
Sun, 18 Dec 2016 13:42:41 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Sun, 18 Dec 2016 13:42:41 +0100
changeset 5382
parent 5359
child 5559

Extended the plug-in archive creation process and improved the plug-in archive dialog to cope with the documentation sets plug-in peculiarities.

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<body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
Module implementing the project management functionality.
<h3>Global Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#Project">Project</a></td>
<td>Class implementing the project management functionality.</td>
<hr /><hr />
<a NAME="Project" ID="Project"></a>
    Class implementing the project management functionality.
emitted after an item of the model was
emitted to open a found designer file
emitted after a directory has been removed
        from the project
emitted when the dirty state changes
emitted after the lexer associations
        have been changed
emitted to open a found translation file
emitted after a new project was generated
emitted after a new project was generated but
        before the newProject() signal is sent
emitted before an item of the model is
emitted just before the project will be
emitted to signal a change of the project
emitted after a project was closed
emitted after a project file was closed but
        before the projectClosed() signal is sent
</dd><dt>projectFileRenamed(str, str)</dt>
emitted after a file of the project
        has been renamed
emitted after a new form was added
emitted after a form was compiled
emitted after a form was removed
emitted after a new IDL file was added
emitted after a IDL file was removed
emitted after a new language was added
emitted after a new language was
        added. The language code is sent by this signal.
emitted after a language was removed
emitted after a project file was read
emitted after a project file was read but
        before the projectOpened() signal is sent
emitted after a file or directory was added
        to the OTHERS project data area
emitted after a file was removed from the
        OTHERS project data area
emitted after the project properties
        were changed
emitted after a new resource file was
emitted after a resource was removed
emitted after a new source file was added
emitted after a source was removed
emitted after the VCS has been reinitialized
</dd><dt>showMenu(str, QMenu)</dt>
emitted when a menu is about to be shown. The
        name of the menu and a reference to the menu are given.
emitted after a project file was read to
        open the main script
</dd><dt>vcsStatusMonitorStatus(str, str)</dt>
emitted to signal the status of
        the monitoring thread (ok, nok, op, off) and a status message
<h3>Derived from</h3>
<h3>Class Attributes</h3>
<h3>Class Methods</h3>
<td><a href="#Project.__init__">Project</a></td>
<td><a href="#Project.__addRecursiveDirectory">__addRecursiveDirectory</a></td>
<td>Private method used to add all files of a directory tree.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__addSingleDirectory">__addSingleDirectory</a></td>
<td>Private method used to add all files of a single directory to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__binaryTranslationFile">__binaryTranslationFile</a></td>
<td>Private method to calculate the filename of the binary translations file given the name of the raw translations file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__checkFilesExist">__checkFilesExist</a></td>
<td>Private method to check, if the files in a list exist.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__checkProjectFileGroup">__checkProjectFileGroup</a></td>
<td>Private method to check, if a file is in a specific file group of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__closeAllWindows">__closeAllWindows</a></td>
<td>Private method to close all project related windows.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__createSnapshotSource">__createSnapshotSource</a></td>
<td>Private method to create a snapshot plugin version.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__createZipDirEntries">__createZipDirEntries</a></td>
<td>Private method to create dir entries in the zip file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__deleteDebugProperties">__deleteDebugProperties</a></td>
<td>Private method to delete the project debugger properties file (.e4d).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__deleteSession">__deleteSession</a></td>
<td>Private method to delete the session file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__doSearchNewFiles">__doSearchNewFiles</a></td>
<td>Private method to search for new files in the project directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__initData">__initData</a></td>
<td>Private method to initialize the project data part.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__initDebugProperties">__initDebugProperties</a></td>
<td>Private method to initialize the debug properties.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__initProjectTypes">__initProjectTypes</a></td>
<td>Private method to initialize the list of supported project types.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__loadDiagram">__loadDiagram</a></td>
<td>Private slot to load a diagram from file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__loadRecent">__loadRecent</a></td>
<td>Private method to load the recently opened project filenames.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__openRecent">__openRecent</a></td>
<td>Private method to open a project from the list of rencently opened projects.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__pluginCreateArchives">__pluginCreateArchives</a></td>
<td>Private slot to create eric6 plugin archives.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__pluginCreatePkgList">__pluginCreatePkgList</a></td>
<td>Private slot to create a PKGLIST file needed for archive file creation.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__pluginCreateSnapshotArchives">__pluginCreateSnapshotArchives</a></td>
<td>Private slot to create eric6 plugin archive snapshot releases.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__pluginExtractVersion">__pluginExtractVersion</a></td>
<td>Private method to extract the version number entry.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__pluginVersionToTuple">__pluginVersionToTuple</a></td>
<td>Private method to convert a plug-in version string into a version tuple.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__readDebugProperties">__readDebugProperties</a></td>
<td>Private method to read in the project debugger properties file (.e4d).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__readProject">__readProject</a></td>
<td>Private method to read in a project (.e4p) file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__readSession">__readSession</a></td>
<td>Private method to read in the project session file (.e5s or .e4s).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__readTasks">__readTasks</a></td>
<td>Private method to read in the project tasks file (.e6t).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__readUserProperties">__readUserProperties</a></td>
<td>Private method to read in the user specific project file (.e4q).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__reorganizeFiles">__reorganizeFiles</a></td>
<td>Private method to reorganize files stored in the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__saveRecent">__saveRecent</a></td>
<td>Private method to save the list of recently opened filenames.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__searchNewFiles">__searchNewFiles</a></td>
<td>Private slot used to handle the search new files action.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__searchProjectFile">__searchProjectFile</a></td>
<td>Private slot to show the Find Project File dialog.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showCodeCoverage">__showCodeCoverage</a></td>
<td>Private slot used to show the code coverage information for the project files.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showCodeMetrics">__showCodeMetrics</a></td>
<td>Private slot used to calculate some code metrics for the project files.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuApiDoc">__showContextMenuApiDoc</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the apidoc menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuChecks">__showContextMenuChecks</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the checks menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuDebugger">__showContextMenuDebugger</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the Debugger menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuGraphics">__showContextMenuGraphics</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the graphics menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuPackagers">__showContextMenuPackagers</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the packagers menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuRecent">__showContextMenuRecent</a></td>
<td>Private method to set up the recent projects menu.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuSession">__showContextMenuSession</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the Session menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuShow">__showContextMenuShow</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the show menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showContextMenuVCS">__showContextMenuVCS</a></td>
<td>Private slot called before the vcs menu is shown.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showDebugProperties">__showDebugProperties</a></td>
<td>Private slot to display the debugger properties dialog.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showFiletypeAssociations">__showFiletypeAssociations</a></td>
<td>Private slot to display the filetype association dialog.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showLexerAssociations">__showLexerAssociations</a></td>
<td>Private slot to display the lexer association dialog.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showMenu">__showMenu</a></td>
<td>Private method to set up the project menu.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showProfileData">__showProfileData</a></td>
<td>Private slot used to show the profiling information for the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showProperties">__showProperties</a></td>
