
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 22:52:26 +0100

T.Rzepka <>
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 22:52:26 +0100
changeset 4555
parent 4547
child 4631

Adjustments to future imports for Python 2 compatibility.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Detlev Offenbach <>

Module implementing a checker for documentation string conventions.

# The routines of the checker class are modeled after the ones found in
# (version 0.2.4).

    # Python 2
    from StringIO import StringIO       # __IGNORE_EXCEPTION__
except ImportError:
    # Python 3
    from io import StringIO             # __IGNORE_WARNING__
import tokenize
import ast
import sys

    ast.AsyncFunctionDef    # __IGNORE_EXCEPTION__
except AttributeError:
    ast.AsyncFunctionDef = ast.FunctionDef

class DocStyleContext(object):
    Class implementing the source context.
    def __init__(self, source, startLine, contextType):
        @param source source code of the context (list of string or string)
        @param startLine line number the context starts in the source (integer)
        @param contextType type of the context object (string)
        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
            stringTypes = (str, unicode)        # __IGNORE_WARNING__
            stringTypes = str
        if isinstance(source, stringTypes):
            self.__source = source.splitlines(True)
            self.__source = source[:]
        self.__start = startLine
        self.__indent = ""
        self.__type = contextType
        # ensure first line is left justified
        if self.__source:
            self.__indent = self.__source[0].replace(
                self.__source[0].lstrip(), "")
            self.__source[0] = self.__source[0].lstrip()
    def source(self):
        Public method to get the source.
        @return source (list of string)
        return self.__source
    def ssource(self):
        Public method to get the joined source lines.
        @return source (string)
        return "".join(self.__source)
    def start(self):
        Public method to get the start line number.
        @return start line number (integer)
        return self.__start
    def end(self):
        Public method to get the end line number.
        @return end line number (integer)
        return self.__start + len(self.__source) - 1
    def indent(self):
        Public method to get the indentation of the first line.
        @return indentation string (string)
        return self.__indent
    def contextType(self):
        Public method to get the context type.
        @return context type (string)
        return self.__type

class DocStyleChecker(object):
    Class implementing a checker for documentation string conventions.
    Codes = [
        "D101", "D102", "D103", "D104", "D105",
        "D111", "D112", "D113",
        "D121", "D122",
        "D130", "D131", "D132", "D133", "D134",
        "D141", "D142", "D143", "D144", "D145",
        "D203", "D205",
        "D221", "D222",
        "D231", "D232", "D234", "D235", "D236", "D237", "D238", "D239",
        "D242", "D243", "D244", "D245", "D246", "D247",
        "D250", "D251",

