
Wed, 14 Sep 2011 19:46:52 +0200

Detlev Offenbach <detlev@die-offenbachs.de>
Wed, 14 Sep 2011 19:46:52 +0200
changeset 1317
parent 1175
child 1328

Fixed an issue in the py2compile function.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2003 - 2011 Detlev Offenbach <detlev@die-offenbachs.de>

Package implementing various functions/classes needed everywhere within eric5. 

import os
import sys
import re
import fnmatch
import glob
import random
import base64
import getpass

def __showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file = None, line = ""):
    Module function to raise a SyntaxError for a SyntaxWarning.
    @param message warning object
    @param category type object of the warning
    @param filename name of the file causing the warning (string)
    @param lineno line number causing the warning (integer)
    @param file file to write the warning message to (ignored)
    @param line line causing the warning (ignored)
    @raise SyntaxError
    if category is SyntaxWarning:
        err = SyntaxError(str(message))
        err.filename = filename
        err.lineno = lineno
        raise err
import warnings
warnings.showwarning = __showwarning

from codecs import BOM_UTF8, BOM_UTF16, BOM_UTF32

from PyQt4.QtCore import QRegExp, QDir, QProcess, Qt, QByteArray, \
    qVersion, PYQT_VERSION_STR, QCoreApplication, QCryptographicHash
from PyQt4.Qsci import QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR, QsciScintilla

from Globals import isWindowsPlatform, isLinuxPlatform, isMacPlatform  # __IGNORE_WARNING__
# import these methods into the Utilities namespace

from E5Gui.E5Application import e5App

from UI.Info import Program, Version

import Preferences

from eric5config import getConfig

configDir = None

codingBytes_regexps = [
    (2, re.compile(br'''coding[:=]\s*([-\w_.]+)''')), 
    (1, re.compile(br'''<\?xml.*\bencoding\s*=\s*['"]([-\w_.]+)['"]\?>''')), 
coding_regexps = [
    (2, re.compile(r'''coding[:=]\s*([-\w_.]+)''')), 
    (1, re.compile(r'''<\?xml.*\bencoding\s*=\s*['"]([-\w_.]+)['"]\?>''')), 

supportedCodecs = ['utf-8', 
          'iso8859-1', 'iso8859-15', 'iso8859-2', 'iso8859-3', 
          'iso8859-4', 'iso8859-5', 'iso8859-6', 'iso8859-7', 
          'iso8859-8', 'iso8859-9', 'iso8859-10', 'iso8859-11', 
          'iso8859-13', 'iso8859-14', 'iso8859-16', 'latin-1', 
          'koi8-r', 'koi8-u', 
          'utf-16', 'utf-32', 
          'cp037', 'cp424', 'cp437', 'cp500', 'cp737', 'cp775', 
          'cp850', 'cp852', 'cp855', 'cp856', 'cp857', 'cp860', 
          'cp861', 'cp862', 'cp863', 'cp864', 'cp865', 'cp866', 
          'cp869', 'cp874', 'cp875', 'cp932', 'cp949', 'cp950', 
          'cp1006', 'cp1026', 'cp1140', 'cp1250', 'cp1251', 
          'cp1252', 'cp1253', 'cp1254', 'cp1255', 'cp1256', 
          'cp1257', 'cp1258', 
          'gb2312', 'gb18030', 

class CodingError(Exception):
    Class implementing an exception, which is raised, if a given coding is incorrect.
    def __init__(self, coding):
        self.errorMessage = QCoreApplication.translate("CodingError", 
            "The coding '{0}' is wrong for the given text.").format(coding)
    def __repr__(self):
        Private method returning a representation of the exception.
        @return string representing the error message
        return str(self.errorMessage)
    def __str__(self):
        Private method returning a string representation of the exception.
        @return string representing the error message
        return str(self.errorMessage)
def get_codingBytes(text):
    Function to get the coding of a bytes text.
    @param text bytes text to inspect (bytes)
    @return coding string
    lines = text.splitlines()
    for coding in codingBytes_regexps:
        coding_re = coding[1]
        head = lines[:coding[0]]
        for l in head:
            m = coding_re.search(l)
            if m:
                return str(m.group(1), "ascii").lower()
    return None

def get_coding(text):
    Function to get the coding of a text.
    @param text text to inspect (string)
    @return coding string
    lines = text.splitlines()
    for coding in coding_regexps:
        coding_re = coding[1]
        head = lines[:coding[0]]
        for l in head:
            m = coding_re.search(l)
            if m:
                return m.group(1).lower()
    return None

def readEncodedFile(filename):
    Function to read a file and decode it's contents into proper text.
    @param filename name of the file to read (string)
    @return tuple of decoded text and encoding (string, string)
    f = open(filename, "rb")
    text = f.read()
    return decode(text)