<td>Private slot to display the properties dialog.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__showUserProperties">__showUserProperties</a></td>
<td>Private slot to display the user specific properties dialog.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__sourceExtensions">__sourceExtensions</a></td>
<td>Private method to get the source extensions of a programming language.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__statusMonitorStatus">__statusMonitorStatus</a></td>
<td>Private method to receive the status monitor status.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__syncRecent">__syncRecent</a></td>
<td>Private method to synchronize the list of recently opened projects with the central store.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__vcsStatusChanged">__vcsStatusChanged</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle a change of the overall VCS status.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__writeDebugProperties">__writeDebugProperties</a></td>
<td>Private method to write the project debugger properties file (.e4d).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__writeProject">__writeProject</a></td>
<td>Private method to save the project infos to a project file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__writeSession">__writeSession</a></td>
<td>Private method to write the session data to an XML file (.e5s).</td>
<td><a href="#Project.__writeUserProperties">__writeUserProperties</a></td>
<td>Private method to write the project data to an XML file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addDirectory">addDirectory</a></td>
<td>Public method used to add all files of a directory to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addE5Actions">addE5Actions</a></td>
<td>Public method to add actions to the list of actions.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addFiles">addFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot used to add files to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addIdlDir">addIdlDir</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add all IDL interfaces of a directory to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addIdlFiles">addIdlFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add IDL interfaces to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addLanguage">addLanguage</a></td>
<td>Public slot used to add a language to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addOthersDir">addOthersDir</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add a directory to the OTHERS project data.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addOthersFiles">addOthersFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add files to the OTHERS project data.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addResourceDir">addResourceDir</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add all Qt resource files of a directory to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addResourceFiles">addResourceFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add Qt resources to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addSourceDir">addSourceDir</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add all source files of a directory to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addSourceFiles">addSourceFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add source files to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addToOthers">addToOthers</a></td>
<td>Public method to add a file/directory to the OTHERS project data.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addUiDir">addUiDir</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add all forms of a directory to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.addUiFiles">addUiFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot to add forms to the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.appendFile">appendFile</a></td>
<td>Public method to append a file to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.checkAllScriptsDirty">checkAllScriptsDirty</a></td>
<td>Public method to check all scripts belonging to the project for their dirty status.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.checkDirty">checkDirty</a></td>
<td>Public method to check dirty status and open a message window.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.checkLanguageFiles">checkLanguageFiles</a></td>
<td>Public slot to check the language files after a release process.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.checkVCSStatus">checkVCSStatus</a></td>
<td>Public method to wake up the VCS status monitor thread.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.clearRecent">clearRecent</a></td>
<td>Public method to clear the recent projects menu.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.clearStatusMonitorCachedState">clearStatusMonitorCachedState</a></td>
<td>Public method to clear the cached VCS state of a file/directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.closeProject">closeProject</a></td>
<td>Public slot to close the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.copyDirectory">copyDirectory</a></td>
<td>Public slot to copy a directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.createNewProject">createNewProject</a></td>
<td>Public slot to built a new project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.createProjectManagementDir">createProjectManagementDir</a></td>
<td>Public method to create the project management directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.deleteDirectory">deleteDirectory</a></td>
<td>Public slot to delete a directory from the project directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.deleteFile">deleteFile</a></td>
<td>Public slot to delete a file from the project directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.deleteLanguageFile">deleteLanguageFile</a></td>
<td>Public slot to delete a translation from the project directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getAbsolutePath">getAbsolutePath</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert a project relative file path to an absolute file path.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getAbsoluteUniversalPath">getAbsoluteUniversalPath</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert a project relative file path with universal separators to an absolute file path.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getActions">getActions</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a list of all actions.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getData">getData</a></td>
<td>Public method to get data out of the project data store.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getDebugProperty">getDebugProperty</a></td>
<td>Public method to retrieve a debugger property.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getDebuggerFilters">getDebuggerFilters</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the debugger filters for a programming language.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getDefaultSourceExtension">getDefaultSourceExtension</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the default extension for the project's programming language.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getEditorLexerAssoc">getEditorLexerAssoc</a></td>
<td>Public method to retrieve a lexer association.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getEolString">getEolString</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the EOL-string to be used by the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getFiles">getFiles</a></td>
<td>Public method to get all files starting with a common prefix.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getHash">getHash</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the project hash.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getMainScript">getMainScript</a></td>
<td>Public method to return the main script filename.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getMenu">getMenu</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a reference to the main menu or a submenu.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getModel">getModel</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a reference to the project browser model.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getMostRecent">getMostRecent</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the most recently opened project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProgrammingLanguages">getProgrammingLanguages</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the programming languages supported by project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectAuthor">getProjectAuthor</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the author of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectAuthorEmail">getProjectAuthorEmail</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the email address of the project author.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectDescription">getProjectDescription</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the description of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectDictionaries">getProjectDictionaries</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the names of the project specific dictionaries.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectFile">getProjectFile</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the path of the project file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectFiles">getProjectFiles</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the file entries of the given type.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectLanguage">getProjectLanguage</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the project's programming language.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectManagementDir">getProjectManagementDir</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the path of the management directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectName">getProjectName</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the name of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectPath">getProjectPath</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the project path.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectSpellLanguage">getProjectSpellLanguage</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the project's programming language.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectType">getProjectType</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the type of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectTypes">getProjectTypes</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the list of supported project types.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getProjectVersion">getProjectVersion</a></td>
