger
  -- added support of breakpoint() builtin of Python 3.7
  -- added code to try to open the source file if an exception occurred in
     a cython .pyd file
- Git Interface
  -- added capability to change the URL and/or user credentials for a
     remote repository
- pip Interface
  -- added support for the '--user' option of install and list commands
  -- changed to use the new VirtualEnv Manager
- Unit Test
  -- extended the standalone unit test tool to be able to open source in an
     editor window
- VirtualEnv Manager
  -- added a manager for virtual environments
  -- changed a few places to use the newly introduced virtual environments
     (Note: a new session file format and debug properties file format
      has been introduced)

**Upgrade note**: It may be neccessary to configure the Python environments,
the environments to be used for the debugger. Once that is done, the eric6
IDE should be restarted.

Version 18.06:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- added a configuration option (Editor->Style page) to show the marker map
     on the left or right of the editor
  -- added a context menu for the "fold" margin
  -- improved handling of folded lines when using "go to" functions
  -- resize auto complete list box to fit with contents
    -- added a configuration option (Editor->autocomplete to set up maximum
       width and height of the auto complete list box
- Shell
  -- resize auto complete list box to fit with contents
- pip Interface
  -- added an action to install a locally available package/wheel
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- improved the sending of the "Referer" header like it is done by Firefox

Version 18.05:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added the '--disable-plugin=' option to disable plug-ins via the command
- Code Style Checker
  -- added support for '# noqa' and '# NOQA' comments to suppress warnings
  -- extended the dialog to be able to define the number of blank lines
     before class and function/method definitions
- Project
  -- added support for 'make' to the Project menu and run it automatically
     before the main script is started (configuration option)
- Syntax Checker
  -- added support for '# noqa' and '# NOQA' comments to suppress warnings
- Translator
  -- updated the translator URL for DeepL
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- improvement of the download manager
  -- added support for the Google Safe Browsing Lookup API (v4)
- Third Party packages
  -- updated to 4.5.1
  -- updated pycodestyle to 2.4.0
  -- updated send2trash to version 1.5.0

Version 18.04:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added config option to disable the use of the global menu bar on Linux
- Code Style Checker
  -- added checks for default docstring in functions and modules
  -- added check for dictionaries with sorted keys
  -- added checks for logging statements
  -- added check for the 'gettext' import statement
  -- added some checks of the bugbear checker

Version 18.03:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- added support for EditorConfig
  -- added VCS conflict markers to the types shown on the marker map

Version 18.02:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- extended the session to store/retrieve the split views and the order of
     the editors (**Note**: The new session file format is not backward
     compatible and cannot be read by eric releases prior to 18.02)
  -- added basic support for Cython
- Editor
  -- added a context menu entry to "Execute Selection In Console"
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added support for HTML5 "Desktop Video Capture" and "Desktop Audio and
     Video Capture" as of Qt 5.10.0/PyQt 5.10.0
  -- added the capability to pause/resume download (Qt 5.10.0/PyQt 5.10.0)
  -- added support for attributes introduced by Qt 5.9 and Qt 5.10

Version 18.01:
- bug fixes
- Debugger / Breakpoint Viewer
  -- added the capability to remember the most recently used file names and
- Editor
  -- added an action to the view menu to clear all folds of the current editor
  -- added an entry to delete all change markers to the marker margin context
- Project
  -- If a project does not contain protobuf files, the old project file format
     (5.1) is generated to make the file backward compatible.
- Plug-ins
  -- added the pip interface plug-in to the core plug-ins
  -- added the virtualenv/pyvenv interface plug-in to the core plug-ins
  -- added the wizard plug-in to the core plug-ins
  -- added the eric plug-in wizard plug-in to the core plug-ins
  -- added the .desktop wizard plug-in to the core plug-ins
  -- added the translator plug-in to the core plug-ins
  -- added the git plug-in to the core plug-ins