    def __init__(self, source, filename, select, ignore, expected, repeat,
                 maxLineLength=79, docType="pep257"):
        @param source source code to be checked (list of string)
        @param filename name of the source file (string)
        @param select list of selected codes (list of string)
        @param ignore list of codes to be ignored (list of string)
        @param expected list of expected codes (list of string)
        @param repeat flag indicating to report each occurrence of a code
        @keyparam maxLineLength allowed line length (integer)
        @keyparam docType type of the documentation strings
            (string, one of 'eric' or 'pep257')
        assert docType in ("eric", "pep257")
        self.__select = tuple(select)
        self.__ignore = ('',) if select else tuple(ignore)
        self.__expected = expected[:]
        self.__repeat = repeat
        self.__maxLineLength = maxLineLength
        self.__docType = docType
        self.__filename = filename
        self.__source = source[:]
        # statistics counters
        self.counters = {}
        # collection of detected errors
        self.errors = []
        self.__lineNumber = 0
        # caches
        self.__functionsCache = None
        self.__classesCache = None
        self.__methodsCache = None
        self.__keywords = [
            'moduleDocstring', 'functionDocstring',
            'classDocstring', 'methodDocstring',
            'defDocstring', 'docstring'
        if self.__docType == "pep257":
            checkersWithCodes = {
                "moduleDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkModulesDocstrings, ("D101",)),
                "functionDocstring": [
                "classDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkClassDocstring, ("D104", "D105")),
                    (self.__checkBlankBeforeAndAfterClass, ("D142", "D143")),
                "methodDocstring": [
                "defDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkFunctionDocstring, ("D102", "D103")),
                    (self.__checkImperativeMood, ("D132",)),
                    (self.__checkNoSignature, ("D133",)),
                    (self.__checkReturnType, ("D134",)),
                    (self.__checkNoBlankLineBefore, ("D141",)),
                "docstring": [
                    (self.__checkTripleDoubleQuotes, ("D111",)),
                    (self.__checkBackslashes, ("D112",)),
                    (self.__checkUnicode, ("D113",)),
                    (self.__checkOneLiner, ("D121",)),
                    (self.__checkIndent, ("D122",)),
                    (self.__checkSummary, ("D130",)),
                    (self.__checkEndsWithPeriod, ("D131",)),
                    (self.__checkBlankAfterSummary, ("D144",)),
                    (self.__checkBlankAfterLastParagraph, ("D145",)),
        elif self.__docType == "eric":
            checkersWithCodes = {
                "moduleDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkModulesDocstrings, ("D101",)),
                "functionDocstring": [
                "classDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkClassDocstring, ("D104", "D205")),
                     ("D242", "D243")),
                "methodDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkEricSummary, ("D232")),
                "defDocstring": [
                    (self.__checkFunctionDocstring, ("D102", "D203")),
                    (self.__checkImperativeMood, ("D132",)),
                    (self.__checkNoSignature, ("D133",)),
                    (self.__checkEricReturn, ("D234", "D235")),
                     ("D236", "D237", "D238", "D239")),
                     ("D244", "D245")),
                    (self.__checkEricException, ("D250", "D251")),
                "docstring": [
                    (self.__checkTripleDoubleQuotes, ("D111",)),
                    (self.__checkBackslashes, ("D112",)),
                    (self.__checkUnicode, ("D113",)),
                    (self.__checkIndent, ("D122",)),
                    (self.__checkSummary, ("D130",)),
                    (self.__checkEricEndsWithPeriod, ("D231",)),
                    (self.__checkEricBlankAfterSummary, ("D246",)),
                    (self.__checkEricNBlankAfterLastParagraph, ("D247",)),
                    (self.__checkEricQuotesOnSeparateLines, ("D222", "D223"))
        self.__checkers = {}
        for key, checkers in checkersWithCodes.items():
            for checker, codes in checkers:
                if any(not (code and self.__ignoreCode(code))
                        for code in codes):
                    if key not in self.__checkers:
                        self.__checkers[key] = []
    def __ignoreCode(self, code):
        Private method to check if the error code should be ignored.