<td>Public mehod to get the version number of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getRelativePath">getRelativePath</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert a file path to a project relative file path.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getRelativeUniversalPath">getRelativeUniversalPath</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert a file path to a project relative file path with universal separators.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getSources">getSources</a></td>
<td>Public method to return the source script files.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getStatusMonitorAutoUpdate">getStatusMonitorAutoUpdate</a></td>
<td>Public method to retrieve the status of the auto update function.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getStatusMonitorInterval">getStatusMonitorInterval</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the monitor interval.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getTranslationPattern">getTranslationPattern</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the translation pattern.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.getVcs">getVcs</a></td>
<td>Public method to get a reference to the VCS object.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.handleApplicationDiagram">handleApplicationDiagram</a></td>
<td>Public method to handle the application diagram context menu action.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.handlePreferencesChanged">handlePreferencesChanged</a></td>
<td>Public slot used to handle the preferencesChanged signal.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.hasEntry">hasEntry</a></td>
<td>Public method to check the project for a file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.hasProjectType">hasProjectType</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if a project type is already registered.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.initActions">initActions</a></td>
<td>Public slot to initialize the project related actions.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.initFileTypes">initFileTypes</a></td>
<td>Public method to initialize the filetype associations with default values.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.initMenu">initMenu</a></td>
<td>Public slot to initialize the project menu.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.initToolbars">initToolbars</a></td>
<td>Public slot to initialize the project toolbar and the basic VCS toolbar.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.initVCS">initVCS</a></td>
<td>Public method used to instantiate a vcs system.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isDebugPropertiesLoaded">isDebugPropertiesLoaded</a></td>
<td>Public method to return the status of the debug properties.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isDirty">isDirty</a></td>
<td>Public method to return the dirty state.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isJavaScriptProject">isJavaScriptProject</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if this project is a JavaScript project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isMixedLanguageProject">isMixedLanguageProject</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if this is a mixed language project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isOpen">isOpen</a></td>
<td>Public method to return the opened state.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isProjectFile">isProjectFile</a></td>
<td>Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isProjectForm">isProjectForm</a></td>
<td>Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the project forms.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isProjectInterface">isProjectInterface</a></td>
<td>Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the project interfaces.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isProjectResource">isProjectResource</a></td>
<td>Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the project resources.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isProjectSource">isProjectSource</a></td>
<td>Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the project sources.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isPy2Project">isPy2Project</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if this project is a Python2 project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isPy3Project">isPy3Project</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if this project is a Python3 project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isPythonProject">isPythonProject</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if this project is a Python2 or Python3 project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.isRubyProject">isRubyProject</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if this project is a Ruby project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.moveDirectory">moveDirectory</a></td>
<td>Public slot to move a directory.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.newProjectAddFiles">newProjectAddFiles</a></td>
<td>Public method to add files to a new project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.openProject">openProject</a></td>
<td>Public slot to open a project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.othersAdded">othersAdded</a></td>
<td>Public slot to be called, if something was added to the OTHERS project data area.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.registerProjectType">registerProjectType</a></td>
<td>Public method to register a project type.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.removeDirectory">removeDirectory</a></td>
<td>Public slot to remove a directory from the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.removeE5Actions">removeE5Actions</a></td>
<td>Public method to remove actions from the list of actions.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.removeFile">removeFile</a></td>
<td>Public slot to remove a file from the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.removeLanguageFile">removeLanguageFile</a></td>
<td>Public slot to remove a translation from the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.renameFile">renameFile</a></td>
<td>Public slot to rename a file of the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.renameFileInPdata">renameFileInPdata</a></td>
<td>Public method to rename a file in the pdata structure.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.renameMainScript">renameMainScript</a></td>
<td>Public method to rename the main script.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.reopenProject">reopenProject</a></td>
<td>Public slot to reopen the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.repopulateItem">repopulateItem</a></td>
<td>Public slot to repopulate a named item.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.saveAllScripts">saveAllScripts</a></td>
<td>Public method to save all scripts belonging to the project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.saveProject">saveProject</a></td>
<td>Public slot to save the current project.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.saveProjectAs">saveProjectAs</a></td>
<td>Public slot to save the current project to a different file.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.setData">setData</a></td>
<td>Public method to store data in the project data store.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.setDbgInfo">setDbgInfo</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the debugging information.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.setDirty">setDirty</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the dirty state.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.setStatusMonitorAutoUpdate">setStatusMonitorAutoUpdate</a></td>
<td>Public method to enable the auto update function.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.setStatusMonitorInterval">setStatusMonitorInterval</a></td>
<td>Public method to se the interval of the VCS status monitor thread.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.setTranslationPattern">setTranslationPattern</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the translation pattern.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.startStatusMonitor">startStatusMonitor</a></td>
<td>Public method to start the VCS status monitor thread.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.startswithProjectPath">startswithProjectPath</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if a path starts with the project path.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.stopStatusMonitor">stopStatusMonitor</a></td>
<td>Public method to stop the VCS status monitor thread.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.unregisterProjectType">unregisterProjectType</a></td>
<td>Public method to unregister a project type.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.updateFileTypes">updateFileTypes</a></td>
<td>Public method to update the filetype associations with new default values.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.useSystemEol">useSystemEol</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if the project uses the system eol setting.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.vcsSoftwareAvailable">vcsSoftwareAvailable</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if some supported VCS software is available to the IDE.</td>
<td><a href="#Project.writeTasks">writeTasks</a></td>
<td>Public method to write the tasks data to an XML file (.e6t).</td>
<h3>Static Methods</h3>
<a NAME="Project.__init__" ID="Project.__init__"></a>
<h4>Project (Constructor)</h4>
<b>Project</b>(<i>parent=None, filename=None</i>)
parent widget (usually the ui object) (QWidget)
optional filename of a project file to open (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__addRecursiveDirectory" ID="Project.__addRecursiveDirectory"></a>
<b>__addRecursiveDirectory</b>(<i>filetype, source, target</i>)
        Private method used to add all files of a directory tree.