def readEncodedFileWithHash(filename):
    Function to read a file, calculate a hash value and decode it's contents
    into proper text.
    @param filename name of the file to read (string)
    @return tuple of decoded text, encoding and hash value (string, string, string)
    f = open(filename, "rb")
    text = f.read()
    hash = str(QCryptographicHash.hash(QByteArray(text), QCryptographicHash.Md5).toHex(), 
               encoding = "ASCII")
    return decode(text) + (hash, )

def decode(text):
    Function to decode some byte text into a string.
    @param text byte text to decode (bytes)
    @return tuple of decoded text and encoding (string, string)
        if text.startswith(BOM_UTF8):
            # UTF-8 with BOM
            return str(text[len(BOM_UTF8):], 'utf-8'), 'utf-8-bom'
        elif text.startswith(BOM_UTF16):
            # UTF-16 with BOM
            return str(text[len(BOM_UTF16):], 'utf-16'), 'utf-16'
        elif text.startswith(BOM_UTF32):
            # UTF-32 with BOM
            return str(text[len(BOM_UTF32):], 'utf-32'), 'utf-32'
        coding = get_codingBytes(text)
        if coding:
            return str(text, coding), coding
    except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
    # Assume UTF-8
        return str(text, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8-guessed'
    except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
    guess = None
    if Preferences.getEditor("AdvancedEncodingDetection"):
        # Try the universal character encoding detector
            import ThirdParty.CharDet.chardet
            guess = ThirdParty.CharDet.chardet.detect(text)
            if guess and guess['confidence'] > 0.95 and guess['encoding'] is not None:
                codec = guess['encoding'].lower()
                return str(text, codec), '{0}-guessed'.format(codec)
        except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
        except ImportError:
    # Try default encoding
        codec = Preferences.getEditor("DefaultEncoding")
        return str(text, codec), '{0}-default'.format(codec)
    except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
    if Preferences.getEditor("AdvancedEncodingDetection"):
        # Use the guessed one even if confifence level is low
        if guess and guess['encoding'] is not None:
                codec = guess['encoding'].lower()
                return str(text, codec), '{0}-guessed'.format(codec)
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
    # Assume UTF-8 loosing information
    return str(text, "utf-8", "ignore"), 'utf-8-ignore'

def writeEncodedFile(filename, text, orig_coding):
    Function to write a file with properly encoded text.
    @param filename name of the file to read (string)
    @param text text to be written (string)
    @param orig_coding type of the original encoding (string)
    @return encoding used for writing the file (string)
    etext, encoding = encode(text, orig_coding)
    f = open(filename, "wb")
    return encoding

def encode(text, orig_coding):
    Function to encode text into a byte text.
    @param text text to be encoded (string)
    @param orig_coding type of the original encoding (string)
    @return tuple of encoded text and encoding used (bytes, string)
    encoding = None
    if orig_coding == 'utf-8-bom':
        etext, encoding = BOM_UTF8 + text.encode("utf-8"), 'utf-8-bom'
        # Try declared coding spec
        coding = get_coding(text)
        if coding:
                etext, encoding = text.encode(coding), coding
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
                # Error: Declared encoding is incorrect
                raise CodingError(coding)
            if orig_coding and orig_coding.endswith(
                ('-selected', '-default', '-guessed', '-ignore')):
                coding = orig_coding\
                    .replace("-selected", "")\
                    .replace("-default", "")\
                    .replace("-guessed", "")\
                    .replace("-ignore", "")
                    etext, encoding = text.encode(coding), coding
                except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
            if encoding is None:
                # Try configured default
                    codec = Preferences.getEditor("DefaultEncoding")
                    etext, encoding = text.encode(codec), codec
                except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
                if encoding is None:
                    # Try saving as ASCII
                        etext, encoding = text.encode('ascii'), 'ascii'
                    except UnicodeError:
                    if encoding is None:
                        # Save as UTF-8 without BOM
                        etext, encoding = text.encode('utf-8'), 'utf-8'
    return etext, encoding

def decodeString(text):
    Function to decode a string containing Unicode encoded characters.
    @param text text containing encoded chars (string)
    @return decoded text (string)
    buf = b""
    index = 0
    while index < len(text):
        if text[index] == "\\":
            qb = QByteArray.fromHex(text[index:index + 4])
            buf += bytes(qb)
            index += 4
            buf += bytes(text[index], encoding="ascii")
            index += 1
    buf = buf.replace(b"\x00", b"")
    return decodeBytes(buf)
def decodeBytes(buffer):
    Function to decode some byte text into a string.
    @param buffer byte buffer to decode (bytes)
    @return decoded text (string)
    # try UTF with BOM
        if buffer.startswith(BOM_UTF8):
            # UTF-8 with BOM
            return str(buffer[len(BOM_UTF8):], encoding='utf-8')
        elif buffer.startswith(BOM_UTF16):
            # UTF-16 with BOM
            return str(buffer[len(BOM_UTF16):], encoding='utf-16')
        elif buffer.startswith(BOM_UTF32):
            # UTF-32 with BOM
            return str(buffer[len(BOM_UTF32):], encoding='utf-32')
    except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
    # try UTF-8
        return str(buffer, encoding="utf-8")
    except UnicodeError:
    # try codec detection
        import ThirdParty.CharDet.chardet
        guess = ThirdParty.CharDet.chardet.detect(buffer)
        if guess and guess['encoding'] is not None:
            codec = guess['encoding'].lower()
            return str(buffer, encoding=codec)
    except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
    except ImportError:
    return str(buffer, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")

