
Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:51:57 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:51:57 +0100
changeset 945
parent 767
child 1083

Made code mostly PEP 8 compliant (except all whitespace and line length).

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<body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
Module implementing the version control systems interface to Subversion.
<h3>Global Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#Subversion">Subversion</a></td>
<td>Class implementing the version control systems interface to Subversion.</td>
<hr /><hr />
<a NAME="Subversion" ID="Subversion"></a>
    Class implementing the version control systems interface to Subversion.
emitted after the commit action has completed
<h3>Derived from</h3>
<h3>Class Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#Subversion.__init__">Subversion</a></td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.__svnURL">__svnURL</a></td>
<td>Private method to format a url for subversion.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.__vcsCommit_Step2">__vcsCommit_Step2</a></td>
<td>Private slot performing the second step of the commit action.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion._createStatusMonitorThread">_createStatusMonitorThread</a></td>
<td>Protected method to create an instance of the VCS status monitor thread.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.clearStatusCache">clearStatusCache</a></td>
<td>Public method to clear the status cache.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.getClient">getClient</a></td>
<td>Public method to create and initialize the pysvn client object.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.getPlugin">getPlugin</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a reference to the plugin object.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnAddToChangelist">svnAddToChangelist</a></td>
<td>Public method to add a file or directory to a changelist.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnBlame">svnBlame</a></td>
<td>Public method to show the output of the svn blame command.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnCopy">svnCopy</a></td>
<td>Public method used to copy a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnDelProp">svnDelProp</a></td>
<td>Public method used to delete a property of a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnExtendedDiff">svnExtendedDiff</a></td>
<td>Public method used to view the difference of a file/directory to the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnGetReposName">svnGetReposName</a></td>
<td>Public method used to retrieve the URL of the subversion repository path.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnInfo">svnInfo</a></td>
<td>Public method to show repository information about a file or directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnListProps">svnListProps</a></td>
<td>Public method used to list the properties of a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnListTagBranch">svnListTagBranch</a></td>
<td>Public method used to list the available tags or branches.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnLock">svnLock</a></td>
<td>Public method used to lock a file in the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnLogBrowser">svnLogBrowser</a></td>
<td>Public method used to browse the log of a file/directory from the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnLogLimited">svnLogLimited</a></td>
<td>Public method used to view the (limited) log of a file/directory from the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnNormalizeURL">svnNormalizeURL</a></td>
<td>Public method to normalize a url for subversion.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnRelocate">svnRelocate</a></td>
<td>Public method to relocate the working copy to a new repository URL.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnRemoveFromChangelist">svnRemoveFromChangelist</a></td>
<td>Public method to remove a file or directory from it's changelist.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnRepoBrowser">svnRepoBrowser</a></td>
<td>Public method to open the repository browser.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnResolve">svnResolve</a></td>
<td>Public method used to resolve conflicts of a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnSetProp">svnSetProp</a></td>
<td>Public method used to add a property to a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnUnlock">svnUnlock</a></td>
<td>Public method used to unlock a file in the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.svnUrlDiff">svnUrlDiff</a></td>
<td>Public method used to view the difference of a file/directory of two repository URLs.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsAdd">vcsAdd</a></td>
<td>Public method used to add a file/directory to the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsAddBinary">vcsAddBinary</a></td>
<td>Public method used to add a file/directory in binary mode to the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsAddTree">vcsAddTree</a></td>
<td>Public method to add a directory tree rooted at path to the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsAllRegisteredStates">vcsAllRegisteredStates</a></td>
<td>Public method used to get the registered states of a number of files in the vcs.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsCheckout">vcsCheckout</a></td>
<td>Public method used to check the project out of the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsCleanup">vcsCleanup</a></td>