        @param code message code to check for (string)
        @return flag indicating to ignore the given code (boolean)
        return (code.startswith(self.__ignore) and
                not code.startswith(self.__select))
    def __error(self, lineNumber, offset, code, *args):
        Private method to record an issue.
        @param lineNumber line number of the issue (integer)
        @param offset position within line of the issue (integer)
        @param code message code (string)
        @param args arguments for the message (list)
        if self.__ignoreCode(code):
        if code in self.counters:
            self.counters[code] += 1
            self.counters[code] = 1
        # Don't care about expected codes
        if code in self.__expected:
        if code and (self.counters[code] == 1 or self.__repeat):
            # record the issue with one based line number
                (self.__filename, lineNumber + 1, offset, (code, args)))
    def __reportInvalidSyntax(self):
        Private method to report a syntax error.
        exc_type, exc = sys.exc_info()[:2]
        if len(exc.args) > 1:
            offset = exc.args[1]
            if len(offset) > 2:
                offset = offset[1:3]
            offset = (1, 0)
        self.__error(offset[0] - 1, offset[1] or 0,
                     'D901', exc_type.__name__, exc.args[0])
    def __resetReadline(self):
        Private method to reset the internal readline function.
        self.__lineNumber = 0
    def __readline(self):
        Private method to get the next line from the source.
        @return next line of source (string)
        self.__lineNumber += 1
        if self.__lineNumber > len(self.__source):
            return ''
        return self.__source[self.__lineNumber - 1]
    def run(self):
        Public method to check the given source for violations of doc string
        if not self.__filename:
            # don't do anything, if essential data is missing
        if not self.__checkers:
            # don't do anything, if no codes were selected
        source = "".join(self.__source)
        # Check type for py2: if not str it's unicode
        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                source = source.encode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeError:
            compile(source, self.__filename, 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
        except (SyntaxError, TypeError):
        for keyword in self.__keywords:
            if keyword in self.__checkers:
                for check in self.__checkers[keyword]:
                    for context in self.__parseContexts(keyword):
                        docstring = self.__parseDocstring(context, keyword)
                        check(docstring, context)
    def __getSummaryLine(self, docstringContext):
        Private method to extract the summary line.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @return summary line (string) and the line it was found on (integer)
        lines = docstringContext.source()
        line = (lines[0]
                .replace('r"""', "", 1)
                .replace('u"""', "", 1)
                .replace('"""', "")
                .replace("r'''", "", 1)
                .replace("u'''", "", 1)
                .replace("'''", "")
        if len(lines) == 1 or len(line) > 0:
            return line, 0
        return lines[1].strip().replace('"""', "").replace("'''", ""), 1
    def __getSummaryLines(self, docstringContext):
        Private method to extract the summary lines.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @return summary lines (list of string) and the line it was found on
        summaries = []
        lines = docstringContext.source()
        line0 = (lines[0]
                 .replace('r"""', "", 1)
                 .replace('u"""', "", 1)
                 .replace('"""', "")
                 .replace("r'''", "", 1)
                 .replace("u'''", "", 1)
                 .replace("'''", "")
        if len(lines) > 1:
            line1 = lines[1].strip().replace('"""', "").replace("'''", "")
            line1 = ""
        if len(lines) > 2:
            line2 = lines[2].strip().replace('"""', "").replace("'''", "")
            line2 = ""
        if line0:
            lineno = 0
            if not line0.endswith(".") and line1:
                # two line summary
        elif line1:
            lineno = 1
            if not line1.endswith(".") and line2:
                # two line summary
            lineno = 2
        return summaries, lineno
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        def __getArgNames(self, node):
            Private method to get the argument names of a function node.
            @param node AST node to extract arguments names from
            @return tuple of two list of argument names, one for arguments
                and one for keyword arguments (tuple of list of string)
            def unpackArgs(args):
                Local helper function to unpack function argument names.
                @param args list of AST node arguments
                @return list of argument names (list of string)
                ret = []
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, ast.Tuple):
                return ret
            arguments = unpackArgs(node.args.args)
            if node.args.vararg is not None:
            kwarguments = []
            if node.args.kwarg is not None:
            return arguments, kwarguments
        def __getArgNames(self, node):          # __IGNORE_WARNING__
            Private method to get the argument names of a function node.
            @param node AST node to extract arguments names from
            @return tuple of two list of argument names, one for arguments
                and one for keyword arguments (tuple of list of string)
            arguments = []
            arguments.extend([arg.arg for arg in node.args.args])
            if node.args.vararg is not None:
                if sys.version_info[1] < 4:
            kwarguments = []
            kwarguments.extend([arg.arg for arg in node.args.kwonlyargs])
            if node.args.kwarg is not None:
                if sys.version_info[1] < 4:
            return arguments, kwarguments
    ## Parsing functionality below
    def __parseModuleDocstring(self, source):
        Private method to extract a docstring given a module source.
        @param source source to parse (list of string)
        @return context of extracted docstring (DocStyleContext)
        for kind, value, (line, char), _, _ in tokenize.generate_tokens(
            if kind in [tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:
            elif kind == tokenize.STRING:  # first STRING should be docstring
                return DocStyleContext(value, line - 1, "docstring")
                return None