        The tree is rooted at source to another one rooted at target. This
        method decents down to the lowest subdirectory.
type of files to add (string)
source directory (string)
target directory (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__addSingleDirectory" ID="Project.__addSingleDirectory"></a>
<b>__addSingleDirectory</b>(<i>filetype, source, target, quiet=False</i>)
        Private method used to add all files of a single directory to the
type of files to add (string)
source directory (string)
target directory (string)
flag indicating quiet operations (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__binaryTranslationFile" ID="Project.__binaryTranslationFile"></a>
        Private method to calculate the filename of the binary translations
        file given the name of the raw translations file.
name of the raw translations file (string)
name of the binary translations file (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__checkFilesExist" ID="Project.__checkFilesExist"></a>
        Private method to check, if the files in a list exist.
        The files in the indicated list are checked for existance in the
        filesystem. Non existant files are removed from the list and the
        dirty state of the project is changed accordingly.
key of the list to be checked (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__checkProjectFileGroup" ID="Project.__checkProjectFileGroup"></a>
<b>__checkProjectFileGroup</b>(<i>fn, group</i>)
        Private method to check, if a file is in a specific file group of the
filename to be checked (string)
group to check (string)
flag indicating membership (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__closeAllWindows" ID="Project.__closeAllWindows"></a>
        Private method to close all project related windows.
</p><a NAME="Project.__createSnapshotSource" ID="Project.__createSnapshotSource"></a>
        Private method to create a snapshot plugin version.
        The version entry in the plugin module is modified to signify
        a snapshot version. This method appends the string "-snapshot-"
        and date indicator to the version string.
name of the plugin file to modify (string)
modified source (bytes), snapshot version string (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__createZipDirEntries" ID="Project.__createZipDirEntries"></a>
<b>__createZipDirEntries</b>(<i>path, zipFile</i>)
        Private method to create dir entries in the zip file.
name of the directory entry to create (string)
open ZipFile object (zipfile.ZipFile)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__deleteDebugProperties" ID="Project.__deleteDebugProperties"></a>
        Private method to delete the project debugger properties file (.e4d).
</p><a NAME="Project.__deleteSession" ID="Project.__deleteSession"></a>
        Private method to delete the session file.
</p><a NAME="Project.__doSearchNewFiles" ID="Project.__doSearchNewFiles"></a>
<b>__doSearchNewFiles</b>(<i>AI=True, onUserDemand=False</i>)
        Private method to search for new files in the project directory.
        If new files were found, it shows a dialog listing these files and
        gives the user the opportunity to select the ones he wants to
        include. If 'Automatic Inclusion' is enabled, the new files are
        automatically added to the project.
flag indicating whether the automatic inclusion should
                be honoured (boolean)
flag indicating whether this method was
                requested by the user via a menu action (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__initData" ID="Project.__initData"></a>
        Private method to initialize the project data part.
</p><a NAME="Project.__initDebugProperties" ID="Project.__initDebugProperties"></a>
        Private method to initialize the debug properties.
</p><a NAME="Project.__initProjectTypes" ID="Project.__initProjectTypes"></a>
        Private method to initialize the list of supported project types.
</p><a NAME="Project.__loadDiagram" ID="Project.__loadDiagram"></a>
        Private slot to load a diagram from file.
</p><a NAME="Project.__loadRecent" ID="Project.__loadRecent"></a>
        Private method to load the recently opened project filenames.
</p><a NAME="Project.__openRecent" ID="Project.__openRecent"></a>
        Private method to open a project from the list of rencently opened
reference to the action that triggered (QAction)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__pluginCreateArchives" ID="Project.__pluginCreateArchives"></a>
        Private slot to create eric6 plugin archives.
flag indicating snapshot archives (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__pluginCreatePkgList" ID="Project.__pluginCreatePkgList"></a>
        Private slot to create a PKGLIST file needed for archive file creation.
</p><a NAME="Project.__pluginCreateSnapshotArchives" ID="Project.__pluginCreateSnapshotArchives"></a>
        Private slot to create eric6 plugin archive snapshot releases.
</p><a NAME="Project.__pluginExtractVersion" ID="Project.__pluginExtractVersion"></a>
        Private method to extract the version number entry.
name of the plugin file (string)
version string (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__pluginVersionToTuple" ID="Project.__pluginVersionToTuple"></a>
        Private method to convert a plug-in version string into a version
<dt><i>versionStr</i> (str)</dt>
version string to be converted
version info as a tuple
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
tuple of int and str
</dl><a NAME="Project.__readDebugProperties" ID="Project.__readDebugProperties"></a>
        Private method to read in the project debugger properties file (.e4d).
flag indicating quiet operations.
                If this flag is true, no errors are reported.
</dl><a NAME="Project.__readProject" ID="Project.__readProject"></a>
        Private method to read in a project (.e4p) file.
filename of the project file to be read (string)
flag indicating success
</dl><a NAME="Project.__readSession" ID="Project.__readSession"></a>
<b>__readSession</b>(<i>quiet=False, indicator=""</i>)
        Private method to read in the project session file (.e5s or .e4s).
flag indicating quiet operations.
                If this flag is true, no errors are reported.
indicator string (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__readTasks" ID="Project.__readTasks"></a>
        Private method to read in the project tasks file (.e6t).
</p><a NAME="Project.__readUserProperties" ID="Project.__readUserProperties"></a>
        Private method to read in the user specific project file (.e4q).
</p><a NAME="Project.__reorganizeFiles" ID="Project.__reorganizeFiles"></a>
        Private method to reorganize files stored in the project.
</p><a NAME="Project.__saveRecent" ID="Project.__saveRecent"></a>
        Private method to save the list of recently opened filenames.
</p><a NAME="Project.__searchNewFiles" ID="Project.__searchNewFiles"></a>
        Private slot used to handle the search new files action.
