
Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:59:27 +0200

Detlev Offenbach <>
Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:59:27 +0200
changeset 409
parent 404
child 440

Added another style for the source docu.

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<body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
Module implementing a compatability interface class to QsciScintilla.
<h3>Global Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat">QsciScintillaCompat</a></td>
<td>Class implementing a compatability interface to QsciScintilla.</td>
<td>Module function to return the QScintilla version.</td>
<hr /><hr />
<a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat" ID="QsciScintillaCompat"></a>
    Class implementing a compatability interface to QsciScintilla.
    This class implements all the functions, that were added to
    QsciScintilla incrementally. This class ensures compatibility
    to older versions of QsciScintilla.
<h3>Derived from</h3>
<h3>Class Attributes</h3>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.__init__">QsciScintillaCompat</a></td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.__doSearchTarget">__doSearchTarget</a></td>
<td>Private method to perform the search in target.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.__setFoldMarker">__setFoldMarker</a></td>
<td>Private method to define a fold marker.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.byteAt">byteAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the raw character (bytes) at a position in the text.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.charAt">charAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the character at a position in the text observing multibyte characters.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.clearAllIndicators">clearAllIndicators</a></td>
<td>Public method to clear all occurrences of an indicator.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.clearAlternateKeys">clearAlternateKeys</a></td>
<td>Protected method to clear the alternate key commands.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.clearIndicator">clearIndicator</a></td>
<td>Public method to clear an indicator for the given range.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.clearIndicatorRange">clearIndicatorRange</a></td>
<td>Public method to clear an indicator for the given range.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.clearKeys">clearKeys</a></td>
<td>Protected method to clear the key commands.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.clearStyles">clearStyles</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the styles according the selected Qt style.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.currentPosition">currentPosition</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the current position.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.currentStyle">currentStyle</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the style at the current position.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.delete">delete</a></td>
<td>Public method to delete the character to the right of the cursor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.deleteBack">deleteBack</a></td>
<td>Public method to delete the character to the left of the cursor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.deleteLineLeft">deleteLineLeft</a></td>
<td>Public method to delete the line to the left of the cursor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.deleteLineRight">deleteLineRight</a></td>
<td>Public method to delete the line to the right of the cursor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.deleteWordLeft">deleteWordLeft</a></td>
<td>Public method to delete the word to the left of the cursor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.deleteWordRight">deleteWordRight</a></td>
<td>Public method to delete the word to the right of the cursor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.detectEolString">detectEolString</a></td>
<td>Public method to determine the eol string used.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.editorCommand">editorCommand</a></td>
<td>Public method to perform a simple editor command.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionLeft">extendSelectionLeft</a></td>
<td>Public method to extend the selection one character to the left.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionRight">extendSelectionRight</a></td>
<td>Public method to extend the selection one character to the right.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionToBOL">extendSelectionToBOL</a></td>
<td>Public method to extend the selection to the beginning of the line.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionToEOL">extendSelectionToEOL</a></td>
<td>Public method to extend the selection to the end of the line.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionWordLeft">extendSelectionWordLeft</a></td>
<td>Public method to extend the selection one word to the left.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionWordRight">extendSelectionWordRight</a></td>
<td>Public method to extend the selection one word to the right.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.findFirstTarget">findFirstTarget</a></td>
<td>Public method to search in a specified range of text without setting the selection.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.findNextTarget">findNextTarget</a></td>
<td>Public method to find the next occurrence in the target range.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.focusOutEvent">focusOutEvent</a></td>
<td>Public method called when the editor loses focus.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.foldExpandedAt">foldExpandedAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to determine, if a fold is expanded.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.foldFlagsAt">foldFlagsAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the fold flags of a line of the document.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.foldHeaderAt">foldHeaderAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to determine, if a line of the document is a fold header line.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.foldLevelAt">foldLevelAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the fold level of a line of the document.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getCursorFlashTime">getCursorFlashTime</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the flash (blink) time of the cursor in milliseconds.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getEndStyled">getEndStyled</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the last styled position.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getEolIndicator">getEolIndicator</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the eol indicator for the current eol mode.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getFileName">getFileName</a></td>