    def __parseDocstring(self, context, what=''):
        Private method to extract a docstring given `def` or `class` source.
        @param context context data to get the docstring from (DocStyleContext)
        @param what string denoting what is being parsed (string)
        @return context of extracted docstring (DocStyleContext)
        moduleDocstring = self.__parseModuleDocstring(context.source())
        if what.startswith('module') or context.contextType() == "module":
            return moduleDocstring
        if moduleDocstring:
            return moduleDocstring
        tokenGenerator = tokenize.generate_tokens(
            kind = None
            while kind != tokenize.INDENT:
                kind, _, _, _, _ = next(tokenGenerator)
            kind, value, (line, char), _, _ = next(tokenGenerator)
            if kind == tokenize.STRING:  # STRING after INDENT is a docstring
                return DocStyleContext(
                    value, context.start() + line - 1, "docstring")
        except StopIteration:
        return None
    def __parseTopLevel(self, keyword):
        Private method to extract top-level functions or classes.
        @param keyword keyword signaling what to extract (string)
        @return extracted function or class contexts (list of DocStyleContext)
        tokenGenerator = tokenize.generate_tokens(self.__readline)
        kind, value, char = None, None, None
        contexts = []
            while True:
                start, end = None, None
                while not (kind == tokenize.NAME and
                           value == keyword and
                           char == 0):
                    kind, value, (line, char), _, _ = next(tokenGenerator)
                start = line - 1, char
                while not (kind == tokenize.DEDENT and
                           value == '' and
                           char == 0):
                    kind, value, (line, char), _, _ = next(tokenGenerator)
                end = line - 1, char
                    self.__source[start[0]:end[0]], start[0], keyword))
        except StopIteration:
            return contexts
    def __parseFunctions(self):
        Private method to extract top-level functions.
        @return extracted function contexts (list of DocStyleContext)
        if not self.__functionsCache:
            self.__functionsCache = self.__parseTopLevel('def')
        return self.__functionsCache
    def __parseClasses(self):
        Private method to extract top-level classes.
        @return extracted class contexts (list of DocStyleContext)
        if not self.__classesCache:
            self.__classesCache = self.__parseTopLevel('class')
        return self.__classesCache
    def __skipIndentedBlock(self, tokenGenerator):
        Private method to skip over an indented block of source code.
        @param tokenGenerator token generator
        @return last token of the indented block
        kind, value, start, end, raw = next(tokenGenerator)
        while kind != tokenize.INDENT:
            kind, value, start, end, raw = next(tokenGenerator)
        indent = 1
        for kind, value, start, end, raw in tokenGenerator:
            if kind == tokenize.INDENT:
                indent += 1
            elif kind == tokenize.DEDENT:
                indent -= 1
            if indent == 0:
                return kind, value, start, end, raw
    def __parseMethods(self):
        Private method to extract methods of all classes.
        @return extracted method contexts (list of DocStyleContext)
        if not self.__methodsCache:
            contexts = []
            for classContext in self.__parseClasses():
                tokenGenerator = tokenize.generate_tokens(
                kind, value, char = None, None, None
                    while True:
                        start, end = None, None
                        while not (kind == tokenize.NAME and value == 'def'):
                            kind, value, (line, char), _, _ = \
                        start = line - 1, char
                        kind, value, (line, char), _, _ = \
                        end = line - 1, char
                        startLine = classContext.start() + start[0]
                        endLine = classContext.start() + end[0]
                            startLine, "def"))
                except StopIteration:
            self.__methodsCache = contexts
        return self.__methodsCache

    def __parseContexts(self, kind):
        Private method to extract a context from the source.
        @param kind kind of context to extract (string)
        @return requested contexts (list of DocStyleContext)
        if kind == 'moduleDocstring':
            return [DocStyleContext(self.__source, 0, "module")]
        if kind == 'functionDocstring':
            return self.__parseFunctions()
        if kind == 'classDocstring':
            return self.__parseClasses()
        if kind == 'methodDocstring':
            return self.__parseMethods()
        if kind == 'defDocstring':
            return self.__parseFunctions() + self.__parseMethods()
        if kind == 'docstring':
            return ([DocStyleContext(self.__source, 0, "module")] +
                    self.__parseFunctions() +
                    self.__parseClasses() +
        return []       # fall back
    ## Checking functionality below (PEP-257)