_escape = re.compile("[&<>\"\u0080-\uffff]")

_escape_map = {
    "&": "&amp;",
    "<": "&lt;",
    ">": "&gt;",
    '"': "&quot;",

def escape_entities(m, map=_escape_map):
    Function to encode html entities.
    @param m the match object
    @param map the map of entities to encode
    @return the converted text (string)
    char = m.group()
    text = map.get(char)
    if text is None:
        text = "&#{0:d};".format(ord(char))
    return text
def html_encode(text, pattern=_escape):
    Function to correctly encode a text for html.
    @param text text to be encoded (string)
    @param pattern search pattern for text to be encoded (string)
    @return the encoded text (string)
    if not text:
        return ""
    text = pattern.sub(escape_entities, text)
    return text

_uescape = re.compile('[\u0080-\uffff]')

def escape_uentities(m):
    Function to encode html entities.
    @param m the match object
    @return the converted text (string)
    char = m.group()
    text = "&#{0:d};".format(ord(char))
    return text
def html_uencode(text, pattern=_uescape):
    Function to correctly encode a unicode text for html.
    @param text text to be encoded (string)
    @param pattern search pattern for text to be encoded (string)
    @return the encoded text (string)
    if not text:
        return ""
    text = pattern.sub(escape_uentities, text)
    return text

def convertLineEnds(text, eol):
    Function to convert the end of line characters.
    @param text text to be converted (string)
    @param eol new eol setting (string)
    @return text with converted eols (string)
    if eol == '\r\n':
        regexp = re.compile(r"""(\r(?!\n)|(?<!\r)\n)""")
        return regexp.sub(lambda m, eol = '\r\n': eol, text)
    elif eol == '\n':
        regexp = re.compile(r"""(\r\n|\r)""")
        return regexp.sub(lambda m, eol = '\n': eol, text)
    elif eol == '\r':
        regexp = re.compile(r"""(\r\n|\n)""")
        return regexp.sub(lambda m, eol = '\r': eol, text)
        return text

def linesep():
    Function to return the lineseparator used by the editor.
    @return line separator used by the editor (string)
    eolMode = Preferences.getEditor("EOLMode")
    if eolMode == QsciScintilla.EolUnix:
        return "\n"
    elif eolMode == QsciScintilla.EolMac:
        return "\r"
        return "\r\n"

def extractFlags(text):
    Function to extract eric specific flags out of the given text.
    Flags are contained in comments and are introduced by 'eflag:'.
    The rest of the line is interpreted as 'key = value'. value is
    analyzed for being an integer or float value. If that fails, it
    is assumed to be a string. If a key does not contain a '=' 
    character, it is assumed to be a boolean flag. Flags are expected
    at the very end of a file. The search is ended, if a line without
    the 'eflag:' marker is found.
    @param text text to be scanned (string)
    @return dictionary of string, boolean, complex, float and int
    flags = {}
    if isinstance(text, str):
        lines = text.splitlines()
        lines = text
    for line in reversed(lines):
        index = line.find("eflag:")
        if index == -1:
            # no flag found, don't look any further
        flag = line[index + 6:].strip()
        if "=" in flag:
            key, value = flag.split("=", 1)
            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip()
            if value.lower() in ["true", "false", "yes", "no", "ok"]:
                # it is a flag
                flags[key] = value.lower() in ["true", "yes", "ok"]
                # interpret as int first
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                    # interpret as float next
                    value = float(value)
                except ValueError:
            flags[key] = value
            # treat it as a boolean
            flags[flag] = True
    return flags