**Note**: These plug-ins should be deinstalled via the plug-in uninstallation
dialog of eric before upgrading eric. A reconfiguration of these plug-ins may
be neccessary.
  - PluginToolPip
  - PluginWizardVirtualenv

Version 17.12:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added support for Google protobuf protocol files
- Code Documentation Viewer
  -- added possibility to show the type of the object info is shown for
  -- modified the top row and the search part in order to allow smaller sizes
- Debugger / Variables Viewer
  -- introduced a configuration option to limit the variables shown by the
     variables viewers depending on their size (in order to avoid overload
     situations on low power or low memory machines)
- Styles
  -- added a dark style (*.qss and Python lexers) provided by Giuseppe Corbelli
- Third Party packages
  -- updated send2trash to version 1.4.2

**NOTE**: This release introduces a new project file format that will be
rejected by previous releases. The new format is needed for the Google protobuf

Version 17.11:
- bug fixes
- Debugger
  -- added capability to enter an interpreter in the Start... dialog
- Editor
  -- added support for auto-completion lists being provided asynchronously
  -- added a viewer for source code documentation extracted by providers to
     be implemented by plug-ins (like rope and jedi)
- Web Browser (old style)
  -- changed logic in order to put new downloads at the top of the list of
     downloads and added the download date and time to the shown info
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- changed logic in order to put new downloads at the top of the list of
     downloads and added the download date and time to the shown info

Version 17.10:
- bug fixes
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added a downloader and installer/uninstaller dialog for spell check

Version 17.09:
- bug fixes
- Debugger
  -- unified the Python2 and Python3 debugger interfaces
- Exporter
  -- extended the HTML exporter to convert Markdown and ReST files to HTML
- Plugin Manager
  -- added a bar with counts for new/local updates/remote updates to the
     plug-in repository dialog
- Previewers
  -- added capability to configure the output format for the markdown and
     docutils (ReST) previewers
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added support for Google Safe Browsing
- Third Party packages
  -- updated jasy to 1.5-beta5 (latest release available)

Version 17.08:
- bug fixes
- Shell
  -- added support for different history navigation styles (disabled, Linux,
  -- improved shell history dialog
- Templates
  -- added some new predefined template variables (time, path_name_rel,
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added support for sessions

Version 17.07:
- bug fixes
- Background Services
  -- added functionality to limit the number of processes used for background
- Bug Reporting / Feature Request (Email)
  -- added the capability to send these emails via Google Mail using OAuth2
- Configuration
  -- made the colors of the diff dialogs configurable
- Third Party packages
  -- updated chardet to 3.0.4

Version 17.06:
- bug fixes
- Checkers
  -- extended the source documentation checker to check for raised/documented
     exceptions and defined/documented signals
- Editor
  -- reintroduced the highlighting of current instruction line and the error
     line using colored background. It is configurable whether to use these
     backgrounds or the arrows.
  -- added capability to perform the various replace methods via keyboard
- Plugin Manager
  -- added an option to cleanup the plug-ins download area during startup
- Qt Tools
  -- added code to auto-discover the presence of the new 'pyqt5-tools' wheel
     (Windows only) (thanks to Kyle Altendorf for providing this wheel)
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- united the stop and reload buttons of the navigation bar
  -- added a super menu to modernize the look & feel
  -- added Ctrl-Click and middle click actions to the navigation buttons
     to perform the action in a new tab

Version 17.05:
- bug fixes
- Editor
  -- changed the indication of the current instruction line and the error line
     to use a green or red arrow instead of a colored background
- PyQt Tools
  -- added a configuration option for the path of the PyQt tools
- Shell
  -- added a standalone shell window
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- added the last visited time and date to the bookmark properties dialog
  -- added a visit count to the history entries (shown in the history dialog)
  -- made full screen mode really full screen
- Third Party packages
  -- updated Pygments to 2.2.0
  -- updated chardet to 3.0.2