<td>Public method to return the name of the file being displayed.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getFoundTarget">getFoundTarget</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the recently found target.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getLineSeparator">getLineSeparator</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the line separator for the current eol mode.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.getZoom">getZoom</a></td>
<td>Public method used to retrieve the current zoom factor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.hasIndicator">hasIndicator</a></td>
<td>Public method to test for the existence of an indicator.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.indentationGuideView">indentationGuideView</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the indentation guide view.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.indicatorDefine">indicatorDefine</a></td>
<td>Public method to define the appearance of an indicator.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.lineAt">lineAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to calculate the line at a position.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.lineEndPosition">lineEndPosition</a></td>
<td>Public method to determine the line end position of the given line.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.lineIndexFromPosition">lineIndexFromPosition</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert an absolute position to line and index.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.linesOnScreen">linesOnScreen</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the amount of visible lines.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.monospacedStyles">monospacedStyles</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the current style to be monospaced.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorLeft">moveCursorLeft</a></td>
<td>Public method to move the cursor left.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorRight">moveCursorRight</a></td>
<td>Public method to move the cursor right.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorToEOL">moveCursorToEOL</a></td>
<td>Public method to move the cursor to the end of line.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorWordLeft">moveCursorWordLeft</a></td>
<td>Public method to move the cursor left one word.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorWordRight">moveCursorWordRight</a></td>
<td>Public method to move the cursor right one word.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.newLineBelow">newLineBelow</a></td>
<td>Public method to insert a new line below the current one.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.positionAfter">positionAfter</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the position after the given position taking into account multibyte characters.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.positionBefore">positionBefore</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the position before the given position taking into account multibyte characters.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.positionFromLineIndex">positionFromLineIndex</a></td>
<td>Public method to convert line and index to an absolute position.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.positionFromPoint">positionFromPoint</a></td>
<td>Public method to calculate the scintilla position from a point in the window.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.replaceTarget">replaceTarget</a></td>
<td>Public method to replace the string found by the last search in target.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.scrollVertical">scrollVertical</a></td>
<td>Public method to scroll the text area.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setCurrentIndicator">setCurrentIndicator</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the current indicator.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setCursorFlashTime">setCursorFlashTime</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the flash (blink) time of the cursor in milliseconds.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setEolModeByEolString">setEolModeByEolString</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the eol mode given the eol string.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setFoldMarkersColors">setFoldMarkersColors</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the foreground and background colors of the fold markers.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setFolding">setFolding</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the folding style and margin.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setIndentationGuideView">setIndentationGuideView</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the view of the indentation guides.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setIndicator">setIndicator</a></td>
<td>Public method to set an indicator for the given range.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setIndicatorRange">setIndicatorRange</a></td>
<td>Public method to set an indicator for the given range.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setLexer">setLexer</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the lexer.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setStyleBits">setStyleBits</a></td>
<td>Public method to set the number of bits to be used for styling.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.setStyling">setStyling</a></td>
<td>Public method to style some text.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.startStyling">startStyling</a></td>
<td>Public method to prepare styling.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.styleAt">styleAt</a></td>
<td>Public method to get the style at a position in the text.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.zoomIn">zoomIn</a></td>
<td>Public method used to increase the zoom factor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.zoomOut">zoomOut</a></td>
<td>Public method used to decrease the zoom factor.</td>
<td><a href="#QsciScintillaCompat.zoomTo">zoomTo</a></td>
<td>Public method used to zoom to a specific zoom factor.</td>
<a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.__init__" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.__init__"></a>
<h4>QsciScintillaCompat (Constructor)</h4>
<b>QsciScintillaCompat</b>(<i>parent = None</i>)
parent widget (QWidget)
name of this instance (string)
window flags
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.__doSearchTarget" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.__doSearchTarget"></a>
        Private method to perform the search in target.
flag indicating a successful search (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.__setFoldMarker" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.__setFoldMarker"></a>
<b>__setFoldMarker</b>(<i>marknr, mark = QsciScintilla.SC_MARK_EMPTY</i>)
        Private method to define a fold marker.
marker number to define (integer)
fold mark symbol to be used (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.byteAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.byteAt"></a>
        Public method to get the raw character (bytes) at a position in the text.