def toNativeSeparators(path):
    Function returning a path, that is using native separator characters.
    @param path path to be converted (string)
    @return path with converted separator characters (string)
    return QDir.toNativeSeparators(path)
def fromNativeSeparators(path):
    Function returning a path, that is using "/" separator characters.
    @param path path to be converted (string)
    @return path with converted separator characters (string)
    return QDir.fromNativeSeparators(path)
def normcasepath(path):
    Function returning a path, that is normalized with respect to its case and references.
    @param path file path (string)
    @return case normalized path (string)
    return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(path))
def normabspath(path):
    Function returning a normalized, absolute path.
    @param path file path (string)
    @return absolute, normalized path (string)
    return os.path.abspath(path)
def normcaseabspath(path):
    Function returning an absolute path, that is normalized with respect to its case 
    and references.
    @param path file path (string)
    @return absolute, normalized path (string)
    return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
def normjoinpath(a, *p):
    Function returning a normalized path of the joined parts passed into it.
    @param a first path to be joined (string)
    @param p variable number of path parts to be joind (string)
    @return normalized path (string)
    return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(a, *p))
def normabsjoinpath(a, *p):
    Function returning a normalized, absolute path of the joined parts passed into it.
    @param a first path to be joined (string)
    @param p variable number of path parts to be joind (string)
    @return absolute, normalized path (string)
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(a, *p))
def relpath(path, start = os.path.curdir):
    Return a relative version of a path.
    @param path path to make relative (string)
    @param start path to make relative from (string)
    if not path:
        raise ValueError("no path specified")

    start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep)
    path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep)

    # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
    i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))

    rel_list = [os.path.pardir] * (len(start_list) - i) + path_list[i:]
    if not rel_list:
        return os.path.curdir
    return os.path.join(*rel_list)

def isinpath(file):
    Function to check for an executable file.
    @param file filename of the executable to check (string)
    @return flag to indicate, if the executable file is accessible
        via the searchpath defined by the PATH environment variable.
    if os.path.isabs(file):
        return os.access(file, os.X_OK)
    path = getEnvironmentEntry('PATH')
    # environment variable not defined
    if path is None:
        return False
    dirs = path.split(os.pathsep)
    for dir in dirs:
        if os.access(os.path.join(dir, file), os.X_OK):
            return True
    return False
def getExecutablePath(file):
    Function to build the full path of an executable file from the environment.
    @param file filename of the executable to check (string)
    @return full executable name, if the executable file is accessible
        via the searchpath defined by the PATH environment variable, or an
        empty string otherwise.
    if os.path.isabs(file):
        if os.access(file, os.X_OK):
            return file
            return ""
    path = os.getenv('PATH')
    # environment variable not defined
    if path is None:
        return ""
    dirs = path.split(os.pathsep)
    for dir in dirs:
        exe = os.path.join(dir, file)
        if os.access(exe, os.X_OK):
            return exe
    return ""
def isExecutable(exe):
    Function to check, if a file is executable.
    @param exe filename of the executable to check (string)
    @return flag indicating executable status (boolean)
    return os.access(exe, os.X_OK)
def samepath(f1, f2):
    Function to compare two paths.
    @param f1 first path for the compare (string)
    @param f2 second path for the compare (string)
    @return flag indicating whether the two paths represent the
        same path on disk.
    if f1 is None or f2 is None:
        return False
    if normcaseabspath(os.path.realpath(f1)) == normcaseabspath(os.path.realpath(f2)):
        return True
    return False
    EXTSEP = os.extsep
except AttributeError:
    EXTSEP = "."

def splitPath(name):
    Function to split a pathname into a directory part and a file part.
    @param name path name (string)
    @return a tuple of 2 strings (dirname, filename).
    if os.path.isdir(name):
        dn = os.path.abspath(name)
        fn = "."
        dn, fn = os.path.split(name)
    return (dn, fn)

def joinext(prefix, ext):
    Function to join a file extension to a path.
    The leading "." of ext is replaced by a platform specific extension
    separator if necessary.
    @param prefix the basepart of the filename (string)
    @param ext the extension part (string)
    @return the complete filename (string)
    if ext[0] != ".":
        ext = ".{0}".format(ext) # require leading separator, to match os.path.splitext
    return prefix + EXTSEP + ext[1:]

def compactPath(path, width, measure = len):
    Function to return a compacted path fitting inside the given width.
    @param path path to be compacted (string)
    @param width width for the compacted path (integer)
    @param measure reference to a function used to measure the length of the string
    @return compacted path (string)
    if measure(path) <= width:
        return path
    ellipsis = '...'
    head, tail = os.path.split(path)
    mid = len(head) // 2
    head1 = head[:mid]
    head2 = head[mid:]
    while head1:
        # head1 is same size as head2 or one shorter
        path = os.path.join("{0}{1}{2}".format(head1, ellipsis, head2), tail)
        if measure(path) <= width:
            return path
        head1 = head1[:-1]
        head2 = head2[1:]
    path = os.path.join(ellipsis, tail)
    if measure(path) <= width:
        return path
    while tail:
        path = "{0}{1}".format(ellipsis, tail)
        if measure(path) <= width:
            return path
        tail = tail[1:]
    return ""
def direntries(path, filesonly=False, pattern=None, followsymlinks=True, checkStop=None):
    Function returning a list of all files and directories.
    @param path root of the tree to check
    @param filesonly flag indicating that only files are wanted
    @param pattern a filename pattern to check against
    @param followsymlinks flag indicating whether symbolic links
            should be followed
    @param checkStop function to be called to check for a stop
    @return list of all files and directories in the tree rooted
        at path. The names are expanded to start with path. 
    if filesonly:
        files = []
        files = [path]
        entries = os.listdir(path)
        for entry in entries:
            if checkStop and checkStop():
            if entry in ['CVS', 'cvs', 
                         '.svn', '_svn', 
                         '.hg', '_hg', 
                         '.ropeproject', '_ropeproject',
                         '.eric5project', '_eric5project', 
                         '.issues', '_issues']:
            fentry = os.path.join(path, entry)
            if pattern and \
            not os.path.isdir(fentry) and \
            not fnmatch.fnmatch(entry, pattern):
                # entry doesn't fit the given pattern
            if os.path.isdir(fentry):
                if os.path.islink(fentry) and not followsymlinks:
                files += direntries(fentry, filesonly, pattern, followsymlinks, checkStop)
    except OSError:
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
    return files