<td>Public method used to cleanup the working copy.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsCommandLine">vcsCommandLine</a></td>
<td>Public method used to execute arbitrary subversion commands.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsCommit">vcsCommit</a></td>
<td>Public method used to make the change of a file/directory permanent in the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsConvertProject">vcsConvertProject</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert an uncontrolled project to a version controlled project.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsDiff">vcsDiff</a></td>
<td>Public method used to view the difference of a file/directory to the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsExists">vcsExists</a></td>
<td>Public method used to test for the presence of the svn executable.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsExport">vcsExport</a></td>
<td>Public method used to export a directory from the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsGetProjectBrowserHelper">vcsGetProjectBrowserHelper</a></td>
<td>Public method to instanciate a helper object for the different project browsers.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsGetProjectHelper">vcsGetProjectHelper</a></td>
<td>Public method to instanciate a helper object for the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsImport">vcsImport</a></td>
<td>Public method used to import the project into the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsInit">vcsInit</a></td>
<td>Public method used to initialize the subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsLog">vcsLog</a></td>
<td>Public method used to view the log of a file/directory from the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsMerge">vcsMerge</a></td>
<td>Public method used to merge a URL/revision into the local project.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsMove">vcsMove</a></td>
<td>Public method used to move a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsName">vcsName</a></td>
<td>Public method returning the name of the vcs.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsNewProjectOptionsDialog">vcsNewProjectOptionsDialog</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a dialog to enter repository info for getting a new project.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsOptionsDialog">vcsOptionsDialog</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a dialog to enter repository info.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsRegisteredState">vcsRegisteredState</a></td>
<td>Public method used to get the registered state of a file in the vcs.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsRemove">vcsRemove</a></td>
<td>Public method used to remove a file/directory from the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsRepositoryInfos">vcsRepositoryInfos</a></td>
<td>Public method to retrieve information about the repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsRevert">vcsRevert</a></td>
<td>Public method used to revert changes made to a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsShutdown">vcsShutdown</a></td>
<td>Public method used to shutdown the Subversion interface.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsStatus">vcsStatus</a></td>
<td>Public method used to view the status of files/directories in the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsSwitch">vcsSwitch</a></td>
<td>Public method used to switch a directory to a different tag/branch.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsTag">vcsTag</a></td>
<td>Public method used to set the tag of a file/directory in the Subversion repository.</td>
<td><a href="#Subversion.vcsUpdate">vcsUpdate</a></td>
<td>Public method used to update a file/directory with the Subversion repository.</td>
<a NAME="Subversion.__init__" ID="Subversion.__init__"></a>
<h4>Subversion (Constructor)</h4>
<b>Subversion</b>(<i>plugin, parent=None, name=None</i>)
reference to the plugin object
parent widget (QWidget)
name of this object (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.__svnURL" ID="Subversion.__svnURL"></a>
        Private method to format a url for subversion.
unformatted url string (string)
properly formated url for subversion (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.__vcsCommit_Step2" ID="Subversion.__vcsCommit_Step2"></a>
        Private slot performing the second step of the commit action.
</p><a NAME="Subversion._createStatusMonitorThread" ID="Subversion._createStatusMonitorThread"></a>
<b>_createStatusMonitorThread</b>(<i>interval, project</i>)
        Protected method to create an instance of the VCS status monitor thread.
reference to the project object
check interval for the monitor thread in seconds (integer)
reference to the monitor thread (QThread)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.clearStatusCache" ID="Subversion.clearStatusCache"></a>
        Public method to clear the status cache.
</p><a NAME="Subversion.getClient" ID="Subversion.getClient"></a>
        Public method to create and initialize the pysvn client object.
the pysvn client object (pysvn.Client)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.getPlugin" ID="Subversion.getPlugin"></a>
        Public method to get a reference to the plugin object.
reference to the plugin object (VcsPySvnPlugin)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnAddToChangelist" ID="Subversion.svnAddToChangelist"></a>
        Public method to add a file or directory to a changelist.