</p><a NAME="Project.__searchProjectFile" ID="Project.__searchProjectFile"></a>
        Private slot to show the Find Project File dialog.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showCodeCoverage" ID="Project.__showCodeCoverage"></a>
        Private slot used to show the code coverage information for the
        project files.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showCodeMetrics" ID="Project.__showCodeMetrics"></a>
        Private slot used to calculate some code metrics for the project files.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuApiDoc" ID="Project.__showContextMenuApiDoc"></a>
        Private slot called before the apidoc menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuChecks" ID="Project.__showContextMenuChecks"></a>
        Private slot called before the checks menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuDebugger" ID="Project.__showContextMenuDebugger"></a>
        Private slot called before the Debugger menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuGraphics" ID="Project.__showContextMenuGraphics"></a>
        Private slot called before the graphics menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuPackagers" ID="Project.__showContextMenuPackagers"></a>
        Private slot called before the packagers menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuRecent" ID="Project.__showContextMenuRecent"></a>
        Private method to set up the recent projects menu.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuSession" ID="Project.__showContextMenuSession"></a>
        Private slot called before the Session menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuShow" ID="Project.__showContextMenuShow"></a>
        Private slot called before the show menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showContextMenuVCS" ID="Project.__showContextMenuVCS"></a>
        Private slot called before the vcs menu is shown.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showDebugProperties" ID="Project.__showDebugProperties"></a>
        Private slot to display the debugger properties dialog.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showFiletypeAssociations" ID="Project.__showFiletypeAssociations"></a>
        Private slot to display the filetype association dialog.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showLexerAssociations" ID="Project.__showLexerAssociations"></a>
        Private slot to display the lexer association dialog.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showMenu" ID="Project.__showMenu"></a>
        Private method to set up the project menu.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showProfileData" ID="Project.__showProfileData"></a>
        Private slot used to show the profiling information for the project.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showProperties" ID="Project.__showProperties"></a>
        Private slot to display the properties dialog.
</p><a NAME="Project.__showUserProperties" ID="Project.__showUserProperties"></a>
        Private slot to display the user specific properties dialog.
</p><a NAME="Project.__sourceExtensions" ID="Project.__sourceExtensions"></a>
        Private method to get the source extensions of a programming language.
programming language (string)
source extensions (list of string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__statusMonitorStatus" ID="Project.__statusMonitorStatus"></a>
<b>__statusMonitorStatus</b>(<i>status, statusMsg</i>)
        Private method to receive the status monitor status.
        It simply reemits the received status.
status of the monitoring thread (string, ok, nok or off)
explanotory text for the signaled status (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__syncRecent" ID="Project.__syncRecent"></a>
        Private method to synchronize the list of recently opened projects
        with the central store.
</p><a NAME="Project.__vcsStatusChanged" ID="Project.__vcsStatusChanged"></a>
        Private slot to handle a change of the overall VCS status.
</p><a NAME="Project.__writeDebugProperties" ID="Project.__writeDebugProperties"></a>
        Private method to write the project debugger properties file (.e4d).
flag indicating quiet operations.
                If this flag is true, no errors are reported.
</dl><a NAME="Project.__writeProject" ID="Project.__writeProject"></a>
        Private method to save the project infos to a project file.
optional filename of the project file to be written (string).
            If fn is None, the filename stored in the project object
            is used. This is the 'save' action. If fn is given, this filename
            is used instead of the one in the project object. This is the
            'save as' action.
flag indicating success
</dl><a NAME="Project.__writeSession" ID="Project.__writeSession"></a>
<b>__writeSession</b>(<i>quiet=False, indicator=""</i>)
        Private method to write the session data to an XML file (.e5s).
flag indicating quiet operations.
                If this flag is true, no errors are reported.
indicator string (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.__writeUserProperties" ID="Project.__writeUserProperties"></a>
        Private method to write the project data to an XML file.
</p><a NAME="Project.addDirectory" ID="Project.addDirectory"></a>
<b>addDirectory</b>(<i>filter=None, startdir=None</i>)
        Public method used to add all files of a directory to the project.
filter to be used by the add directory dialog
            (string out of source, form, resource, interface, others)
start directory for the selection dialog (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.addE5Actions" ID="Project.addE5Actions"></a>
        Public method to add actions to the list of actions.
list of actions (list of E5Action)
</dl><a NAME="Project.addFiles" ID="Project.addFiles"></a>
<b>addFiles</b>(<i>filter=None, startdir=None</i>)
        Public slot used to add files to the project.
filter to be used by the add file dialog
            (string out of source, form, resource, interface, others)
start directory for the selection dialog
</dl><a NAME="Project.addIdlDir" ID="Project.addIdlDir"></a>
        Public slot to add all IDL interfaces of a directory to the current
</p><a NAME="Project.addIdlFiles" ID="Project.addIdlFiles"></a>
        Public slot to add IDL interfaces to the current project.
</p><a NAME="Project.addLanguage" ID="Project.addLanguage"></a>
        Public slot used to add a language to the project.
</p><a NAME="Project.addOthersDir" ID="Project.addOthersDir"></a>
        Public slot to add a directory to the OTHERS project data.
</p><a NAME="Project.addOthersFiles" ID="Project.addOthersFiles"></a>
        Public slot to add files to the OTHERS project data.
</p><a NAME="Project.addResourceDir" ID="Project.addResourceDir"></a>
        Public slot to add all Qt resource files of a directory to the current
</p><a NAME="Project.addResourceFiles" ID="Project.addResourceFiles"></a>
        Public slot to add Qt resources to the current project.
</p><a NAME="Project.addSourceDir" ID="Project.addSourceDir"></a>
        Public slot to add all source files of a directory to the current
</p><a NAME="Project.addSourceFiles" ID="Project.addSourceFiles"></a>
        Public slot to add source files to the current project.
</p><a NAME="Project.addToOthers" ID="Project.addToOthers"></a>
        Public method to add a file/directory to the OTHERS project data.
file name or directory name to add (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.addUiDir" ID="Project.addUiDir"></a>
        Public slot to add all forms of a directory to the current project.
</p><a NAME="Project.addUiFiles" ID="Project.addUiFiles"></a>
        Public slot to add forms to the current project.