def getDirs(path, excludeDirs):
    Function returning a list of all directories below path.
    @param path root of the tree to check
    @param excludeDirs basename of directories to ignore
    @return list of all directories found
        names = os.listdir(path)
    except EnvironmentError:

    dirs = []
    for name in names:
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)) and \
          not os.path.islink(os.path.join(path, name)):
            exclude = 0
            for e in excludeDirs:
                if name.split(os.sep,1)[0] == e:
                    exclude = 1
            if not exclude:
                dirs.append(os.path.join(path, name))

    for name in dirs[:]:
        if not os.path.islink(name):
            dirs = dirs + getDirs(name, excludeDirs)

    return dirs

def getTestFileName(fn):
    Function to build the filename of a unittest file.
    The filename for the unittest file is built by prepending
    the string "test" to the filename passed into this function.
    @param fn filename basis to be used for the unittest filename (string)
    @return filename of the corresponding unittest file (string)
    dn, fn = os.path.split(fn)
    return os.path.join(dn, "test{0}".format(fn))

def parseOptionString(s):
    Function used to convert an option string into a list of options.
    @param s option string (string or string)
    @return list of options (list of strings)
    rx = QRegExp(r"""\s([\w=/-]*"[^"]+"|[\w=/-]*'[^']+'|[^\s]+)""")
    s = re.sub(r"%[A-Z%]", _percentReplacementFunc, s)
    return parseString(s, rx)
def parseEnvironmentString(s):
    Function used to convert an environment string into a list of environment settings.
    @param s environment string (string)
    @return list of environment settings (list of strings)
    rx = QRegExp(r"""\s(\w+\+?=[^\s]+|\w+="[^"]+"|\w+='[^']+')""")
    return parseString(s, rx)

def parseString(s, rx):
    Function used to convert a string into a list.
    @param s string to be parsed (string)
    @param rx regex defining the parse pattern (QRegExp)
    @return list of parsed data (list of strings)
    olist = []
    if not s.startswith(' '):
        # prepare the  string to fit our pattern
        s = ' ' + s
    pos = rx.indexIn(s)
    while pos != -1:
        cs = rx.cap(1)
        if cs.startswith('"') or cs.startswith("'"):
            cs = cs[1:-1]
        pos += rx.matchedLength()
        pos = rx.indexIn(s, pos)
    return olist

def _percentReplacementFunc(matchobj):
    Protected function called for replacing % codes.
    @param matchobj matchobject for the code
    @return replacement string
    return getPercentReplacement(matchobj.group(0))
def getPercentReplacement(code):
    Function to get the replacement for code.
    @param code code indicator (string)
    @return replacement string (string)
    if code in ["C", "%C"]:
        # column of the cursor of the current editor
        aw = e5App().getObject("ViewManager").activeWindow()
        if aw is None:
            column = -1
            column = aw.getCursorPosition()[1]
        return "{0:d}".format(column)
    elif code in ["D", "%D"]:
        # directory of active editor
        aw = e5App().getObject("ViewManager").activeWindow()
        if aw is None:
            dn = "not_available"
            fn = aw.getFileName()
            if fn is None:
                dn = "not_available"
                dn = os.path.dirname(fn)
        return dn
    elif code in ["F", "%F"]:
        # filename (complete) of active editor
        aw = e5App().getObject("ViewManager").activeWindow()
        if aw is None:
            fn = "not_available"
            fn = aw.getFileName()
            if fn is None:
                fn = "not_available"
        return fn
    elif code in ["H", "%H"]:
        # home directory
        return getHomeDir()
    elif code in ["L", "%L"]:
        # line of the cursor of the current editor
        aw = e5App().getObject("ViewManager").activeWindow()
        if aw is None:
            line = 0
            line = aw.getCursorPosition()[0] + 1
        return "{0:d}".format(line)
    elif code in ["P", "%P"]:
        # project path
        projectPath = e5App().getObject("Project").getProjectPath()
        if not projectPath:
            projectPath = "not_available"
        return projectPath
    elif code in ["S", "%S"]:
        # selected text of the current editor
        aw = e5App().getObject("ViewManager").activeWindow()
        if aw is None:
            text = "not_available"
            text = aw.selectedText()
        return text
    elif code in ["U", "%U"]:
        # username
        un = getUserName()
        if un is None:
            return code
            return un
    elif code in ["%", "%%"]:
        # the percent sign
        return "%"
        # unknown code, just return it
        return code
def getPercentReplacementHelp():
    Function to get the help text for the supported %-codes.
    @returns help text (string)
    return QCoreApplication.translate("Utilities", 
        """<p>You may use %-codes as placeholders in the string."""
        """ Supported codes are:"""
        """<tr><td>%C</td><td>column of the cursor of the current editor</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%D</td><td>directory of the current editor</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%F</td><td>filename of the current editor</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%H</td><td>home directory of the current user</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%L</td><td>line of the cursor of the current editor</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%P</td><td>path of the current project</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%S</td><td>selected text of the current editor</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%U</td><td>username of the current user</td></tr>"""
        """<tr><td>%%</td><td>the percent sign</td></tr>"""