    def __checkModulesDocstrings(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, if the module has a docstring.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
            self.__error(context.start(), 0, "D101")
        docstring = docstringContext.ssource()
        if (not docstring or not docstring.strip() or
                not docstring.strip('\'"')):
            self.__error(context.start(), 0, "D101")
    def __checkFunctionDocstring(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that all public functions and methods
        have a docstring.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        functionName = context.source()[0].lstrip().split()[1].split("(")[0]
        if functionName.startswith('_') and not functionName.endswith('__'):
            if self.__docType == "eric":
                code = "D203"
                code = "D103"
            code = "D102"
        if docstringContext is None:
            self.__error(context.start(), 0, code)
        docstring = docstringContext.ssource()
        if (not docstring or not docstring.strip() or
                not docstring.strip('\'"')):
            self.__error(context.start(), 0, code)
    def __checkClassDocstring(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that all public functions and methods
        have a docstring.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        className = context.source()[0].lstrip().split()[1].split("(")[0]
        if className.startswith('_'):
            if self.__docType == "eric":
                code = "D205"
                code = "D105"
            code = "D104"
        if docstringContext is None:
            self.__error(context.start(), 0, code)
        docstring = docstringContext.ssource()
        if (not docstring or not docstring.strip() or
                not docstring.strip('\'"')):
            self.__error(context.start(), 0, code)
    def __checkTripleDoubleQuotes(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that all docstrings are surrounded
        by triple double quotes.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstring = docstringContext.ssource().strip()
        if not docstring.startswith(('"""', 'r"""', 'u"""')):
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D111")
    def __checkBackslashes(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that all docstrings containing
        backslashes are surrounded by raw triple double quotes.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstring = docstringContext.ssource().strip()
        if "\\" in docstring and not docstring.startswith('r"""'):
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D112")
    def __checkUnicode(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that all docstrings containing unicode
        characters are surrounded by unicode triple double quotes.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstring = docstringContext.ssource().strip()
        if not docstring.startswith('u"""') and \
                any(ord(char) > 127 for char in docstring):
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D113")
    def __checkOneLiner(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that one-liner docstrings fit on
        one line with quotes.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        lines = docstringContext.source()
        if len(lines) > 1:
            nonEmptyLines = [l for l in lines if l.strip().strip('\'"')]
            if len(nonEmptyLines) == 1:
                modLen = len(context.indent() + '"""' +
                             nonEmptyLines[0].strip() + '"""')
                if context.contextType() != "module":
                    modLen += 4
                if not nonEmptyLines[0].strip().endswith("."):
                    # account for a trailing dot
                    modLen += 1
                if modLen <= self.__maxLineLength:
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D121")
    def __checkIndent(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstrings are properly indented.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        lines = docstringContext.source()
        if len(lines) == 1:
        nonEmptyLines = [l.rstrip() for l in lines[1:] if l.strip()]
        if not nonEmptyLines:
        indent = min([len(l) - len(l.strip()) for l in nonEmptyLines])
        if context.contextType() == "module":
            expectedIndent = 0
            expectedIndent = len(context.indent()) + 4
        if indent != expectedIndent:
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D122")
    def __checkSummary(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries contain some text.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        summary, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLine(docstringContext)
        if summary == "":
