
Thu, 25 Jan 2018 11:54:38 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Thu, 25 Jan 2018 11:54:38 +0100
changeset 6088
parent 3673

Removed use of sender() in the plug-in repository dialog and the plug-in manager.

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<body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
Module implementing a dialog to enter the data for an unshelve operation.
<h3>Global Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#HgUnshelveDataDialog">HgUnshelveDataDialog</a></td>
<td>Class implementing a dialog to enter the data for an unshelve operation.</td>
<hr /><hr />
<a NAME="HgUnshelveDataDialog" ID="HgUnshelveDataDialog"></a>
    Class implementing a dialog to enter the data for an unshelve operation.
<h3>Derived from</h3>
QDialog, Ui_HgUnshelveDataDialog
<h3>Class Attributes</h3>
<h3>Class Methods</h3>
<td><a href="#HgUnshelveDataDialog.__init__">HgUnshelveDataDialog</a></td>
<td><a href="#HgUnshelveDataDialog.getData">getData</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the user data.</td>
<h3>Static Methods</h3>
<a NAME="HgUnshelveDataDialog.__init__" ID="HgUnshelveDataDialog.__init__"></a>
<h4>HgUnshelveDataDialog (Constructor)</h4>
<b>HgUnshelveDataDialog</b>(<i>shelveNames, shelveName="", parent=None</i>)
list of available shelves (list of string)
name of the shelve to restore (string)
reference to the parent widget (QWidget)
</dl><a NAME="HgUnshelveDataDialog.getData" ID="HgUnshelveDataDialog.getData"></a>
        Public method to get the user data.
tuple containing the name (string) and a flag indicating
            to keep the shelved change (boolean)
<div align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></div>
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