position in the text (integer)
raw character at the requested position or empty bytes, if the position
            is negative or past the end of the document (bytes)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.charAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.charAt"></a>
        Public method to get the character at a position in the text observing 
        multibyte characters.
position in the text (integer)
character at the requested position or empty string, if the position
            is negative or past the end of the document (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.clearAllIndicators" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.clearAllIndicators"></a>
        Public method to clear all occurrences of an indicator.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.clearAlternateKeys" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.clearAlternateKeys"></a>
        Protected method to clear the alternate key commands.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.clearIndicator" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.clearIndicator"></a>
<b>clearIndicator</b>(<i>indicator, sline, sindex, eline, eindex</i>)
        Public method to clear an indicator for the given range.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
line number of the indicator start (integer)
index of the indicator start (integer)
line number of the indicator end (integer)
index of the indicator end (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.clearIndicatorRange" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.clearIndicatorRange"></a>
<b>clearIndicatorRange</b>(<i>indicator, spos, length</i>)
        Public method to clear an indicator for the given range.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
position of the indicator start (integer)
length of the indicator (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.clearKeys" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.clearKeys"></a>
        Protected method to clear the key commands.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.clearStyles" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.clearStyles"></a>
        Public method to set the styles according the selected Qt style.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.currentPosition" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.currentPosition"></a>
        Public method to get the current position.
absolute position of the cursor (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.currentStyle" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.currentStyle"></a>
        Public method to get the style at the current position.
style at the current position (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.delete" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.delete"></a>
        Public method to delete the character to the right of the cursor.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteBack" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteBack"></a>
        Public method to delete the character to the left of the cursor.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteLineLeft" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteLineLeft"></a>
        Public method to delete the line to the left of the cursor.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteLineRight" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteLineRight"></a>
        Public method to delete the line to the right of the cursor.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteWordLeft" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteWordLeft"></a>
        Public method to delete the word to the left of the cursor.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteWordRight" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.deleteWordRight"></a>
        Public method to delete the word to the right of the cursor.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.detectEolString" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.detectEolString"></a>
        Public method to determine the eol string used.
text from which to determine the eol string (string)
eol string (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.editorCommand" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.editorCommand"></a>
        Public method to perform a simple editor command.
the scintilla command to be performed
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionLeft" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionLeft"></a>
        Public method to extend the selection one character to the left.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionRight" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionRight"></a>
        Public method to extend the selection one character to the right.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionToBOL" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionToBOL"></a>
        Public method to extend the selection to the beginning of the line.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionToEOL" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionToEOL"></a>
        Public method to extend the selection to the end of the line.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionWordLeft" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionWordLeft"></a>
        Public method to extend the selection one word to the left.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionWordRight" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.extendSelectionWordRight"></a>
        Public method to extend the selection one word to the right.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.findFirstTarget" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.findFirstTarget"></a>
<b>findFirstTarget</b>(<i>expr_, re_, cs_, wo_, begline = -1, begindex = -1, endline = -1, endindex = -1, ws_ = False</i>)
        Public method to search in a specified range of text without
        setting the selection.
search expression (string)
flag indicating a regular expression (boolean)
flag indicating a case sensitive search (boolean)
flag indicating a word only search (boolean)
line number to start from (-1 to indicate current
            position) (integer)
index to start from (-1 to indicate current
            position) (integer)
line number to stop at (-1 to indicate end of
            document) (integer)
index number to stop at (-1 to indicate end of
            document) (integer)
flag indicating a word start search (boolean)
flag indicating a successful search (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.findNextTarget" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.findNextTarget"></a>
        Public method to find the next occurrence in the target range.
flag indicating a successful search (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.focusOutEvent" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.focusOutEvent"></a>
        Public method called when the editor loses focus.
the event object (QFocusEvent)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.foldExpandedAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.foldExpandedAt"></a>
        Public method to determine, if a fold is expanded.
line number (integer)
flag indicating the fold expansion state of the line (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.foldFlagsAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.foldFlagsAt"></a>
        Public method to get the fold flags of a line of the document.
line number (integer)
fold flags of the given line (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.foldHeaderAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.foldHeaderAt"></a>
        Public method to determine, if a line of the document is a fold header line.
line number (integer)
flag indicating a fold header line (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.foldLevelAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.foldLevelAt"></a>
        Public method to get the fold level of a line of the document.
line number (integer)
fold level of the given line (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getCursorFlashTime" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getCursorFlashTime"></a>
        Public method to get the flash (blink) time of the cursor in milliseconds.