            self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0, "D130")
    def __checkEndsWithPeriod(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries end with a period.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        summary, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLine(docstringContext)
        if not summary.endswith("."):
            self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0, "D131")
    def __checkImperativeMood(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries are in
        imperative mood.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        summary, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLine(docstringContext)
        if summary:
            firstWord = summary.strip().split()[0]
            if firstWord.endswith("s") and not firstWord.endswith("ss"):
                self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0, "D132")
    def __checkNoSignature(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries don't repeat
        the function's signature.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        functionName = context.source()[0].lstrip().split()[1].split("(")[0]
        summary, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLine(docstringContext)
        if functionName + "(" in summary.replace(" ", "") and \
                not functionName + "()" in summary.replace(" ", ""):
            # report only, if it is not an abbreviated form (i.e. function() )
            self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0, "D133")
    def __checkReturnType(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstrings mention the return value type.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        if "return" not in docstringContext.ssource().lower():
            tokens = list(
            return_ = [tokens[i + 1][0] for i, token in enumerate(tokens)
                       if token[1] == "return"]
            if (set(return_) -
                    set([tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE]) !=
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D134")
    def __checkNoBlankLineBefore(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that function/method docstrings are not
        preceded by a blank line.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        contextLines = context.source()
        cti = 0
        while cti < len(contextLines) and \
                not contextLines[cti].strip().startswith(
                ('"""', 'r"""', 'u"""', "'''", "r'''", "u'''")):
            cti += 1
        if cti == len(contextLines):
        if not contextLines[cti - 1].strip():
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D141")
    def __checkBlankBeforeAndAfterClass(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that class docstrings have one
        blank line around them.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        contextLines = context.source()
        cti = 0
        while cti < len(contextLines) and \
            not contextLines[cti].strip().startswith(
                ('"""', 'r"""', 'u"""', "'''", "r'''", "u'''")):
            cti += 1
        if cti == len(contextLines):
        start = cti
        if contextLines[cti].strip() in (
                '"""', 'r"""', 'u"""', "'''", "r'''", "u'''"):
            # it is a multi line docstring
            cti += 1
        while cti < len(contextLines) and \
                not contextLines[cti].strip().endswith(('"""', "'''")):
            cti += 1
        end = cti
        if cti >= len(contextLines) - 1:
        if contextLines[start - 1].strip():
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D142")
        if contextLines[end + 1].strip():
            self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D143")
    def __checkBlankAfterSummary(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries are followed
        by a blank line.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstrings = docstringContext.source()
        if len(docstrings) <= 3:
            # correct/invalid one-liner
        summary, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLine(docstringContext)
        if len(docstrings) > 2:
            if docstrings[lineNumber + 1].strip():
                self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0, "D144")
    def __checkBlankAfterLastParagraph(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that the last paragraph of docstrings is
        followed by a blank line.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstrings = docstringContext.source()
        if len(docstrings) <= 3:
            # correct/invalid one-liner
        if docstrings[-2].strip():
            self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D145")
    ## Checking functionality below (eric specific ones)

