
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 09:06:38 +0200

Detlev Offenbach <>
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 09:06:38 +0200
changeset 606
parent 59

Migrated user project properties handler to user project properties reader/writer.

README for the eric5-doc documentation generator

    eric5-doc is the documentation generator of the eric5 IDE. Python source
    code documentation may be included as ordinary Python doc-strings or as 
    documentation comments. For Quixote Template files (PTL) only documentation 
    comments are available due to the inner workings of Quixote. Documentation 
    comments start with the string ###, followed by the contents and ended by 
    ###. Every line of the documentation comments contents must start with a # 
    (see example below).
    For Ruby files, the documentation string must be started with "=begin edoc"
    and must be ended with "=end". The documentation string for classes, modules
    and functions/methods must follow their defininition.
    Documentation for packages (i.e. directories) must be in a file called or __init__.rb. If a package directory doesn't contain a file
    like these, documentation for files in this directory is suppressed.
    The documentation consist of two parts. The first part is the description of 
    the module, class, function or method. The second part, separated from the 
    first by a blank line, consists of one or more tags. These are described below.
    eric5-doc produces HTML files from the documentation found within the source 
    files scaned. It understands the following commandline parameters next to others.
    -o directory
      Generate files in the named directory.
    -R, -r
      Perform a recursive search for Python files.
    -x directory
      Specify a directory basename to be excluded. This option may be repeated
      multiple times.
      Don't generate index files.
    Just type "eric5-doc" to get some usage information.
    The descriptions are HTML fragments and may contain most standard HTML. The
    description text is included in the output wrapped in P tags, but unchanged 
    otherwise. Paragraphs have to be separated by a blank line. In order to
    generate a blank line in the output enter a line that contains a single dot
    (.). Reserved HTML entities (<, > and &) and the at-sign (@) at the beginning 
    of a line, if that line doesn't contain a tag (see below), must be properly 
    escaped. "<" should be written as "&lt;", ">" as "&gt;", "&" as "&amp;" and
    "@" should be escaped as "@@".
    The documentation string or documentation comment may contain block tags
    and inline tags. Inline tags are denoted by curly braces and can be placed
    anywhere in the main description or in the description part of block tags.
    Block tags can only be placed in the tag section that follows the main
    description. Block tags are indicated by an at-sign (@) at the beginning of
    the line. The text before the first tag is the description of a module, class,
    method or function.
    Python Docstring:
        This is sentence one, which gets included as a short description.
        All additional sentences are included into the full description.
        @param param1 first parameter
        @exception ValueError list entry wasn't found
        @return flag indicating success
    Python/Quixote Documentation comment:
        # This is line one, which gets included as a short description.
        # All additional lines are included into the full description.
        # @param param1 first parameter
        # @exception ValueError list entry wasn't found
        # @return flag indicating success
    Ruby Docstring:
        =begin edoc
        This is line one, which gets included as a short description.
        All additional lines are included into the full description.
        @param param1 first parameter
        @exception ValueError list entry wasn't found
        @return flag indicating success

    Block Tags
    The block tags recogized by eric5-doc are:

        This isn't really a tag. This is used to escape an at sign at the beginning
        of a line. Everything after the first @ is copied verbatim to the output.

    @author author
        This tag is used to name the author of the code. For example:
        @author Detlev Offenbach <>

    @deprecated description
        This tag is used to mark a function or method as deprecated. It is always 
        followed by one or more lines of descriptive text.

    @event eventname description
        This tag is used to describe the events (PyQt) a class may emit. It is 
        always followed by the event name and one or more lines of descriptive 
        text. For example:
        @event closeEvent Emitted when an editor window is closed.
    @exception exception description
        These tags are used to describe the exceptions a function or method may 
        raise. It is always followed by the exception name and one or more lines 
        of descriptive text. For example:
        @exception ValueError The searched value is not contained in the list.
    @keyparam name description
        This tag is like the @param tag, but should be used for parameters, that 
        should always be given as keyword parameters. It is always followed by 
        the argument name and one or more lines of descriptive text. For example:
        @keyparam extension Optional extension of the source file.
    @param name description
        This tag is used to describe a function or method argument. It is always 
        followed by the argument name and one or more lines of descriptive text.
        For example:
        @param filename Name of the source file.
    @raise exception description
        This tag is an alias for the @exception tag.

    @return description
        This tag is used to describe a functions or methods return value. It can 
        include one or more lines of descriptive text. For example:
        @return list of description strings
    @see reference
        This tag is used to include a reference in the documentation. It comes in
        three different forms.

        @see "string"
            Adds a text entry of string. No link is generated. eric5-doc distinguishes
            this form from the others by looking for a double-quote (") as the first
            character. For example:

            @see "eric5-doc readme file"

        @see <a href="URL#value">label</a>
            Adds a link as defined by URL#value. eric5-doc distinguishes this form from
            the others by looking for a less-than symbol (<) as the first character.
            For example:

            @see <a href="eric5.eric5-doc.html>eric5-doc documentation generator</a>

        @see package.module#member label
            Adds a link to "member" in "module" in "package". package can be a package
            path, where the package names are separated by a dot character (.). The
            "package.module#member" part must not be split over several lines and
            must name a valid target within the documentation directory. For example:

            @see eric5.eric5-doc#main eric5-doc main() function
            @see eric5.DocumentationTools.ModuleDocumentor#ModuleDocument.__genModuleSection

    @signal signalname description
        This tag is used to describe the signals (PyQt) a class may emit. It is 
        always followed by the signal name and one or more lines of descriptive 
        text. For example:
        @signal lastEditorClosed Emitted after the last editor window was 
    @throws exception description
        This tag is an alias for the @exception tag.

    Inline Tags
    The inline tags recogized by eric5-doc are:

    {@link package.module#member label}
        Inserts an in-line link with visible text label that points to the documentation
        given in the reference. This tag works he same way as the @see block tag of this

eric ide