</p><a NAME="Project.appendFile" ID="Project.appendFile"></a>
<b>appendFile</b>(<i>fn, isSourceFile=False, updateModel=True</i>)
        Public method to append a file to the project.
filename to be added to the project (string)
flag indicating that this is a source file
            even if it doesn't have the source extension (boolean)
flag indicating an update of the model is
            requested (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.checkAllScriptsDirty" ID="Project.checkAllScriptsDirty"></a>
        Public method to check all scripts belonging to the project for
        their dirty status.
flag indicating special reporting
            for syntax errors (boolean)
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.checkDirty" ID="Project.checkDirty"></a>
        Public method to check dirty status and open a message window.
flag indicating whether this operation was successful (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.checkLanguageFiles" ID="Project.checkLanguageFiles"></a>
        Public slot to check the language files after a release process.
</p><a NAME="Project.checkVCSStatus" ID="Project.checkVCSStatus"></a>
        Public method to wake up the VCS status monitor thread.
</p><a NAME="Project.clearRecent" ID="Project.clearRecent"></a>
        Public method to clear the recent projects menu.
</p><a NAME="Project.clearStatusMonitorCachedState" ID="Project.clearStatusMonitorCachedState"></a>
        Public method to clear the cached VCS state of a file/directory.
name of the entry to be cleared (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.closeProject" ID="Project.closeProject"></a>
<b>closeProject</b>(<i>reopen=False, noSave=False</i>)
        Public slot to close the current project.
flag indicating a reopening of the project (boolean)
flag indicating to not perform save actions (boolean)
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.copyDirectory" ID="Project.copyDirectory"></a>
<b>copyDirectory</b>(<i>olddn, newdn</i>)
        Public slot to copy a directory.
original directory name (string)
new directory name (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.createNewProject" ID="Project.createNewProject"></a>
        Public slot to built a new project.
        This method displays the new project dialog and initializes
        the project object with the data entered.
</p><a NAME="Project.createProjectManagementDir" ID="Project.createProjectManagementDir"></a>
        Public method to create the project management directory.
        It does nothing, if it already exists.
</p><a NAME="Project.deleteDirectory" ID="Project.deleteDirectory"></a>
        Public slot to delete a directory from the project directory.
directory name to be removed from the project
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.deleteFile" ID="Project.deleteFile"></a>
        Public slot to delete a file from the project directory.
filename to be deleted from the project
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.deleteLanguageFile" ID="Project.deleteLanguageFile"></a>
        Public slot to delete a translation from the project directory.
the translation file to be removed (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getAbsolutePath" ID="Project.getAbsolutePath"></a>
        Public method to convert a project relative file path to an absolute
        file path.
file or directory name to convert (string)
absolute path (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getAbsoluteUniversalPath" ID="Project.getAbsoluteUniversalPath"></a>
        Public method to convert a project relative file path with universal
        separators to an absolute file path.
file or directory name to convert (string)
absolute path (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getActions" ID="Project.getActions"></a>
        Public method to get a list of all actions.
list of all actions (list of E5Action)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getData" ID="Project.getData"></a>
<b>getData</b>(<i>category, key</i>)
        Public method to get data out of the project data store.
category of the data to get (string, one of
key of the data entry to get (string).
a copy of the requested data or None
</dl><a NAME="Project.getDebugProperty" ID="Project.getDebugProperty"></a>
        Public method to retrieve a debugger property.
key of the property (string)
value of the property
</dl><a NAME="Project.getDebuggerFilters" ID="Project.getDebuggerFilters"></a>
        Public method to get the debugger filters for a programming language.
<dt><i>language</i> (str)</dt>
programming language
filter string
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
</dl><a NAME="Project.getDefaultSourceExtension" ID="Project.getDefaultSourceExtension"></a>
        Public method to get the default extension for the project's
        programming language.
default extension (including the dot) (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getEditorLexerAssoc" ID="Project.getEditorLexerAssoc"></a>
        Public method to retrieve a lexer association.
filename used to determine the associated lexer
            language (string)
the requested lexer language (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getEolString" ID="Project.getEolString"></a>
        Public method to get the EOL-string to be used by the project.
eol string (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getFiles" ID="Project.getFiles"></a>
        Public method to get all files starting with a common prefix.
prefix (string)
list of files starting with a common prefix (list of strings)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getHash" ID="Project.getHash"></a>
        Public method to get the project hash.
project hash as a hex string (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getMainScript" ID="Project.getMainScript"></a>
        Public method to return the main script filename.
flag indicating a normalized filename is wanted
filename of the projects main script (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getMenu" ID="Project.getMenu"></a>
        Public method to get a reference to the main menu or a submenu.
name of the menu (string)
reference to the requested menu (QMenu) or None
</dl><a NAME="Project.getModel" ID="Project.getModel"></a>
        Public method to get a reference to the project browser model.
reference to the project browser model (ProjectBrowserModel)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getMostRecent" ID="Project.getMostRecent"></a>
        Public method to get the most recently opened project.
path of the most recently opened project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProgrammingLanguages" ID="Project.getProgrammingLanguages"></a>
        Public method to get the programming languages supported by project.
list of supported programming languages (list of string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectAuthor" ID="Project.getProjectAuthor"></a>
        Public method to get the author of the project.
author name
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectAuthorEmail" ID="Project.getProjectAuthorEmail"></a>
        Public method to get the email address of the project author.
project author email
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectDescription" ID="Project.getProjectDescription"></a>
        Public method to get the description of the project.
project description
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectDictionaries" ID="Project.getProjectDictionaries"></a>
        Public method to get the names of the project specific dictionaries.
tuple of two strings giving the absolute path names of the
            project specific word and exclude list
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectFile" ID="Project.getProjectFile"></a>
        Public method to get the path of the project file.
path of the project file (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectFiles" ID="Project.getProjectFiles"></a>
<b>getProjectFiles</b>(<i>fileType, normalized=False</i>)
        Public method to get the file entries of the given type.
<dt><i>fileType</i> (str)</dt>
project file type (one of SOURCES, FORMS, RESOURCES,
</dd><dt><i>normalized</i> (boolean)</dt>
flag indicating normalized file names are wanted
list of file names
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
list of str
<dt>Raises <b>ValueError</b>:</dt>
raised when an unsupported file type is given
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectLanguage" ID="Project.getProjectLanguage"></a>
        Public method to get the project's programming language.
programming language (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectManagementDir" ID="Project.getProjectManagementDir"></a>
        Public method to get the path of the management directory.
path of the management directory (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectName" ID="Project.getProjectName"></a>
        Public method to get the name of the project.