def getUserName():
    Function to get the user name.
    @return user name (string)
    user = getpass.getuser()
    if not user and isWindowsPlatform():
        return win32_GetUserName()

def getHomeDir():
    Function to get a users home directory
    @return home directory (string)
    return QDir.homePath()
def getPythonModulesDirectory():
    Function to determine the path to Python's modules directory.
    @return path to the Python modules directory (string)
    import distutils.sysconfig
    return distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(True)
def getPythonLibPath():
    Function to determine the path to Python's library.
    @return path to the Python library (string)
    pyFullVers = sys.version.split()[0]

    vl = re.findall("[0-9.]*", pyFullVers)[0].split(".")
    major = vl[0]
    minor = vl[1]

    pyVers = major + "." + minor

    if isWindowsPlatform():
        libDir = sys.prefix + "\\Lib"
            syslib = sys.lib
        except AttributeError:
            syslib = "lib"
        libDir = sys.prefix + "/" + syslib + "/python" + pyVers
    return libDir
def getPythonVersion():
    Function to get the Python version (major, minor) as an integer value.
    @return An integer representing major and minor version number (integer)
    return sys.hexversion >> 16
def compile(file, codestring = ""):
    Function to compile one Python source file to Python bytecode.
    @param file source filename (string)
    @param codestring string containing the code to compile (string)
    @return A tuple indicating status (True = an error was found), the
        filename, the linenumber, the code string and the error message
        (boolean, string, string, string, string). The values are only
        valid, if the status is True.
    import builtins
    if not codestring:
            codestring = readEncodedFile(file)[0]
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, IOError):
            return (False, None, None, None, None)

    codestring = codestring.replace("\r\n","\n")
    codestring = codestring.replace("\r","\n")

    if codestring and codestring[-1] != '\n':
        codestring = codestring + '\n'
        if file.endswith('.ptl'):
                import quixote.ptl_compile
            except ImportError:
                return (False, None, None, None, None)
            template = quixote.ptl_compile.Template(codestring, file)
            builtins.compile(codestring, file, 'exec')
    except SyntaxError as detail:
        import traceback, re
        lines = traceback.format_exception_only(SyntaxError, detail)
        match = re.match('\s*File "(.+)", line (\d+)', 
            lines[0].replace('<string>', '{0}'.format(file)))
        if match is not None:
            fn, line = match.group(1, 2)
            if lines[1].startswith('SyntaxError:'):
                code = ""
                error = re.match('SyntaxError: (.+)', lines[1]).group(1)
                code = re.match('(.+)', lines[1]).group(1)
                error = ""
                for seLine in lines[2:]:
                    if seLine.startswith('SyntaxError:'):
                        error = re.match('SyntaxError: (.+)', seLine).group(1)
            fn = detail.filename
            line = detail.lineno and detail.lineno or 1
            code = ""
            error = detail.msg
        return (True, fn, line, code, error)
    except ValueError as detail:
            fn = detail.filename
            line = detail.lineno
            error = detail.msg
        except AttributeError:
            fn = file
            line = 1
            error = str(detail)
        code = ""
        return (True, fn, line, code, error)
    except Exception as detail:
            fn = detail.filename
            line = detail.lineno
            code = ""
            error = detail.msg
            return (True, fn, line, code, error)
        except:         # this catchall is intentional
    return (False, None, None, None, None)