Version 17.04.1:
- bug fixes

Version 17.04:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- increased minimum required Python versions to prevent usage
     with very old versions (i.e. eric was never tested with)
     min. versions: Python 2 - 2.7.10; Python 3 - 3.4.0
- Checkers
  -- added checks for shadowed Python builtins and unneccessary comprehensions
     and generators to the code style checker
  -- added a checker to check for lines of code of too high complexity
  -- added capability to place line flags (e.g. __IGNORE...) on the line
     following the one to be ignored
- Debugger
  -- shell autocompleter takes the right global variables into account now
  -- move the instruction pointer within the current function (Hotkey: F12)
  -- report syntax and indentation errors raised by an application or module
     in the correct manner
  -- avoid crashes on using greenlets
- Mercurial Interface
  -- extended the user configuration dialog
  -- added support for the 'zstd' compression for bundles (as of 4.1.0)

Version 17.03.1:
- bug fixes

Version 17.03:
- bug fixes
- Checkers
  -- upgraded pycodestyle to version 2.3.1
  -- upgraded pyflakes to version 1.5.0
- Debugger
  -- prevent stepping into print statements if checkbox for debugging into
     interpreter libraries is checked
  -- catch unhandled exceptions again
  -- support for PySide2 added
  -- atexit handling works as specified in any condition
  -- prevent ordinary breakpoints to steal the focus from an exception
- Mercurial Interface
  -- improved the log browser in several ways
  -- improved the status dialog
- Project
  -- added capability to remember previously used entries in the project
     debugger properties dialog
- Web Browser (NG)
  - added support for new options provided by Qt 5.8.0
  - added support for spell checking as of Qt 5.8.0

Version 17.02.1:
- bug fixes

Version 17.02:
- bug fixes
- Checkers
  -- upgraded pycodestyle to version 2.2.0+
- Debugger
  -- changed the variables filter dialog to be more user friendly
- Editor
  -- added a bar with formatting options for HTML, Markdown and reStructured
     Text files
  -- added support for the new QScintilla JSON lexer
  -- added support for the new QScintilla Markdown lexer
- Email
  -- added capability to use the SSL encryption method (next to StartTLS) in
     the built in Email dialog
- Mercurial Interface
  -- added clickable links to the log browser details pane
  -- added up and down buttons to move the current entry to the log browser
  -- added the capability to configure the length of the log message shown
     in the message column of the log browser list
- Subversion interface
  -- added up and down buttons to move the current entry to the log browser
- Web Browser
  -- added functionality to manage the plug-in provided documentation sets

Version 17.01:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added capability to save a global session to disk and restore it
  -- added capability to save a crash session in order to restore the
     current state in case of a crash
  -- added option to configure the crash session startup behavior and
     added the '--no-crash' option to suppress looking for a crash session
  -- added the '--disable-crash' option to temporarily disable the crash
     session support through the command line
  -- changed some options: --noopen to --no-open, --nosplash to --no-splash
- Debugger
  -- added capability to edit the history lists of the start dialogs of the
- Editor
  -- added support for project type specific auto-completion and calltips
     including the respective configuration (Editor->APIs page)

Version 16.12:
- bug fixes
- Mercurial Interface
  -- added context menu actions to the tags/branches list dialog
  -- added bookmark actions to the Log Browser tools menu
  -- added context menu actions to the bookmark list dialog
  -- added possibility to enter a commit author and commit date/time
  -- added capability to enforce a tagging operation
- Third Party packages
  -- updated chardet to 2.3.0

