
changeset 4763
parent 4631
child 4766
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebBrowser/GreaseMonkey/GreaseMonkeyManager.py	Sun Feb 21 19:54:14 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016 Detlev Offenbach <detlev@die-offenbachs.de>
+Module implementing the manager for GreaseMonkey scripts.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QObject, QTimer, QFile, QDir, QSettings, \
+    QUrl, QByteArray
+from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager
+import Utilities
+import Preferences
+class GreaseMonkeyManager(QObject):
+    """
+    Class implementing the manager for GreaseMonkey scripts.
+    """
+    scriptsChanged = pyqtSignal()
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        """
+        Constructor
+        @param parent reference to the parent object (QObject)
+        """
+        super(GreaseMonkeyManager, self).__init__(parent)
+        self.__disabledScripts = []
+        self.__endScripts = []
+        self.__startScripts = []
+        self.__downloaders = []
+        QTimer.singleShot(0, self.__load)
+##    , m_interceptor(new GM_UrlInterceptor(this))
+##    mApp->networkManager()->installUrlInterceptor(m_interceptor);
+##    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(load()));
+##    mApp->networkManager()->removeUrlInterceptor(m_interceptor);
+    def showConfigurationDialog(self, parent=None):
+        """
+        Public method to show the configuration dialog.
+        @param parent reference to the parent widget (QWidget)
+        """
+        from .GreaseMonkeyConfiguration.GreaseMonkeyConfigurationDialog \
+            import GreaseMonkeyConfigurationDialog
+        self.__configDiaolg = GreaseMonkeyConfigurationDialog(self, parent)
+        self.__configDiaolg.show()
+    def downloadScript(self, request):
+        """
+        Public method to download a GreaseMonkey script.
+        @param request reference to the request (QNetworkRequest)
+        """
+        from .GreaseMonkeyDownloader import GreaseMonkeyDownloader
+        downloader = GreaseMonkeyDownloader(request, self)
+        downloader.finished.connect(self.__downloaderFinished)
+        self.__downloaders.append(downloader)
+    def __downloaderFinished(self):
+        """
+        Private slot to handle the completion of a script download.
+        """
+        downloader = self.sender()
+        if downloader is None or downloader not in self.__downloaders:
+            return
+        self.__downloaders.remove(downloader)
+    def scriptsDirectory(self):
+        """
+        Public method to get the path of the scripts directory.
+        @return path of the scripts directory (string)
+        """
+        return os.path.join(
+            Utilities.getConfigDir(), "web_browser", "greasemonkey")
+    def requireScriptsDirectory(self):
+        """
+        Public method to get the path of the scripts directory.
+        @return path of the scripts directory (string)
+        """
+        return os.path.join(self.scriptsDirectory(), "requires")
+    def requireScripts(self, urlList):
+        """
+        Public method to get the sources of all required scripts.
+        @param urlList list of URLs (list of string)
+        @return sources of all required scripts (string)
+        """
+        requiresDir = QDir(self.requireScriptsDirectory())
+        if not requiresDir.exists() or len(urlList) == 0:
+            return ""
+        script = ""
+        settings = QSettings(
+            os.path.join(self.requireScriptsDirectory(), "requires.ini"),
+            QSettings.IniFormat)
+        settings.beginGroup("Files")
+        for url in urlList:
+            if settings.contains(url):
+                fileName = settings.value(url)
+                try:
+                    f = open(fileName, "r", encoding="utf-8")
+                    source = f.read()
+                    f.close()
+                except (IOError, OSError):
+                    source = ""
+                script += source.strip() + "\n"
+        return script
+    def saveConfiguration(self):
+        """
+        Public method to save the configuration.
+        """
+        Preferences.setWebBrowser("GreaseMonkeyDisabledScripts",
+                                  self.__disabledScripts)
+    def allScripts(self):
+        """
+        Public method to get a list of all scripts.
+        @return list of all scripts (list of GreaseMonkeyScript)
+        """
+        return self.__startScripts[:] + self.__endScripts[:]
+    def containsScript(self, fullName):
+        """
+        Public method to check, if the given script exists.
+        @param fullName full name of the script (string)
+        @return flag indicating the existence (boolean)
+        """
+        for script in self.__startScripts:
+            if script.fullName() == fullName:
+                return True
+        for script in self.__endScripts:
+            if script.fullName() == fullName:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def enableScript(self, script):
+        """
+        Public method to enable the given script.