        The flash time is the time required to display, invert and restore the 
        caret display. Usually the text cursor is displayed for half the cursor 
        flash time, then hidden for the same amount of time.
flash time of the cursor in milliseconds (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getEndStyled" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getEndStyled"></a>
        Public method to get the last styled position.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getEolIndicator" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getEolIndicator"></a>
        Public method to get the eol indicator for the current eol mode.
eol indicator (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getFileName" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getFileName"></a>
        Public method to return the name of the file being displayed.
filename of the displayed file (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getFoundTarget" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getFoundTarget"></a>
        Public method to get the recently found target.
found target as a tuple of starting position and target length
            (integer, integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getLineSeparator" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getLineSeparator"></a>
        Public method to get the line separator for the current eol mode.
eol string (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.getZoom" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.getZoom"></a>
        Public method used to retrieve the current zoom factor.
zoom factor (int)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.hasIndicator" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.hasIndicator"></a>
<b>hasIndicator</b>(<i>indicator, pos</i>)
        Public method to test for the existence of an indicator.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
position to test (integer)
flag indicating the existence of the indicator (boolean)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.indentationGuideView" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.indentationGuideView"></a>
        Public method to get the indentation guide view.
indentation guide view (SC_IV_NONE, SC_IV_REAL,
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.indicatorDefine" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.indicatorDefine"></a>
<b>indicatorDefine</b>(<i>indicator, style, color</i>)
        Public method to define the appearance of an indicator.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
style to be used for the indicator (QsciScintilla.INDIC_PLAIN,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_SQUIGGLE, QsciScintilla.INDIC_TT,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_DIAGONAL, QsciScintilla.INDIC_STRIKE,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_HIDDEN, QsciScintilla.INDIC_BOX,
color to be used by the indicator (QColor)
<dt>Raises <b>ValueError</b>:</dt>
the indicator or style are not valid
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.lineAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.lineAt"></a>
        Public method to calculate the line at a position.
        This variant is able to calculate the line for positions in the
        margins and for empty lines.
position to calculate the line for (integer or QPoint)
linenumber at position or -1, if there is no line at pos
            (integer, zero based)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.lineEndPosition" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.lineEndPosition"></a>
        Public method to determine the line end position of the given line.
line number (integer)
position of the line end disregarding line end characters (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.lineIndexFromPosition" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.lineIndexFromPosition"></a>
        Public method to convert an absolute position to line and index.
absolute position in the editor (integer)
tuple of line number (integer) and index number (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.linesOnScreen" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.linesOnScreen"></a>
        Public method to get the amount of visible lines.
amount of visible lines (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.monospacedStyles" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.monospacedStyles"></a>
        Public method to set the current style to be monospaced.
font to be used (QFont)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorLeft" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorLeft"></a>
        Public method to move the cursor left.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorRight" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorRight"></a>
        Public method to move the cursor right.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorToEOL" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorToEOL"></a>
        Public method to move the cursor to the end of line.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorWordLeft" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorWordLeft"></a>
        Public method to move the cursor left one word.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorWordRight" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.moveCursorWordRight"></a>
        Public method to move the cursor right one word.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.newLineBelow" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.newLineBelow"></a>
        Public method to insert a new line below the current one.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.positionAfter" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.positionAfter"></a>
        Public method to get the position after the given position taking into account
        multibyte characters.
position (integer)
position after the given one (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.positionBefore" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.positionBefore"></a>
        Public method to get the position before the given position taking into account
        multibyte characters.
position (integer)
position before the given one (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.positionFromLineIndex" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.positionFromLineIndex"></a>
<b>positionFromLineIndex</b>(<i>line, index</i>)
        Public method to convert line and index to an absolute position.