Version 16.11.1:
- fixed a PyQt5 compatibility issue on Windows platforms

Version 16.11:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added a status bar icon to show the online status to the main window
  -- added an action to clear the private data of the IDE
- Checkers
  -- added capaibility to ignore warnings by code (use
     __IGNORE_WARNING_<code>__, e.g. __IGNORE_WARNING_M613__)
- Debugger
  -- added a debugger interface registry to allow debuggers being
     implemented as plug-ins
  -- Python Debuggers:
     --- changed the protocol to a JSONRPC style protocol to be more robust
     --- massive speed gain of the debug client (Tobias Rzepka)
     --- unified the debugger clients for Python 2 and 3 (Tobias Rzepka)
     --- unified the standard and threaded debugger clients (Tobias Rzepka)
     --- added debug support for QThread threads (Tobias Rzepka)
  -- Ruby Debugger:
     --- removed the Ruby debugger (the interface doesn't work with recent
         Ruby versions anymore)
  -- Call Trace Viewer
     --- added capability to stop recording upon exit of the client script
  -- Variables Viewer
     --- added capability to refresh the view via the context menu
- Hex Editor
  -- added a nice little hex editor tool (usable as a standalone tool
     as well)
- Icon Editor
  -- added capability to close all other icon editor windows
- Project
  -- added a dialog to quickly search for files in the list of project files
     (thanks to Mike C. Fletcher for contributing the majority of this)
  -- added an option to rescan the project for tasks upon open
- Project Browser
  -- added capability to search the file tree via the keyboard (directories and
     files only)
- Tools
  -- Tray Starter
     --- added an entry to show the version information
- Version Control System Interfaces
  -- Mercurial
     --- added support for pulling and pushing the current bookmark
     --- added support for the strip extension
     --- added support for the histedit extension
     --- added support for the strip and fetch extensions to the log browser
     --- added an action to the administration menu to clean out the backup
- Web Browser
  -- added capability to remember the zoom values for each site (incl. a
     dialog to manage these)
  -- added a status bar icon to show the online status
- Web Browser (NG)
  -- ported the web browser to QtWebEngine as of Qt 5.6.0 because starting
     with this version QtWebKit is no longer (officially) supported
- Third Party packages
  -- updated Pygments to 2.1.3
  -- updated pep8 to 2.1.0dev0 and renamed it to pycodestyle
  -- updated to 4.1.0
  -- updated pyflakes to 1.2.3+

Version 6.1.0:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added a configuration page to edit the list of mime types to
     be opened in an eric editor
  -- added the '--settings=' command line switch to store the
     settings files in a non-standard directory
- Checkers
  -- added a batch mode to the code style checker to make use of
     multiple CPUs/CPU-Cores
  -- added a batch mode to the syntax checker to make use of
     multiple CPUs/CPU-Cores
  -- added a batch mode to the indentation checker to make use of
     multiple CPUs/CPU-Cores
  -- added a code complexity checker iaw. McCabe to the code style
  -- added miscellaneous checks to the code style checker (coding
     comment, copyright, blind except, print statements, one element
     tuples, __future__ imports, old style string formats, string
     format strings)
- Debugger
  -- added signal handlers for the Python debug clients
- Editor
  -- added capability to configure the indentation guides colors
  -- added capability to ask multiple completion list and call-tip
  -- added support for mouse click handlers to be provided by plug-ins
  -- added the search markers to the marker map
  -- added capability to save a copy of the editor contents
  -- Lexers
     --- added support for the new C++ lexer properties (as of
         QScintilla V. 2.9.0)
- File Browser
  -- added capability to show imports of a Python script
- Log Viewer
  -- added a message filter including a configuration page
- Mini Editor
  -- added capability to save a copy of the editor contents
- Preferences Dialog
  -- changed the 'filter' function to a 'search' function disabling
     all entries, that don't contain the entered string
  -- changed the handling of the configuration page list entries
     to be collapsed on first show and remember the expanded ones
     while eric is running (but not between invocations)
- Previewers
  -- added capability to use 'Sphinx' to preview ReST files
- Project
  -- added functionality to reorganize the files automatically,
     when the project type or file type associations are changed
- Project Browser
  -- added capability to show imports of a Python script
- Source Code Documentor
  -- added tags to describe the type of parameters (@type, @ptype)
     and return values (@rtype)
- Task Viewer
  -- added capability to add sub-tasks (i.e. a task hierarchy) for
     manually generated tasks
- Tools
  -- Diff Dialog
     --- added capability to search in the output
- Version Control System Interfaces
  -- All
     --- added capability to search in the output of Diff dialogs
  -- Mercurial
     --- enhanced the log browser functionality by a search mode
     --- enhanced the log browser functionality by pull and push actions
     --- enhanced the status dialog functionality by a diff view
- Web Browser
  -- added support for HTML5 feature permissions
  -- improved parsing of the content disposition header analog to
     the way it is done in qutebrowser
  -- modified and extended the VirusTotal interface for the v2 API
  -- added our own web inspector window to overcome a Qt weekness
  -- added a manager for Flash Cookies
- Third Party packages
  -- updated coverage to 4.0
  -- updated Pygments to 2.0.2