+        @param script script to be enabled (GreaseMonkeyScript)
+        """
+        script.setEnabled(True)
+        fullName = script.fullName()
+        if fullName in self.__disabledScripts:
+            self.__disabledScripts.remove(fullName)
+##void GM_Manager::enableScript(GM_Script* script)
+##    script->setEnabled(true);
+##    m_disabledScripts.removeOne(script->fullName());
+##    QWebEngineScriptCollection *collection = mApp->webProfile()->scripts();
+##    collection->insert(script->webScript());
+    def disableScript(self, script):
+        """
+        Public method to disable the given script.
+        @param script script to be disabled (GreaseMonkeyScript)
+        """
+        script.setEnabled(False)
+        fullName = script.fullName()
+        if fullName not in self.__disabledScripts:
+            self.__disabledScripts.append(fullName)
+##void GM_Manager::disableScript(GM_Script* script)
+##    script->setEnabled(false);
+##    m_disabledScripts.append(script->fullName());
+##    QWebEngineScriptCollection *collection = mApp->webProfile()->scripts();
+##    collection->remove(collection->findScript(script->fullName()));
+    def addScript(self, script):
+        """
+        Public method to add a script.
+        @param script script to be added (GreaseMonkeyScript)
+        @return flag indicating success (boolean)
+        """
+        if not script:
+            return False
+        from .GreaseMonkeyScript import GreaseMonkeyScript
+        if script.startAt() == GreaseMonkeyScript.DocumentStart:
+            self.__startScripts.append(script)
+        else:
+            self.__endScripts.append(script)
+        self.scriptsChanged.emit()
+        return True
+##bool GM_Manager::addScript(GM_Script* script)
+##    if (!script || !script->isValid()) {
+##        return false;
+##    }
+##    m_scripts.append(script);
+##    connect(script, &GM_Script::scriptChanged, this, &GM_Manager::scriptChanged);
+##    QWebEngineScriptCollection *collection = mApp->webProfile()->scripts();
+##    collection->insert(script->webScript());
+##    emit scriptsChanged();
+##    return true;
+    def removeScript(self, script):
+        """
+        Public method to remove a script.
+        @param script script to be removed (GreaseMonkeyScript)
+        @return flag indicating success (boolean)
+        """
+        if not script:
+            return False
+        from .GreaseMonkeyScript import GreaseMonkeyScript
+        if script.startAt() == GreaseMonkeyScript.DocumentStart:
+            try:
+                self.__startScripts.remove(script)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        else:
+            try:
+                self.__endScripts.remove(script)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        fullName = script.fullName()
+        if fullName in self.__disabledScripts:
+            self.__disabledScripts.remove(fullName)
+        QFile.remove(script.fileName())
+        self.scriptsChanged.emit()
+        return True
+##bool GM_Manager::removeScript(GM_Script* script, bool removeFile)
+##    if (!script) {
+##        return false;
+##    }
+##    m_scripts.removeOne(script);
+##    QWebEngineScriptCollection *collection = mApp->webProfile()->scripts();
+##    collection->remove(collection->findScript(script->fullName()));
+##    m_disabledScripts.removeOne(script->fullName());
+##    if (removeFile) {
+##        QFile::remove(script->fileName());
+##        delete script;
+##    }
+##    emit scriptsChanged();
+##    return true;
+    def canRunOnScheme(self, scheme):
+        """
+        Public method to check, if scripts can be run on a scheme.
+        @param scheme scheme to check (string)
+        @return flag indicating, that scripts can be run (boolean)
+        """
+        return scheme in ["http", "https", "data", "ftp"]
+##    def pageLoadStarted(self):
+##        """
+##        Public slot to handle the start of loading a page.
+##        """
+##        frame = self.sender()
+##        if not frame:
+##            return
+##        urlScheme = frame.url().scheme()
+##        urlString = bytes(frame.url().toEncoded()).decode()
+##        if not self.canRunOnScheme(urlScheme):
+##            return
+##        from .GreaseMonkeyJavaScript import bootstrap_js
+##        for script in self.__startScripts:
+##            if script.match(urlString):
+##                frame.evaluateJavaScript(bootstrap_js + script.script())
+##        for script in self.__endScripts:
+##            if script.match(urlString):
+##                javascript = 'window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",' \
+##                    'function(e) {{ {0} }}, false);'.format(
+##                        bootstrap_js + script.script())
+##                frame.evaluateJavaScript(javascript)
+    def __load(self):
+        """
+        Private slot to load the available scripts into the manager.
