
debugger speed
changeset 5174
parent 5170
parent 5173
child 5178
--- a/DebugClients/Python/coverage/	Thu Sep 15 21:49:13 2016 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License:
-# For details:
-"""Summary reporting"""
-import sys
-from import Reporter
-from coverage.results import Numbers
-from coverage.misc import NotPython, CoverageException
-class SummaryReporter(Reporter):
-    """A reporter for writing the summary report."""
-    def __init__(self, coverage, config):
-        super(SummaryReporter, self).__init__(coverage, config)
-        self.branches =
-    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
-        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.
-        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to.
-        """
-        self.find_file_reporters(morfs)
-        # Prepare the formatting strings
-        max_name = max([len(fr.relative_filename()) for fr in self.file_reporters] + [5])
-        fmt_name = "%%- %ds  " % max_name
-        fmt_err = "%s   %s: %s\n"
-        fmt_skip_covered = "\n%s file%s skipped due to complete coverage.\n"
-        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
-        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
-        if self.branches:
-            header += " Branch BrPart"
-            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
-        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
-        header += "%*s" % (width100+4, "Cover")
-        fmt_coverage += "%%%ds%%%%" % (width100+3,)
-        if self.config.show_missing:
-            header += "   Missing"
-            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
-        rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n"
-        header += "\n"
-        fmt_coverage += "\n"
-        if not outfile:
-            outfile = sys.stdout
-        # Write the header
-        outfile.write(header)
-        outfile.write(rule)
-        total = Numbers()
-        skipped_count = 0
-        for fr in self.file_reporters:
-            try:
-                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
-                nums = analysis.numbers
-                if self.config.skip_covered:
-                    # Don't report on 100% files.
-                    no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0)
-                    no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0)
-                    if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches:
-                        skipped_count += 1
-                        continue
-                args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
-                if self.branches:
-                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
-                args += (nums.pc_covered_str,)
-                if self.config.show_missing:
-                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
-                    if self.branches:
-                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
-                        if branches_fmtd:
-                            if missing_fmtd:
-                                missing_fmtd += ", "
-                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
-                    args += (missing_fmtd,)
-                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
-                total += nums
-            except Exception:
-                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
-                if report_it:
-                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
-                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
-                    # should_be_python() method.
-                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
-                        report_it = False
-                if report_it:
-                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))
-        if total.n_files > 1:
-            outfile.write(rule)
-            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
-            if self.branches:
-                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_partial_branches)
-            args += (total.pc_covered_str,)
-            if self.config.show_missing:
-                args += ("",)
-            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
-        if not total.n_files and not skipped_count:
-            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")
-        if self.config.skip_covered and skipped_count:
-            outfile.write(fmt_skip_covered % (skipped_count, 's' if skipped_count > 1 else ''))
-        return total.n_statements and total.pc_covered
-# eflag: FileType = Python2

eric ide