Version 6.0.0:
- bug fixes
- Debugger
  -- added capability to show exceptions in the shell window

Version 6.0.0-RC1:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- added Portugese translations provided by Candido Fontes
  -- extended the code base to be usable with PyQt4 as well
- Multi Project
  -- changed multi project file format to contain relative paths to
     the contained project files
- Project Forms Browser
  -- added functionality to modify some form code creation options (see
     Qt configuration page)
- Web Browser
  -- added DuckDuckGo to the list of default search engines

Version 6.0-snapshot-20140720:
- bug fixes
- General
  -- ported from eric5 to be used with PyQt5
  -- changed the eric mascot to be a Python (i.e. the snake). New icons
     and pixmaps provided by Thimo Kraemer.
  -- changed the code to be executed with Python 2 as well (thanks to
     Tobias Rzepka)
  -- implemented a background service which execute Python2 and Python3 scripts
     in the background independent of the current interpreter
- Checkers
  -- updated pep8 to 1.5.6
  -- updated pyflakes to version 0.8.1 (Python 3.4.0 compatible)
  -- added syntax checker for JavaScript files
  -- added capability to check multiple files from the project sources browser
- Debugger
  -- updated coverage to 3.7.1
  -- enabled coverage info in Python2 projects
- Editor
  -- added a scrolling map like display showing all markers
  -- added a context menu entry to reload a file with a given encoding
  -- added a lexer for Qt style sheet files (when upgrading from older
     eric versions a change of the lexer association for *.qss files needs
     to be done via the configuration dialog)
  -- added support for the QScintilla Gettext lexer (QsciLexerPO) as of
     QScintilla 2.8.2
  -- added support for the QScintilla CoffeeScript lexer
     (QsciLexerCoffeeScript) as of QScintilla 2.8.3
- Multi Project
  -- added support for the categorisation of projects and changed the
     multi project file format
- Plugin Manager
  -- extended the plugin repository dialog to allow to hide unwanted entries
     and cleanup the plugin downloads area
  -- implemented the Python2 compatibility check for plug-ins (new boolean flag
- Project
  -- added support for JavaScript projects
  -- added code to move deleted files/directories to the recycle bin falling
     back to removing them (os.remove), if send2trash cannot be imported due
     to missing dependencies
- Version Control System Interfaces
  -- All
     --- made the status LED (right lower corner) clickable (depending on
         overall VCS status it will show the log browser or the status dialog)
  -- Mercurial
     --- enhanced the tag dialog and extended the log browser to allow
         tagging of a specific revision
     --- added dialogs to enter the contents for initial .hgrc/mercurial.ini
         and .hg/hgrc files
     --- added a configuration option to enforce the usage of the internal
         merge tool
     --- made availablity of push/pull related actions dependent on configured
         remote repository (default/default-push in .hg/hgrc)
     --- extended the log browser by an action to switch to the selected
     --- added support for the shelve extension (as of Mercurial 2.8)
     --- added support for the largefiles extension (as of Mercurial 2.0)
     --- added support for Mercurial queues summary
     --- added support for various 'resolve' subcommands
- Third Party packages
  -- updated CharDet to 2.2.1

eric ide