        The project name is determined from the name of the project file.
name of the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectPath" ID="Project.getProjectPath"></a>
        Public method to get the project path.
project path (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectSpellLanguage" ID="Project.getProjectSpellLanguage"></a>
        Public method to get the project's programming language.
programming language (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectType" ID="Project.getProjectType"></a>
        Public method to get the type of the project.
UI type of the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectTypes" ID="Project.getProjectTypes"></a>
        Public method to get the list of supported project types.
programming language to get project types for
reference to the dictionary of project types.
</dl><a NAME="Project.getProjectVersion" ID="Project.getProjectVersion"></a>
        Public mehod to get the version number of the project.
version number
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
</dl><a NAME="Project.getRelativePath" ID="Project.getRelativePath"></a>
        Public method to convert a file path to a project relative
        file path.
file or directory name to convert (string)
project relative path or unchanged path, if path doesn't
            belong to the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getRelativeUniversalPath" ID="Project.getRelativeUniversalPath"></a>
        Public method to convert a file path to a project relative
        file path with universal separators.
file or directory name to convert (string)
project relative path or unchanged path, if path doesn't
            belong to the project (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getSources" ID="Project.getSources"></a>
        Public method to return the source script files.
flag indicating a normalized filename is wanted
list of the projects scripts (list of string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getStatusMonitorAutoUpdate" ID="Project.getStatusMonitorAutoUpdate"></a>
        Public method to retrieve the status of the auto update function.
status of the auto update function (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getStatusMonitorInterval" ID="Project.getStatusMonitorInterval"></a>
        Public method to get the monitor interval.
interval in seconds (integer)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getTranslationPattern" ID="Project.getTranslationPattern"></a>
        Public method to get the translation pattern.
translation pattern (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.getVcs" ID="Project.getVcs"></a>
        Public method to get a reference to the VCS object.
reference to the VCS object
</dl><a NAME="Project.handleApplicationDiagram" ID="Project.handleApplicationDiagram"></a>
        Public method to handle the application diagram context menu action.
</p><a NAME="Project.handlePreferencesChanged" ID="Project.handlePreferencesChanged"></a>
        Public slot used to handle the preferencesChanged signal.
</p><a NAME="Project.hasEntry" ID="Project.hasEntry"></a>
        Public method to check the project for a file.
filename to be checked (string)
flag indicating, if the project contains the file (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.hasProjectType" ID="Project.hasProjectType"></a>
<b>hasProjectType</b>(<i>type_, progLanguage=""</i>)
        Public method to check, if a project type is already registered.
internal type designator (string)
programming language of the project type (string)
flag indicating presence of the project type (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.initActions" ID="Project.initActions"></a>
        Public slot to initialize the project related actions.
</p><a NAME="Project.initFileTypes" ID="Project.initFileTypes"></a>
        Public method to initialize the filetype associations with default
</p><a NAME="Project.initMenu" ID="Project.initMenu"></a>
        Public slot to initialize the project menu.
the menu generated (QMenu)
</dl><a NAME="Project.initToolbars" ID="Project.initToolbars"></a>
        Public slot to initialize the project toolbar and the basic VCS
reference to a toolbar manager object
tuple of the generated toolbars (tuple of two QToolBar)
</dl><a NAME="Project.initVCS" ID="Project.initVCS"></a>
<b>initVCS</b>(<i>vcsSystem=None, nooverride=False</i>)
        Public method used to instantiate a vcs system.
type of VCS to be used (string)
flag indicating to ignore an override request
a reference to the vcs object
</dl><a NAME="Project.isDebugPropertiesLoaded" ID="Project.isDebugPropertiesLoaded"></a>
        Public method to return the status of the debug properties.
load status of debug properties (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isDirty" ID="Project.isDirty"></a>
        Public method to return the dirty state.
dirty state (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isJavaScriptProject" ID="Project.isJavaScriptProject"></a>
        Public method to check, if this project is a JavaScript project.
flag indicating a JavaScript project (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isMixedLanguageProject" ID="Project.isMixedLanguageProject"></a>
        Public method to check, if this is a mixed language project.
flag indicating a mixed language project
<dt>Return Type:</dt>
</dl><a NAME="Project.isOpen" ID="Project.isOpen"></a>
        Public method to return the opened state.
open state (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isProjectFile" ID="Project.isProjectFile"></a>
        Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the
filename to be checked (string)
flag indicating membership (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isProjectForm" ID="Project.isProjectForm"></a>
        Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the
        project forms.
filename to be checked (string)
flag indicating membership (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isProjectInterface" ID="Project.isProjectInterface"></a>
        Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the
        project interfaces.
filename to be checked (string)
flag indicating membership (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isProjectResource" ID="Project.isProjectResource"></a>
        Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the
        project resources.
filename to be checked (string)
flag indicating membership (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isProjectSource" ID="Project.isProjectSource"></a>
        Public method used to check, if the passed in filename belongs to the
        project sources.
filename to be checked (string)
flag indicating membership (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isPy2Project" ID="Project.isPy2Project"></a>
        Public method to check, if this project is a Python2 project.
flag indicating a Python2 project (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isPy3Project" ID="Project.isPy3Project"></a>
        Public method to check, if this project is a Python3 project.
flag indicating a Python3 project (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isPythonProject" ID="Project.isPythonProject"></a>
        Public method to check, if this project is a Python2 or Python3
flag indicating a Python project (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.isRubyProject" ID="Project.isRubyProject"></a>
        Public method to check, if this project is a Ruby project.
flag indicating a Ruby project (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.moveDirectory" ID="Project.moveDirectory"></a>
<b>moveDirectory</b>(<i>olddn, newdn</i>)
        Public slot to move a directory.
old directory name (string)
new directory name (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.newProjectAddFiles" ID="Project.newProjectAddFiles"></a>
        Public method to add files to a new project.
name of the mainscript (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.openProject" ID="Project.openProject"></a>
<b>openProject</b>(<i>fn=None, restoreSession=True, reopen=False</i>)
        Public slot to open a project.