def py2compile(file, checkFlakes = False):
    Function to compile one Python 2 source file to Python 2 bytecode.
    @param file source filename (string)
    @keyparam checkFlakes flag indicating to do a pyflakes check (boolean)
    @return A tuple indicating status (True = an error was found), the
        file name, the line number, the code string, the error message
        and a list of tuples of pyflakes warnings indicating file name,
        line number and message (boolean, string, string, string, string, 
        list of (string, string, string)). The syntax error values are only
        valid, if the status is True. The pyflakes list will be empty, if a
        syntax error was detected by the syntax checker.
    interpreter = Preferences.getDebugger("PythonInterpreter")
    if interpreter == "" or not isinpath(interpreter):
        return (False, "", "", "", "", [(
            "", "1",
                                       "Python2 interpreter not configured.")
    syntaxChecker = os.path.join(getConfig('ericDir'), 
                                 "UtilitiesPython2", "Py2SyntaxChecker.py")
    args = [syntaxChecker]
    if checkFlakes:
        if Preferences.getFlakes("IgnoreStarImportWarnings"):
    proc = QProcess()
    proc.start(interpreter, args)
    finished = proc.waitForFinished(30000)
    if finished:
        output = \
        syntaxerror = output[0] == "ERROR"
        if syntaxerror:
            fn = output[1]
            line = output[2]
            code = output[3]
            error = output[4]
            return (True, fn, line, code, error, [])
            index = 5
            warnings = []
            while len(output) - index > 3:
                if output[index] == "FLAKES_ERROR":
                    return (True, output[index + 1], output[index + 2], "", 
                            output[index + 3], [])
                    warnings.append((output[index + 1], output[index + 2], 
                                     output[index + 3]))
                index += 4
            return (False, None, None, None, None, warnings)
    return (True, file, "1", "", 
                                   "Python2 interpreter did not finish within 30s."), 

def getConfigDir():
    Module function to get the name of the directory storing the config data.
    @return directory name of the config dir (string)
    if configDir is not None and os.path.exists(configDir):
        hp = configDir
        if isWindowsPlatform():
            cdn = "_eric5"
            cdn = ".eric5"
        hp = QDir.homePath()
        dn = QDir(hp)
        hp += "/" + cdn
    return toNativeSeparators(hp)

def setConfigDir(d):
    Module function to set the name of the directory storing the config data.
    @param d name of an existing directory (string)
    global configDir
    configDir = os.path.expanduser(d)

# functions for environment handling

def getEnvironmentEntry(key, default = None):
    Module function to get an environment entry.
    @param key key of the requested environment entry (string)
    @param default value to be returned, if the environment doesn't contain
        the requested entry (string)
    @return the requested entry or the default value, if the entry wasn't 
        found (string or None)
    filter = QRegExp("^{0}[ \t]*=".format(key))
    if isWindowsPlatform():
    entries = [e for e in QProcess.systemEnvironment() if filter.indexIn(e) != -1]
    if not entries:
        return default
    # if there are multiple entries, just consider the first one
    ename, val = entries[0].split("=", 1)
    return val.strip()

def hasEnvironmentEntry(key):
    Module function to check, if the environment contains an entry.
    @param key key of the requested environment entry (string)
    @return flag indicating the presence of the requested entry (boolean)
    filter = QRegExp("^{0}[ \t]*=".format(key))
    if isWindowsPlatform():
    entries = [e for e in QProcess.systemEnvironment() if filter.indexIn(e) != -1]
    return len(entries) > 0

# Qt utility functions below

def generateQtToolName(toolname):
    Module function to generate the executable name for a Qt tool like designer.
    @param toolname base name of the tool (string)
    @return the Qt tool name without extension (string)
    return "{0}{1}{2}".format(Preferences.getQt("QtToolsPrefix4"), 

def prepareQtMacBundle(toolname, version, args):
    Module function for starting Qt tools that are Mac OS X bundles.

    @param toolname  plain name of the tool (e.g. "designer") (string)
    @param version indication for the requested version (Qt 4) (integer)
    @param args    name of input file for tool, if any (list of strings)
    @return command-name and args for QProcess (tuple)
    if version == 4:
        qtDir = Preferences.getQt("Qt4Dir")
        return ("", [])
    fullBundle = os.path.join(qtDir, 'bin',
        generateQtToolName(toolname)) + ".app"

    newArgs = []
    newArgs += args

    return ("open", newArgs)

# Qt utility functions below

def generatePySideToolPath(toolname):
    Module function to generate the executable path for a PySide tool.
    @param toolname base name of the tool (string or QString)
    @return the PySide tool path with extension (string)
    if isWindowsPlatform():
        prefix = os.path.dirname(Preferences.getDebugger("PythonInterpreter"))
        if toolname == "pyside-uic":
            return os.path.join(prefix, "Scripts", toolname + '.exe')
            return os.path.join(prefix, "Lib", "site-packages", "PySide",
                                toolname + ".exe")
        return toolname