        Note: Directories will be added recursively.
name or list of names of file or directory to add
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnBlame" ID="Subversion.svnBlame"></a>
        Public method to show the output of the svn blame command.
file name to show the blame for (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnCopy" ID="Subversion.svnCopy"></a>
<b>svnCopy</b>(<i>name, project</i>)
        Public method used to copy a file/directory.
file/directory name to be copied (string)
reference to the project object
flag indicating successfull operation (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnDelProp" ID="Subversion.svnDelProp"></a>
<b>svnDelProp</b>(<i>name, recursive=False</i>)
        Public method used to delete a property of a file/directory.
file/directory name (string or list of strings)
flag indicating a recursive list is requested
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnExtendedDiff" ID="Subversion.svnExtendedDiff"></a>
        Public method used to view the difference of a file/directory to the
        Subversion repository.
        If name is a directory and is the project directory, all project files
        are saved first. If name is a file (or list of files), which is/are being edited
        and has unsaved modification, they can be saved or the operation may be aborted.
        This method gives the chance to enter the revisions to be compared.
file/directory name to be diffed (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnGetReposName" ID="Subversion.svnGetReposName"></a>
        Public method used to retrieve the URL of the subversion repository path.
local path to get the svn repository path for (string)
string with the repository path URL
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnInfo" ID="Subversion.svnInfo"></a>
<b>svnInfo</b>(<i>projectPath, name</i>)
        Public method to show repository information about a file or directory.
path name of the project (string)
file/directory name relative to the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnListProps" ID="Subversion.svnListProps"></a>
<b>svnListProps</b>(<i>name, recursive=False</i>)
        Public method used to list the properties of a file/directory.
file/directory name (string or list of strings)
flag indicating a recursive list is requested
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnListTagBranch" ID="Subversion.svnListTagBranch"></a>
<b>svnListTagBranch</b>(<i>path, tags=True</i>)
        Public method used to list the available tags or branches.
directory name of the project (string)
flag indicating listing of branches or tags
                (False = branches, True = tags)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnLock" ID="Subversion.svnLock"></a>
<b>svnLock</b>(<i>name, stealIt=False, parent=None</i>)
        Public method used to lock a file in the Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be locked (string or list of strings)
flag indicating a forced operation (boolean)
reference to the parent object of the subversion dialog (QWidget)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnLogBrowser" ID="Subversion.svnLogBrowser"></a>
        Public method used to browse the log of a file/directory from the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name to show the log of (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnLogLimited" ID="Subversion.svnLogLimited"></a>
        Public method used to view the (limited) log of a file/directory from the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name to show the log of (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnNormalizeURL" ID="Subversion.svnNormalizeURL"></a>
        Public method to normalize a url for subversion.
url string (string)
properly normalized url for subversion (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnRelocate" ID="Subversion.svnRelocate"></a>
        Public method to relocate the working copy to a new repository URL.
path name of the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnRemoveFromChangelist" ID="Subversion.svnRemoveFromChangelist"></a>
        Public method to remove a file or directory from it's changelist.
        Note: Directories will be removed recursively.
name or list of names of file or directory to remove
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnRepoBrowser" ID="Subversion.svnRepoBrowser"></a>
        Public method to open the repository browser.
path name of the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnResolve" ID="Subversion.svnResolve"></a>
        Public method used to resolve conflicts of a file/directory.
file/directory name to be resolved (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnSetProp" ID="Subversion.svnSetProp"></a>
<b>svnSetProp</b>(<i>name, recursive=False</i>)
        Public method used to add a property to a file/directory.
file/directory name (string or list of strings)
flag indicating a recursive set is requested
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnUnlock" ID="Subversion.svnUnlock"></a>
<b>svnUnlock</b>(<i>name, breakIt=False, parent=None</i>)
        Public method used to unlock a file in the Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be unlocked (string or list of strings)
flag indicating a forced operation (boolean)
reference to the parent object of the subversion dialog (QWidget)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.svnUrlDiff" ID="Subversion.svnUrlDiff"></a>
        Public method used to view the difference of a file/directory of two
        repository URLs.