    def __checkEricQuotesOnSeparateLines(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that leading and trailing quotes are on
        a line by themselves.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        lines = docstringContext.source()
        if lines[0].strip().strip('ru"\''):
            self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D221")
        if lines[-1].strip().strip('"\''):
            self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D222")
    def __checkEricEndsWithPeriod(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries end with a period.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        summaryLines, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLines(docstringContext)
        if summaryLines:
            if summaryLines[-1].lstrip().startswith("@"):
            summary = " ".join([s.strip() for s in summaryLines if s])
            if summary and not summary.endswith(".") and \
                    not summary.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == "constructor":
                    docstringContext.start() + lineNumber +
                    len(summaryLines) - 1,
                    0, "D231")
    def __checkEricReturn(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstrings contain an &#64;return line
        if they return anything and don't otherwise.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        tokens = list(
        return_ = [tokens[i + 1][0] for i, token in enumerate(tokens)
                   if token[1] in ("return", "yield")]
        if "@return" not in docstringContext.ssource():
            if (set(return_) -
                    set([tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE]) !=
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D234")
            if (set(return_) -
                    set([tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE]) ==
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D235")
    def __checkEricFunctionArguments(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstrings contain an &#64;param and/or
        &#64;keyparam line for each argument.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
            tree = ast.parse(context.ssource())
        except (SyntaxError, TypeError):
        if (isinstance(tree, ast.Module) and len(tree.body) == 1 and
                           (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef))):
            functionDef = tree.body[0]
            argNames, kwNames = self.__getArgNames(functionDef)
            if "self" in argNames:
            if "cls" in argNames:
            docstring = docstringContext.ssource()
            if (docstring.count("@param") + docstring.count("@keyparam") <
                    len(argNames + kwNames)):
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D236")
            elif (docstring.count("@param") + docstring.count("@keyparam") >
                    len(argNames + kwNames)):
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D237")
                # extract @param and @keyparam from docstring
                args = []
                kwargs = []
                for line in docstringContext.source():
                    if line.strip().startswith(("@param", "@keyparam")):
                        at, name = line.strip().split(None, 2)[:2]
                        if at == "@keyparam":
                # do the checks
                for name in kwNames:
                    if name not in kwargs:
                        self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D238")
                if argNames + kwNames != args:
                    self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D239")
    def __checkEricException(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstrings contain an &#64;exception line
        if they raise an exception and don't otherwise.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        tokens = list(
        exception = [tokens[i + 1][0] for i, token in enumerate(tokens)
                     if token[1] == "raise"]
        if "@exception" not in docstringContext.ssource() and \
                "@throws" not in docstringContext.ssource() and \
                "@raise" not in docstringContext.ssource():
            if (set(exception) -
                    set([tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE]) !=
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D250")
            if (set(exception) -
                    set([tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE]) ==
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D251")
    def __checkEricBlankAfterSummary(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that docstring summaries are followed
        by a blank line.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstrings = docstringContext.source()
        if len(docstrings) <= 3:
            # correct/invalid one-liner
        summaryLines, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLines(docstringContext)
        if len(docstrings) - 2 > lineNumber + len(summaryLines) - 1:
            if docstrings[lineNumber + len(summaryLines)].strip():
                self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0, "D246")
    def __checkEricNoBlankBeforeAndAfterClassOrFunction(
            self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that class and function/method docstrings
        have no blank line around them.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        contextLines = context.source()
        isClassContext = contextLines[0].lstrip().startswith("class ")
        cti = 0
        while cti < len(contextLines) and \
            not contextLines[cti].strip().startswith(
                ('"""', 'r"""', 'u"""', "'''", "r'''", "u'''")):
            cti += 1
        if cti == len(contextLines):
        start = cti
        if contextLines[cti].strip() in (
                '"""', 'r"""', 'u"""', "'''", "r'''", "u'''"):
            # it is a multi line docstring
            cti += 1
        while cti < len(contextLines) and \
                not contextLines[cti].strip().endswith(('"""', "'''")):
            cti += 1
        end = cti
        if cti >= len(contextLines) - 1:
        if isClassContext:
            if not contextLines[start - 1].strip():
                self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D242")
            if not contextLines[end + 1].strip():
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D243")
            if not contextLines[start - 1].strip():
                self.__error(docstringContext.start(), 0, "D244")
            if not contextLines[end + 1].strip():
                self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D245")
    def __checkEricNBlankAfterLastParagraph(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that the last paragraph of docstrings is
        not followed by a blank line.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        docstrings = docstringContext.source()
        if len(docstrings) <= 3:
            # correct/invalid one-liner
        if not docstrings[-2].strip():
            self.__error(docstringContext.end(), 0, "D247")
    def __checkEricSummary(self, docstringContext, context):
        Private method to check, that method docstring summaries start with
        specific words.
        @param docstringContext docstring context (DocStyleContext)
        @param context context of the docstring (DocStyleContext)
        if docstringContext is None:
        summary, lineNumber = self.__getSummaryLine(docstringContext)
        if summary:
            # check, if the first word is 'Constructor', 'Public',
            # 'Protected' or 'Private'
            functionName, arguments = context.source()[0].lstrip()\
                .split()[1].split("(", 1)
            firstWord = summary.strip().split(None, 1)[0].lower()
            if functionName == '__init__':
                if firstWord != 'constructor':
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0,
                                 "D232", 'constructor')
            elif functionName.startswith('__') and \
                if firstWord != 'special':
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0,
                                 "D232", 'special')
            elif functionName.startswith(('__', 'on_')):
                if firstWord != 'private':
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0,
                                 "D232", 'private')
            elif functionName.startswith('_') or \
                if firstWord != 'protected':
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0,
                                 "D232", 'protected')
            elif arguments.startswith(('cls,', 'cls)')):
                if firstWord != 'class':
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0,
                                 "D232", 'class')
                if firstWord != 'public':
                    self.__error(docstringContext.start() + lineNumber, 0,
                                 "D232", 'public')

# eflag: noqa = M702

eric ide