+        """
+        scriptsDir = QDir(self.scriptsDirectory())
+        if not scriptsDir.exists():
+            scriptsDir.mkpath(self.scriptsDirectory())
+        if not scriptsDir.exists("requires"):
+            scriptsDir.mkdir("requires")
+        self.__disabledScripts = \
+            Preferences.getHelp("GreaseMonkeyDisabledScripts")
+        from .GreaseMonkeyScript import GreaseMonkeyScript
+        for fileName in scriptsDir.entryList(["*.js"], QDir.Files):
+            absolutePath = scriptsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName)
+            script = GreaseMonkeyScript(self, absolutePath)
+            if script.fullName() in self.__disabledScripts:
+                script.setEnabled(False)
+            if script.startAt() == GreaseMonkeyScript.DocumentStart:
+                self.__startScripts.append(script)
+            else:
+                self.__endScripts.append(script)
+##void GM_Manager::load()
+##    QDir gmDir(m_settingsPath + QL1S("/greasemonkey"));
+##    if (!gmDir.exists()) {
+##        gmDir.mkdir(m_settingsPath + QL1S("/greasemonkey"));
+##    }
+##    if (!gmDir.exists("requires")) {
+##        gmDir.mkdir("requires");
+##    }
+##    m_bootstrapScript = QzTools::readAllFileContents(":gm/data/bootstrap.min.js");
+##    m_valuesScript = QzTools::readAllFileContents(":gm/data/values.min.js");
+##    QSettings settings(m_settingsPath + QL1S("/extensions.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat);
+##    settings.beginGroup("GreaseMonkey");
+##    m_disabledScripts = settings.value("disabledScripts", QStringList()).toStringList();
+##    foreach (const QString &fileName, gmDir.entryList(QStringList("*.js"), QDir::Files)) {
+##        const QString absolutePath = gmDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName);
+##        GM_Script* script = new GM_Script(this, absolutePath);
+##        if (!script->isValid()) {
+##            delete script;
+##            continue;
+##        }
+##        m_scripts.append(script);
+##        if (m_disabledScripts.contains(script->fullName())) {
+##            script->setEnabled(false);
+##        }
+##        else {
+##            mApp->webProfile()->scripts()->insert(script->webScript());
+##        }
+##    }
+    def __scriptChanged(self):
+        """
+        Private slot handling a changed script.
+        """
+##void GM_Manager::scriptChanged()
+##    GM_Script *script = qobject_cast<GM_Script*>(sender());
+##    if (!script)
+##        return;
+##    QWebEngineScriptCollection *collection = mApp->webProfile()->scripts();
+##    collection->remove(collection->findScript(script->fullName()));
+##    collection->insert(script->webScript());
+##    def connectPage(self, page):
+##        """
+##        Public method to allow the GreaseMonkey manager to connect to the page.
+##        @param page reference to the web page (HelpWebPage)
+##        """
+##        page.mainFrame().javaScriptWindowObjectCleared.connect(
+##            self.pageLoadStarted)
+##    def createRequest(self, op, request, outgoingData=None):
+##        """
+##        Public method to create a request.
+##        @param op the operation to be performed
+##            (QNetworkAccessManager.Operation)
+##        @param request reference to the request object (QNetworkRequest)
+##        @param outgoingData reference to an IODevice containing data to be sent
+##            (QIODevice)
+##        @return reference to the created reply object (QNetworkReply)
+##        """
+##        if op == QNetworkAccessManager.GetOperation and \
+##           request.rawHeader(b"X-Eric6-UserLoadAction") == QByteArray(b"1"):
+##            urlString = request.url().toString(
+##                QUrl.RemoveFragment | QUrl.RemoveQuery)
+##            if urlString.endswith(".user.js"):
+##                self.downloadScript(request)
+##                from Helpviewer.Network.EmptyNetworkReply import \
+##                    EmptyNetworkReply
+##                return EmptyNetworkReply(self)
+##        return None

eric ide