        If name is a directory and is the project directory, all project files
        are saved first. If name is a file (or list of files), which is/are being edited
        and has unsaved modification, they can be saved or the operation may be aborted.
        This method gives the chance to enter the revisions to be compared.
file/directory name to be diffed (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsAdd" ID="Subversion.vcsAdd"></a>
<b>vcsAdd</b>(<i>name, isDir=False, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to add a file/directory to the Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be added (string)
flag indicating name is a directory (boolean)
flag indicating quiet operations (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsAddBinary" ID="Subversion.vcsAddBinary"></a>
<b>vcsAddBinary</b>(<i>name, isDir=False</i>)
        Public method used to add a file/directory in binary mode to the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be added (string)
flag indicating name is a directory (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsAddTree" ID="Subversion.vcsAddTree"></a>
        Public method to add a directory tree rooted at path to the Subversion repository.
root directory of the tree to be added (string or list of strings))
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsAllRegisteredStates" ID="Subversion.vcsAllRegisteredStates"></a>
<b>vcsAllRegisteredStates</b>(<i>names, dname, shortcut=True</i>)
        Public method used to get the registered states of a number of files in the vcs.
        <b>Note:</b> If a shortcut is to be taken, the code will only check, if the named
        directory has been scanned already. If so, it is assumed, that the states for
        all files has been populated by the previous run.
dictionary with all filenames to be checked as keys
directory to check in (string)
flag indicating a shortcut should be taken (boolean)
the received dictionary completed with a combination of
            canBeCommited and canBeAdded or None in order to signal an error
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsCheckout" ID="Subversion.vcsCheckout"></a>
<b>vcsCheckout</b>(<i>vcsDataDict, projectDir, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to check the project out of the Subversion repository.
dictionary of data required for the checkout
project directory to create (string)
flag indicating quiet operations
flag indicating an execution without errors (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsCleanup" ID="Subversion.vcsCleanup"></a>
        Public method used to cleanup the working copy.
directory name to be cleaned up (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsCommandLine" ID="Subversion.vcsCommandLine"></a>
        Public method used to execute arbitrary subversion commands.
directory name of the working directory (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsCommit" ID="Subversion.vcsCommit"></a>
<b>vcsCommit</b>(<i>name, message, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to make the change of a file/directory permanent in the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be committed (string or list of strings)
message for this operation (string)
flag indicating quiet operations
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsConvertProject" ID="Subversion.vcsConvertProject"></a>
<b>vcsConvertProject</b>(<i>vcsDataDict, project</i>)
        Public method to convert an uncontrolled project to a version controlled project.
dictionary of data required for the conversion
reference to the project object
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsDiff" ID="Subversion.vcsDiff"></a>
        Public method used to view the difference of a file/directory to the
        Subversion repository.
        If name is a directory and is the project directory, all project files
        are saved first. If name is a file (or list of files), which is/are being edited
        and has unsaved modification, they can be saved or the operation may be aborted.
file/directory name to be diffed (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsExists" ID="Subversion.vcsExists"></a>
        Public method used to test for the presence of the svn executable.
flag indicating the existance (boolean) and an error message (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsExport" ID="Subversion.vcsExport"></a>
<b>vcsExport</b>(<i>vcsDataDict, projectDir</i>)
        Public method used to export a directory from the Subversion repository.
dictionary of data required for the checkout
project directory to create (string)
flag indicating an execution without errors (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsGetProjectBrowserHelper" ID="Subversion.vcsGetProjectBrowserHelper"></a>
<b>vcsGetProjectBrowserHelper</b>(<i>browser, project, isTranslationsBrowser=False</i>)
        Public method to instanciate a helper object for the different project browsers.
