
Mon, 20 Dec 2010 20:07:36 +0100

Detlev Offenbach <>
Mon, 20 Dec 2010 20:07:36 +0100
changeset 767
parent 757
child 868

Regenerated the source docu with the modified module documentor.

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<body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
Module implementing a widget controlling a download.
<h3>Global Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem">DownloadItem</a></td>
<td>Class implementing a widget controlling a download.</td>
<hr /><hr />
<a NAME="DownloadItem" ID="DownloadItem"></a>
    Class implementing a widget controlling a download.
emitted when a download finished
</dd><dt>progress(int, int)</dt>
emitted to signal the download progress
emitted upon a status change of a download
<h3>Derived from</h3>
QWidget, Ui_DownloadItem
<h3>Class Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__init__">DownloadItem</a></td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__downloadProgress">__downloadProgress</a></td>
<td>Private method to show the download progress.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__finished">__finished</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle the download finished.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__getFileName">__getFileName</a></td>
<td>Private method to get the filename to save to from the user.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__initialize">__initialize</a></td>
<td>Private method to (re)initialize the widget.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__metaDataChanged">__metaDataChanged</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle a change of the meta data.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__networkError">__networkError</a></td>
<td>Private slot to handle a network error.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__readyRead">__readyRead</a></td>
<td>Private slot to read the available data.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__saveFileName">__saveFileName</a></td>
<td>Private method to calculate a name for the file to download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.__updateInfoLabel">__updateInfoLabel</a></td>
<td>Private method to update the info label.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.absoluteFilePath">absoluteFilePath</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the absolute path of the output file.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.bytesReceived">bytesReceived</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the number of bytes received.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.bytesTotal">bytesTotal</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the total number of bytes of the download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.cancelDownload">cancelDownload</a></td>
<td>Public slot to stop the download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.canceledFileSelect">canceledFileSelect</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if the user canceled the file selection.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.currentSpeed">currentSpeed</a></td>
<td>Public method to get an estimation for the download speed.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.downloadCanceled">downloadCanceled</a></td>
<td>Public method to check, if the download was cancelled.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.downloadedSuccessfully">downloadedSuccessfully</a></td>
<td>Public method to check for a successful download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.downloading">downloading</a></td>
<td>Public method to determine, if a download is in progress.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.fileName">fileName</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the name of the output file.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.getData">getData</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the relevant download data.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.getInfoData">getInfoData</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the text of the info label.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.getPageUrl">getPageUrl</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the URL of the download page.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.on_openButton_clicked">on_openButton_clicked</a></td>
<td>Private slot to open the downloaded file.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.on_stopButton_clicked">on_stopButton_clicked</a></td>
<td>Private slot to stop the download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.on_tryAgainButton_clicked">on_tryAgainButton_clicked</a></td>
<td>Private slot to retry the download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.openFile">openFile</a></td>
<td>Public slot to open the downloaded file.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.openFolder">openFolder</a></td>
<td>Public slot to open the folder containing the downloaded file.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.remainingTime">remainingTime</a></td>
<td>Public method to get an estimation for the remaining time.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.retry">retry</a></td>
<td>Public slot to retry the download.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.setData">setData</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the relevant download data.</td>
<td><a href="#DownloadItem.setIcon">setIcon</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the download icon.</td>
<a NAME="DownloadItem.__init__" ID="DownloadItem.__init__"></a>
<h4>DownloadItem (Constructor)</h4>
<b>DownloadItem</b>(<i>reply = None, requestFilename = False, webPage = None, download = False, parent = None</i>)
reference to the network reply object (QNetworkReply)
flag indicating to ask the user for a filename (boolean)
reference to the web page object the download originated
            from (QWebPage)
flag indicating a download operation (boolean)