line number (integer)
index number (integer)
absolute position in the editor (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.positionFromPoint" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.positionFromPoint"></a>
        Public method to calculate the scintilla position from a point in the window.
point in the window (QPoint)
scintilla position (integer) or -1 to indicate, that the point is not
            near any character
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.replaceTarget" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.replaceTarget"></a>
        Public method to replace the string found by the last search in target.
replacement string or regexp (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.scrollVertical" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.scrollVertical"></a>
        Public method to scroll the text area.
number of lines to scroll (negative scrolls up,
            positive scrolls down) (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setCurrentIndicator" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setCurrentIndicator"></a>
        Public method to set the current indicator.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
<dt>Raises <b>ValueError</b>:</dt>
the indicator or style are not valid
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setCursorFlashTime" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setCursorFlashTime"></a>
        Public method to get the flash (blink) time of the cursor in milliseconds.
        The flash time is the time required to display, invert and restore the 
        caret display. Usually the text cursor is displayed for half the cursor 
        flash time, then hidden for the same amount of time.
flash time of the cursor in milliseconds (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setEolModeByEolString" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setEolModeByEolString"></a>
        Public method to set the eol mode given the eol string.
eol string (string)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setFoldMarkersColors" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setFoldMarkersColors"></a>
<b>setFoldMarkersColors</b>(<i>foreColor, backColor</i>)
        Public method to set the foreground and background colors of the
        fold markers.
foreground color (QColor)
background color (QColor)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setFolding" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setFolding"></a>
<b>setFolding</b>(<i>style, margin = 2</i>)
        Public method to set the folding style and margin.
folding style to set (integer)
margin number (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setIndentationGuideView" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setIndentationGuideView"></a>
        Public method to set the view of the indentation guides.
view of the indentation guides (SC_IV_NONE, SC_IV_REAL,
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setIndicator" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setIndicator"></a>
<b>setIndicator</b>(<i>indicator, sline, sindex, eline, eindex</i>)
        Public method to set an indicator for the given range.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
line number of the indicator start (integer)
index of the indicator start (integer)
line number of the indicator end (integer)
index of the indicator end (integer)
<dt>Raises <b>ValueError</b>:</dt>
the indicator or style are not valid
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setIndicatorRange" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setIndicatorRange"></a>
<b>setIndicatorRange</b>(<i>indicator, spos, length</i>)
        Public method to set an indicator for the given range.
number of the indicator (integer,
            QsciScintilla.INDIC_CONTAINER .. QsciScintilla.INDIC_MAX)
position of the indicator start (integer)
length of the indicator (integer)
<dt>Raises <b>ValueError</b>:</dt>
the indicator or style are not valid
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setLexer" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setLexer"></a>
<b>setLexer</b>(<i>lex = None</i>)
        Public method to set the lexer.
the lexer to be set or None to reset it.
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setStyleBits" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setStyleBits"></a>
        Public method to set the number of bits to be used for styling.
</p><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.setStyling" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.setStyling"></a>
<b>setStyling</b>(<i>length, style</i>)
        Public method to style some text.
length of text to style (integer)
style to set for text (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.startStyling" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.startStyling"></a>
<b>startStyling</b>(<i>pos, mask</i>)
        Public method to prepare styling.
styling positition to start at (integer)
mask of bits to use for styling (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.styleAt" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.styleAt"></a>
        Public method to get the style at a position in the text.
position in the text (integer)
style at the requested position or 0, if the position
            is negative or past the end of the document (integer)
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.zoomIn" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.zoomIn"></a>
<b>zoomIn</b>(<i>zoom = 1</i>)
        Public method used to increase the zoom factor.
zoom factor increment
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.zoomOut" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.zoomOut"></a>
<b>zoomOut</b>(<i>zoom = 1</i>)
        Public method used to decrease the zoom factor.
zoom factor decrement
</dl><a NAME="QsciScintillaCompat.zoomTo" ID="QsciScintillaCompat.zoomTo"></a>
        Public method used to zoom to a specific zoom factor.
zoom factor
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<hr /><hr />
    Module function to return the QScintilla version.
    If the installed QScintilla is a snapshot version, then assume it is
    of the latest release and return a version number of 0x99999.
QScintilla version (integer)
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<hr />

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