optional filename of the project file to be read
flag indicating to restore the project
            session (boolean)
flag indicating a reopening of the project (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.othersAdded" ID="Project.othersAdded"></a>
<b>othersAdded</b>(<i>fn, updateModel=True</i>)
        Public slot to be called, if something was added to the OTHERS project
        data area.
filename or directory name added (string)
flag indicating an update of the model is requested
</dl><a NAME="Project.registerProjectType" ID="Project.registerProjectType"></a>
<b>registerProjectType</b>(<i>type_, description, fileTypeCallback=None, binaryTranslationsCallback=None, lexerAssociationCallback=None, progLanguages=None</i>)
        Public method to register a project type.
internal type designator to be registered (string)
more verbose type name (display string) (string)
reference to a method returning a dictionary
            of filetype associations.
reference to a method returning
            the name of the binary translation file given the name of the raw
            translation file
reference to a method returning the
            lexer type to be used for syntax highlighting given the name of
            a file
programming languages supported by the
            project type (list of string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.removeDirectory" ID="Project.removeDirectory"></a>
        Public slot to remove a directory from the project.
        The directory is not deleted from the project directory.
directory name to be removed from the project
</dl><a NAME="Project.removeE5Actions" ID="Project.removeE5Actions"></a>
        Public method to remove actions from the list of actions.
list of actions (list of E5Action)
</dl><a NAME="Project.removeFile" ID="Project.removeFile"></a>
<b>removeFile</b>(<i>fn, updateModel=True</i>)
        Public slot to remove a file from the project.
        The file is not deleted from the project directory.
filename to be removed from the project
flag indicating an update of the model is
            requested (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.removeLanguageFile" ID="Project.removeLanguageFile"></a>
        Public slot to remove a translation from the project.
        The translation file is not deleted from the project directory.
the translation file to be removed (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.renameFile" ID="Project.renameFile"></a>
<b>renameFile</b>(<i>oldfn, newfn=None</i>)
        Public slot to rename a file of the project.
old filename of the file (string)
new filename of the file (string)
flag indicating success
</dl><a NAME="Project.renameFileInPdata" ID="Project.renameFileInPdata"></a>
<b>renameFileInPdata</b>(<i>oldname, newname, isSourceFile=False</i>)
        Public method to rename a file in the pdata structure.
old filename (string)
new filename (string)
flag indicating that this is a source file
                even if it doesn't have the source extension (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.renameMainScript" ID="Project.renameMainScript"></a>
<b>renameMainScript</b>(<i>oldfn, newfn</i>)
        Public method to rename the main script.
old filename (string)
new filename of the main script (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.reopenProject" ID="Project.reopenProject"></a>
        Public slot to reopen the current project.
</p><a NAME="Project.repopulateItem" ID="Project.repopulateItem"></a>
        Public slot to repopulate a named item.
full name of the item to repopulate (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.saveAllScripts" ID="Project.saveAllScripts"></a>
        Public method to save all scripts belonging to the project.
flag indicating special reporting
            for syntax errors (boolean)
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.saveProject" ID="Project.saveProject"></a>
        Public slot to save the current project.
flag indicating success
</dl><a NAME="Project.saveProjectAs" ID="Project.saveProjectAs"></a>
        Public slot to save the current project to a different file.
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.setData" ID="Project.setData"></a>
<b>setData</b>(<i>category, key, data</i>)
        Public method to store data in the project data store.
category of the data to get (string, one of
key of the data entry to get (string).
data to be stored
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.setDbgInfo" ID="Project.setDbgInfo"></a>
<b>setDbgInfo</b>(<i>argv, wd, env, excReporting, excList, excIgnoreList, autoClearShell, tracePython=None, autoContinue=None</i>)
        Public method to set the debugging information.
command line arguments to be used (string)
working directory (string)
environment setting (string)
flag indicating the highlighting of exceptions
list of exceptions to be highlighted (list of strings)
list of exceptions to be ignored (list of strings)
flag indicating, that the interpreter window
            should be cleared (boolean)
flag to indicate if the Python library should be
            traced as well (boolean)
flag indicating, that the debugger should not
            stop at the first executable line (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.setDirty" ID="Project.setDirty"></a>
        Public method to set the dirty state.
        It emits the signal dirty(int).
dirty state (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.setStatusMonitorAutoUpdate" ID="Project.setStatusMonitorAutoUpdate"></a>
        Public method to enable the auto update function.
status of the auto update function (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.setStatusMonitorInterval" ID="Project.setStatusMonitorInterval"></a>
        Public method to se the interval of the VCS status monitor thread.
status monitor interval in seconds (integer)
</dl><a NAME="Project.setTranslationPattern" ID="Project.setTranslationPattern"></a>
        Public method to set the translation pattern.
<dt><i>pattern</i> (str)</dt>
translation pattern
</dl><a NAME="Project.startStatusMonitor" ID="Project.startStatusMonitor"></a>
        Public method to start the VCS status monitor thread.
</p><a NAME="Project.startswithProjectPath" ID="Project.startswithProjectPath"></a>
        Public method to check, if a path starts with the project path.
path to be checked (string)
flag indicating that the path starts with the project path
</dl><a NAME="Project.stopStatusMonitor" ID="Project.stopStatusMonitor"></a>
        Public method to stop the VCS status monitor thread.
</p><a NAME="Project.unregisterProjectType" ID="Project.unregisterProjectType"></a>
        Public method to unregister a project type.
internal type designator to be unregistered (string)
</dl><a NAME="Project.updateFileTypes" ID="Project.updateFileTypes"></a>
        Public method to update the filetype associations with new default
</p><a NAME="Project.useSystemEol" ID="Project.useSystemEol"></a>
        Public method to check, if the project uses the system eol setting.
flag indicating the usage of system eol (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.vcsSoftwareAvailable" ID="Project.vcsSoftwareAvailable"></a>
        Public method to check, if some supported VCS software is available
        to the IDE.
flag indicating availability of VCS software (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="Project.writeTasks" ID="Project.writeTasks"></a>
        Public method to write the tasks data to an XML file (.e6t).
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