reference to the parent widget (QWidget)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.__downloadProgress" ID="DownloadItem.__downloadProgress"></a>
<b>__downloadProgress</b>(<i>bytesReceived, bytesTotal</i>)
        Private method to show the download progress.
number of bytes received (integer)
number of total bytes (integer)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.__finished" ID="DownloadItem.__finished"></a>
        Private slot to handle the download finished.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.__getFileName" ID="DownloadItem.__getFileName"></a>
        Private method to get the filename to save to from the user.
flag indicating success (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.__initialize" ID="DownloadItem.__initialize"></a>
<b>__initialize</b>(<i>tryAgain = False</i>)
        Private method to (re)initialize the widget.
flag indicating a retry (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.__metaDataChanged" ID="DownloadItem.__metaDataChanged"></a>
        Private slot to handle a change of the meta data.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.__networkError" ID="DownloadItem.__networkError"></a>
        Private slot to handle a network error.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.__readyRead" ID="DownloadItem.__readyRead"></a>
        Private slot to read the available data.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.__saveFileName" ID="DownloadItem.__saveFileName"></a>
        Private method to calculate a name for the file to download.
name of the directory to store the file into (string)
proposed filename (string)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.__updateInfoLabel" ID="DownloadItem.__updateInfoLabel"></a>
        Private method to update the info label.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.absoluteFilePath" ID="DownloadItem.absoluteFilePath"></a>
        Public method to get the absolute path of the output file.
absolute path of the output file (string)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.bytesReceived" ID="DownloadItem.bytesReceived"></a>
        Public method to get the number of bytes received.
number of bytes received (integer)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.bytesTotal" ID="DownloadItem.bytesTotal"></a>
        Public method to get the total number of bytes of the download.
total number of bytes (integer)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.cancelDownload" ID="DownloadItem.cancelDownload"></a>
        Public slot to stop the download.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.canceledFileSelect" ID="DownloadItem.canceledFileSelect"></a>
        Public method to check, if the user canceled the file selection.
flag indicating cancellation (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.currentSpeed" ID="DownloadItem.currentSpeed"></a>
        Public method to get an estimation for the download speed.
estimation for the download speed (float)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.downloadCanceled" ID="DownloadItem.downloadCanceled"></a>
        Public method to check, if the download was cancelled.
flag indicating a canceled download (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.downloadedSuccessfully" ID="DownloadItem.downloadedSuccessfully"></a>
        Public method to check for a successful download.
flag indicating a successful download (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.downloading" ID="DownloadItem.downloading"></a>
        Public method to determine, if a download is in progress.
flag indicating a download is in progress (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.fileName" ID="DownloadItem.fileName"></a>
        Public method to get the name of the output file.
name of the output file (string)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.getData" ID="DownloadItem.getData"></a>
        Public method to get the relevant download data.
tuple of URL, save location, flag and the
            URL of the related web page (QUrl, string, boolean,QUrl)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.getInfoData" ID="DownloadItem.getInfoData"></a>
        Public method to get the text of the info label.
text of the info label (string)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.getPageUrl" ID="DownloadItem.getPageUrl"></a>
        Public method to get the URL of the download page.
URL of the download page (QUrl)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.on_openButton_clicked" ID="DownloadItem.on_openButton_clicked"></a>
        Private slot to open the downloaded file.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.on_stopButton_clicked" ID="DownloadItem.on_stopButton_clicked"></a>
        Private slot to stop the download.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.on_tryAgainButton_clicked" ID="DownloadItem.on_tryAgainButton_clicked"></a>
        Private slot to retry the download.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.openFile" ID="DownloadItem.openFile"></a>
        Public slot to open the downloaded file.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.openFolder" ID="DownloadItem.openFolder"></a>
        Public slot to open the folder containing the downloaded file.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.remainingTime" ID="DownloadItem.remainingTime"></a>
        Public method to get an estimation for the remaining time.
estimation for the remaining time (float)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.retry" ID="DownloadItem.retry"></a>
        Public slot to retry the download.
</p><a NAME="DownloadItem.setData" ID="DownloadItem.setData"></a>
        Public method to set the relevant download data.
tuple of URL, save location, flag and the
            URL of the related web page (QUrl, string, boolean, QUrl)
</dl><a NAME="DownloadItem.setIcon" ID="DownloadItem.setIcon"></a>
        Public method to set the download icon.
reference to the icon to be set (QIcon)
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