# Other utility functions below

def generateVersionInfo(linesep = '\n'):
    Module function to generate a string with various version infos.
    @param linesep string to be used to separate lines (string)
    @return string with version infos (string)
        import sipconfig
        sip_version_str = sipconfig.Configuration().sip_version_str
    except ImportError:
        sip_version_str = "sip version not available"
    info =  "Version Numbers:{0}  Python {1}{2}".format(
        linesep, sys.version.split()[0], linesep)
    info += "  Qt {0}{1}  PyQt4 {2}{3}".format(
        qVersion(), linesep, PYQT_VERSION_STR, linesep)
    info += "  sip {0}{1}  QScintilla {2}{3}".format(
        sip_version_str, linesep, QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR, linesep)
        from PyQt4.QtWebKit import qWebKitVersion
        info += "  WebKit {0}{1}".format(qWebKitVersion(), linesep)
    except ImportError:
    info += "  {0} {1}{2}".format(
        Program, Version, linesep * 2)
    info += "Platform: {0}{1}{2}{3}".format(
        sys.platform, linesep, sys.version, linesep)
    return info

def generatePluginsVersionInfo(linesep = '\n'):
    Module function to generate a string with plugins version infos.
    @param linesep string to be used to separate lines (string)
    @return string with plugins version infos (string)
    infoStr = ""
    app = e5App()
    if app is not None:
            pm = app.getObject("PluginManager")
            versions = {}
            for info in pm.getPluginInfos():
                versions[info[0]] = info[2]
            infoStr = "Plugins Version Numbers:{0}".format(linesep)
            for pluginName in sorted(versions.keys()):
                infoStr += "  {0} {1}{2}".format(
                           pluginName, versions[pluginName], linesep)
        except KeyError:
    return infoStr

def generateDistroInfo(linesep = '\n'):
    Module function to generate a string with distribution infos.
    @param linesep string to be used to separate lines (string)
    @return string with plugins version infos (string)
    infoStr = ""
    if isLinuxPlatform():
        releaseList = glob.glob("/etc/*-release")
        if releaseList:
            infoStr = "Distribution Info:{0}".format(linesep)
            infoParas = []
            for rfile in releaseList:
                    f = open(rfile, "r")
                    lines = f.read().splitlines()
                except IOError:
                lines.insert(0, rfile)
                infoParas.append('  ' + (linesep + '  ').join(lines))
            infoStr += (linesep + linesep).join(infoParas)
    return infoStr

def checkBlacklistedVersions():
    Module functions to check for blacklisted versions of the prerequisites.
    @return flag indicating good versions were found (boolean)
    from install import BlackLists
    # check version of sip
        import sipconfig
        sipVersion = sipconfig.Configuration().sip_version_str
        # always assume, that snapshots are good
        if "snapshot" not in sipVersion:
            # check for blacklisted versions
            for vers in BlackLists["sip"]:
                if vers == sipVersion:
                    print('Sorry, sip version {0} is not compatible with eric5.'\
                    print('Please install another version.')
                    return False
    except ImportError:
    # check version of PyQt
    from PyQt4.QtCore import PYQT_VERSION_STR
    pyqtVersion = PYQT_VERSION_STR
    # always assume, that snapshots are good
    if "snapshot" not in pyqtVersion:
        # check for blacklisted versions
        for vers in BlackLists["PyQt4"]:
            if vers == pyqtVersion:
                print('Sorry, PyQt4 version {0} is not compatible with eric5.'\
                print('Please install another version.')
                return False
    # check version of QScintilla
    from PyQt4.Qsci import QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR
    scintillaVersion = QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR
    # always assume, that snapshots are new enough
    if "snapshot" not in scintillaVersion:
        # check for blacklisted versions
        for vers in BlackLists["QScintilla2"]:
            if vers == scintillaVersion:
                print('Sorry, QScintilla2 version {0} is not compatible with eric5.'\
                print('Please install another version.')
                return False
    return True

# password handling functions below

def pwEncode(pw):
    Module function to encode a password.
    @param pw password to encode (string)
    @return encoded password (string)
    pop = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,;:-_!$?*+#"
    marker = "CE4"
    rpw = "".join(random.sample(pop, 32)) + pw + "".join(random.sample(pop, 32))
    return marker + base64.b64encode(rpw.encode()).decode()

def pwDecode(epw):
    Module function to decode a password.
    @param pw encoded password to decode (string)
    @return decoded password (string)
    if not epw.startswith("CE4"):
        return epw  # it was not encoded using pwEncode
    return base64.b64decode(epw[3:].encode())[32:-32].decode()

# posix compatibility functions below

# None right now

# win32 compatibility functions below

def win32_Kill(pid):
    Function to provide an os.kill equivalent for Win32.
    @param pid process id
    import win32api
    handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, 0, pid)
    return (0 != win32api.TerminateProcess(handle, 0))

def win32_GetUserName():
    Function to get the user name under Win32.
    @return user name (string)
        import win32api
        return win32api.GetUserName()
    except ImportError:
            u = getEnvironmentEntry('USERNAME')
        except KeyError:
            u = getEnvironmentEntry('username', None)
        return u

eric ide