reference to the project browser object
reference to the project object
flag indicating, the helper is requested for the
            translations browser (this needs some special treatment)
the project browser helper object
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsGetProjectHelper" ID="Subversion.vcsGetProjectHelper"></a>
        Public method to instanciate a helper object for the project.
reference to the project object
the project helper object
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsImport" ID="Subversion.vcsImport"></a>
<b>vcsImport</b>(<i>vcsDataDict, projectDir, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to import the project into the Subversion repository.
dictionary of data required for the import
project directory (string)
flag indicating quiet operations
flag indicating an execution without errors (boolean)
            and a flag indicating the version controll status (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsInit" ID="Subversion.vcsInit"></a>
<b>vcsInit</b>(<i>vcsDir, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to initialize the subversion repository.
        The subversion repository has to be initialized from outside eric5
        because the respective command always works locally. Therefore we
        always return TRUE without doing anything.
name of the VCS directory (string)
flag indicating quiet operations (boolean)
always TRUE
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsLog" ID="Subversion.vcsLog"></a>
        Public method used to view the log of a file/directory from the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name to show the log of (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsMerge" ID="Subversion.vcsMerge"></a>
        Public method used to merge a URL/revision into the local project.
file/directory name to be merged (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsMove" ID="Subversion.vcsMove"></a>
<b>vcsMove</b>(<i>name, project, target=None, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to move a file/directory.
file/directory name to be moved (string)
reference to the project object
new name of the file/directory (string)
flag indicating quiet operations
flag indicating successfull operation (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsName" ID="Subversion.vcsName"></a>
        Public method returning the name of the vcs.
always 'Subversion' (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsNewProjectOptionsDialog" ID="Subversion.vcsNewProjectOptionsDialog"></a>
        Public method to get a dialog to enter repository info for getting a new project.
parent widget (QWidget)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsOptionsDialog" ID="Subversion.vcsOptionsDialog"></a>
<b>vcsOptionsDialog</b>(<i>project, archive, editable=False, parent=None</i>)
        Public method to get a dialog to enter repository info.
reference to the project object
name of the project in the repository (string)
flag indicating that the project name is editable (boolean)
parent widget (QWidget)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsRegisteredState" ID="Subversion.vcsRegisteredState"></a>
        Public method used to get the registered state of a file in the vcs.
filename to check (string)
a combination of canBeCommited and canBeAdded
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsRemove" ID="Subversion.vcsRemove"></a>
<b>vcsRemove</b>(<i>name, project=False, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to remove a file/directory from the Subversion repository.
        The default operation is to remove the local copy as well.
file/directory name to be removed (string or list of strings))
flag indicating deletion of a project tree (boolean) (not needed)
flag indicating quiet operations
flag indicating successfull operation (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsRepositoryInfos" ID="Subversion.vcsRepositoryInfos"></a>
        Public method to retrieve information about the repository.
local path to get the repository infos (string)
string with ready formated info for display (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsRevert" ID="Subversion.vcsRevert"></a>
        Public method used to revert changes made to a file/directory.
file/directory name to be reverted (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsShutdown" ID="Subversion.vcsShutdown"></a>
        Public method used to shutdown the Subversion interface.
</p><a NAME="Subversion.vcsStatus" ID="Subversion.vcsStatus"></a>
        Public method used to view the status of files/directories in the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name(s) to show the status of
            (string or list of strings)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsSwitch" ID="Subversion.vcsSwitch"></a>
        Public method used to switch a directory to a different tag/branch.
directory name to be switched (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsTag" ID="Subversion.vcsTag"></a>
        Public method used to set the tag of a file/directory in the
        Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be tagged (string)
</dl><a NAME="Subversion.vcsUpdate" ID="Subversion.vcsUpdate"></a>
<b>vcsUpdate</b>(<i>name, noDialog=False</i>)
        Public method used to update a file/directory with the Subversion repository.
file/directory name to be updated (string or list of strings)
flag indicating quiet operations (boolean)
flag indicating, that the update contained an add
            or delete (boolean)
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